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The Lord Holders Nook is a narrow but very tall carved-out area of the Hold, stuck all the way to the south in the fissure of Caledrus. There are several exits, and lots of corridors and pathways within the Hold's walls that lead into the craft hall, and out onto the woods above.

The main rooms in the Hall are very tall and mostly dark. The entrance hall has two huge very vertical doors which can be shut and bolted down, opening onto a long, somewhat narrow room. Rather like an old feast hall in a mideval painting, this hall is strewn with long banners, tapestries and paintings of prior Holders. Two tables run down its length, end to end, until the Lord Holders tables which are set cross-wise. The decor is somewhat subdued compared to the rich work on the chairs, and table cloths. This being a woodland hold, all the chairs are made from wood and covered in fine embroidered cloth.

Drudges often scurry about in this room, back and forth. They only wish they could have the option of Blackstone's tall catwalk, they must clean those tapestries somehow...

From this large room there is a stairwell, which spirals down to the next floor. There, the floors are wider in girth, as the space within the stone widens out. Several living chambers and richly appointed offices are there, the only things usually in use.

Below this, there is a nexus of corridors leading down to the Crafters' Narrow and other places. Also, find the drudge chambers and storage areas.

The fourth floor is filled with smaller rooms and living chambers, most of them unused. They had been, at a time when Caledrus was bustling with people. However, this is no longer the case, and most go dusty. Some have been known to be hideouts of thieves, who have found their way into the main Hold rooms via the long-forgotten smaller access tunnels.

The bottom floor lets out in three places along the fissure floor, and is usually where supplies are sent. There are some craft items here, such as a loom and tanning materials, however they are rarely used.
Who might you find in this Holders Nook?

Caledrua, eldest daughter of the Lord Holder

Josin Morai, eldest son and Lord of House Morai, rider of Bronze Wolventh from Firestone Weyr

Aaryea, almost-married-in Lady Holder

Ezhar, minor Holder's daughter, Rider of Red and White Tinoth from Istabitha's Weyr

Cendar, minor Holder's daugher

Janice, 14th child of minor Holders

Joser, eldest son of minor Holder

Norolan, son of rider and major Holder

Sega, minor Lady Holder

Sharnia, drudge worker

Torrey, cook and Lower Cavern staff

Nola, daughter of drudge and rider, drudge
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I do not claim to own anything save what I have originally created here -- the names, places and people of Caledrus, the Protectorate and its subsidiaries are all (c) 2000 Sara K Gray . No profit is being gained from this website, and therefore no legal infringement may be claimed. All artwork unless otherwise noted is (c) 2000 Sara K Gray and is not available for adoption. Any online site which I used to get backgrounds, buttons, banners or bars will be credited on the page where their work appears, and to the best of my knowledge all of the images found thereon are "linkware" only. If anyone knows that I am using a picture or background and it is not credited properly, please email me and I will seek to correct the problem asap!
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