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Dbc and Dbcax Version 3.0
- yet another extended DBU, developed by mine , working with DBFCDX (default) and DBFNTX, with many useful features, including create/execute queries with SQL syntax. Now it has mouse and long file names support.
Here is now another release of DBC, supporting DBFCDXAX and DBFNTXAX RDD (Advantage Xbase Server).
SNR Version 1.1
This is a small command line utility written on C++ for search and replace text strings in multiple files and directories. Here you can find two versions of SNR - 16-bit and 32-bit (with long file names support) - they are included in one package (snr.zip). The main feature of this program is a possibility to use wildcards ( '*' and '?' ) , like file mask, in a search string.

     snr [-r] file[s] searchstring replacestring [/r] [/c] [/lf] [/ln] [/a] [/dnn]


-r - set replace mode,
without this command program work in search only mode;
file[s] - files you need search and replace.
You can use wildcards here - prc???.prg, *.htm - for example;
searchstring - the search string.
here you also can use wildcards. If your search string include spaces, you should quote it;
replacestring - the string which replacing found strings.
If it include spaces, you should quote it;
/r - recurse subdirectories,
if you'll sign this switch, program will do it's work in all subdirectories;
/c - Case sensitive search;
/lf - Full log,
if you'll sign this switch, all scanned file names will be included in log file, if no - only those, where searchstring was found.
/ln - no log - log file doesn't creates.
/a - no prompt,
this switch prevent appearance of prompts "Replace this occurence ?", all replaces will be made without prompt.
/dnn - setting number of symbols that wildcard '*' can skip. Default: 10.
In other words, if you sign, for example, /d3, and your searchstring is "p*count", the word "pagecount" will be found, but the word "pagescount" - no.
More about this program you can read in readme.txt, included in zip package.
News servers testing.
It's pity, but my provider has no news server, so I need to find free news servers for accessing USENET. Usually I look at http://www.jammed.com/~newzbot where is placed a big list of news servers, sorted by speed, amount of groups and etc. Then I should connect to every server for determining, is it free, are there newsgroups I need, is there posting, are messages frequently updated ...
So one of my first TCP/IP programs I wrote for solving this problem. The tnews.zip that I offer you to download, include tnews.exe and source - tnews.cpp . It isn't a pattern of best style, may be, it has some bugs, but it will be useful for those, who, as I am, is studying Internet programming.

Before running tnews.exe you need to create a list of news servers and newsgroups - write it in tnews.ini in sections [Hosts] ( no more than 11 servers) and [Groups] (no more than 5 newsgroups).
Then run tnews.exe from command line, you may sign a parameter >aaa.txt to save all messages in aaa.txt file. After executing of a program look at news.txt file created by tnews.exe - there will be a table with test results. There will be an information about server status ('No respond', 'Connection refused', 'Posting OK' or 'No posting'), and for each newsgroup - 'Absent', if it is not found on server, or number of articles, date and time of last article.

[Download snr.zip][Download DBC3_0.ZIP][Download DBCAX3_0.ZIP][DBC Page]
[Download tnews.zip]

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