Chapter Two:

After four long, hard years at college in New York City, Heyleigh was ready for Florida again.  She was itching to use her newfound dancing skills and get herself into a music video.  Her agent had already gotten her an audition for a video for a girl singer, she couldn't remember her name.  The name of the song was "Baby One More Time," and she was told she had a pretty damn good chance of getting in the video.

Things had changed when she left for NYC.  She and Keri had stayed friends, but they drifted apart as soon as Felicity hit.  Ali had been in a few episodes, but she really wasn't an actress.  She was a dancer at heart, all she wanted to be doing was performing in front of people.  She never got to keep in touch with Justin like she had promised, but she never forgot him.  She never took off that bracelet, not since he put it on her wrist.  Justin had always held a special place in her heart, though she never liked him "like that."

When she got to the auditions for Baby, after moving into her own condo in Orlando, she made it to the first callback within a few hours.  Then the second, then she was officially in the video.  The first day of auditions was at TransContinental Studios, in Orlando.  When she walked in, she saw a face she hadn't seen in four years. 


"Hayleigh, stay away from Justin," Britney said as the two girls walked backstage after a show.

"Brit, what are you talking about?" Leigh asked, well knowing the answer.

"You ran right up to him and hugged him afer he sang.  I want you to stay away from him, he's MINE," the twelve year-old spazzed.

"Justin is my friend, Britney, and he is not your boyfriend.  And he's a big boy, he can hug whoever he wants to."

"Yeah, he may not be my boyfriend now, but he will.  I know it, he will."

"Whatever," Hayleigh said.


"Britney?" Hayleigh said as she saw the familiar face.

Britney turned around and saw Hayleigh Martin standing across the room, her mouth on the floor. 
Ha ha ha, Britney thought as she smiled smugly at Hayleigh. I got my man, and you knew it would happen.  "Hayleigh?  Is that you?"

"Yeah, it's me.  I haven't seen you in four years.  You really grew up," Ali said.

"Thanks.  You too.  Hey, did you keep in touch with Justin at all?"

"No," Leigh said, looking down at her bracelet.  "I was too busy with dance and all.  Did you?"

Britney smiled smugly.  "Yeah, we kept in touch.  He's my boyfriend now.  Justy, honey, could you come over here for a minute?"

That's MY nickname for him, Leigh thought as Justin proceeded to walk over to where the girls were standing.


Justin had always been in love with Hayleigh Martin.  Always, ever since he was twelve years old.  Everything about her was perfect, absolutely perfect.  Her eyes, her cute little nose, the way her eyes crinkled up when she smiled.  He just wished he could have kept in touch with her, but he was so busy with the band and the guys, and now he had Britney to keep under control.  He had no idea why he had asked her out, he never intended for her to be his girlfriend, she was just so damn persistant.  Either way, he was still in love with Leigh.  And when Britney called him over to her, he thought it was to bother him yet again.  Damn was he wrong.

"Yeah?" he said, slightly annoyed.

"You remember Hayleigh Martin, don't you?" Britney asked him, putting her arm around his waist. 

Justin looked over at the girl standing in front of Britney, and his mouth dropped.  "Heyleigh?  Omigod, is that you in there?" Justin asked.

Leigh smiled.  "It's me.  Justy, you...  grew," she said, smiling a smile that would melt a chocolate bar.

"Yeah, I grew, you didn't," Justin said, teasing his old best friend.

"Shut up!  Just because I'm vertically challenged,"

"I don't care how short you are, come here, give me a hug," Justin cut her off by saying.  When she put her arms around his neck, he felt something.  Not just the feeling that he was in love, but something cold against his neck.  "What's that," he asked taking her hand from around his neck, and surprisingly, not breaking his arm.  He nearly had a heartattack when he saw the bracelet that he gave her four years prior.  "You... you still have it.  I can't believe it," he said as he held her hand.

"Of course I still have it.  I never took it off.  Not since you put it on me," Leigh said, looking into his eyes and giving his hand a squeeze. 

"Is that my little Hayleigh?" J.C. yelled as he wandered over from where he was talking to Chris, runing the moment, which was something he was getting rather annoyingly good at.
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Chapter Three
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