For this tutorial you will need Paint Shop Pro,  and this zip file Unzip the selection to your selection folder.

This tutorial is similar to Miss Elephant tutorial, the only things I've change are the selections and a few steps.

1. Open a new image 500x420, go to Selections>Load from Disk>APmrel1.sel, flood fill with black, contract selection by 1 and flood fill with #949292, deselect and load the same selection again, invert selection and apply a drop shadow: Color "Black", Horizontal & Vertical "4", Opacity "45" and Blur "20", repeat the shadow but this time change Horizontal & Vertical to "-4", deselect.  Go to Effects>Noise Add 4% Uniform. Name this layer Body.  Save.

2. Add a new layer and load from disk APmrel3.sel flood fill with black, contract selection by 1 and flood fill with the gray color, deselect and load the same selection again, invert selection and repeat the drop shadow from Step 1, deselect.  Using your Freehand Tool Point to Point, Antialias checked, Feather "4" draw a rectangle getting part of the top side (see screenshot) and hit the Delete key, deselect.  Add the same Noise.  Save. 

On the same layer load APmrel4.sel  click on the Magnifying Glass Zoom in and Flood Fill "inside" the selections with black.  Deselect.  Name this layer Ear. 

3. Pick the color you want for the hat on your background color, and choose a lighter tone from the same color for your foreground (#1).  Go to Styles and click the arrow on the Foreground and select Gradient (#2).  Click on the arrow (where the red arrow is) and select #1 Foreground-Background with the settings on the screenshot (#3).

Add a new layer and load from disk APmrel2.sel, flood fill with black, contract selection by 1 and flood fill with your gradient (don't forget to change the black color to the color you choose for your gradient).  Name this layer hat.  Save.

4. Go back to the body layer and add a new layer, load APmrel5.sel, zoom your image and flood fill with black "inside the selection", deselect, now with the Magic Wand and holding the Shift key click on each of the arcs as shown on the screenshot.

Expand the selection by 1, add a new layer and flood fill with one of the colors of your hat, go to Layers>Arrange>Move Down, deselect, zoom your image and look if you are missing any spot and paint it with your Paint Brush , go back to the other layer and repeat the same but selecting the other arcs, change to the other color of your hat, expand the selection by 1 and flood fill.  Turn off visibility of the body, ear and hat layers and merge visible, name this layer neck.  Save.

5. Add a new layer and load APmrel6.sel, flood fill with black, contract selections by 1 and flood fill with gray, deselect and load the selection again, invert selection and apply the drop shadow, same settings as before just change the blur to 10.  Add the same noise as before.  Go to Layers>Arrange>Send to Bottom.  Name this layer tail.

6. Go to the hat layer and add a new layer, load APmerl7.sel, zoom your image and flood fill with black "inside" the selection, deselect and with your Magic Wand same settings as before click inside the mouth, expand the selection by 1, add a new layer and flood fill with color #FFC0C0, go to Layers>Arrange>Move Down.  Turn off visibility of all the layers but this last two and merge visible, name it mouth.  Save.

7. Add a new layer and load APmrel8.sel, zoom your image and flood fill with black "inside" the selection, deselect and with with your Magic Wand same settings as before, click inside the eye and expand the selection by "1", add a new layer and flood fill with white, deselect and go to Layers>Arrange>Move Down, add a new layer and with the Paint Brush Color Black, Size 13, Hardness 50, Opacity and Density 100 and Step 25 click once, change color to White and Size to "3" and click inside.  With the Draw Tool , Foreground "Black", Background "Null", Freehand Line, Width 1, Antialias checked and Create as Vector UNchecked  draw the eyebrow.  Turn off visibility of Tail, body, neck, ear, hat and mouth layers and merge visible, name this layer eye.  Save.

8. Add a new layer and load APmrel9.sel, zoom the image and flood fill with black "inside" the selections, deselect, with your Magic Wand same settings as before click on the "nails" holding the Shift key to select them all, go to Selections>Modify Expand "1", add a new layer and flood fill with white, go to Layers>Arrange>Move down.

9. Add a new layer and load APmrel10.sel, repeat step 8.

10. Add a new layer, with the Draw Tool same settings as before draw some lines around her body, see at the top graphic.  Now you can merge your layers visible.  Save.

11. Add a new layer Foreground "Null" and Background black, and with your Preset Shapes Tool   Ellipse, Antialias Checked, Create as Vector UNchecked, holding the Shift key draw a circle size 125x125, doesn't matter if is not on the right place, since you are on a separate layer you can move it and position it, go to Selections>Select All, Selections>Float, Selections Modify>Contract "1" and flood fill with the color of your choice or decorate the ball however you want it, I have provided my selections also APmrel11.sel but you can do it the way you want it, when the ball its ready, add a new layer and with the Draw Tool same settings as before, but change the Width to 14 and color white, draw a small line, see screenshot, and go to Blur>Gaussian Blur "5.50"

Now you can add any decoration you want to your elephant.

Merge all your layers visible and Mr. Elephant is ready.  If you want to do his wife you can go here.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial, if you have any questions or comments please email me



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