Contribution Requirements

Apply for Aid and goods as we do these things on the part of Permata Kasih Home wish to apply for financial donations and goods from the generous. With contributions from the host and gentlemen, I hope that can lighten the load at Permata Kasih Home and contribution of the master and madam can help move our activities throughout the year. Here below are some of the monthly shopping at Permata Kasih Home.

Monthly Budget

  1. House Rent : RM 1,000.00
  2. Telephone Bill ,Electric & Water Bill : RM 700.00
  3. The cost of maintenance and overhaul hostel : RM 750.00
  4. Food for 25 people x RM 10 x 30 days : RM 7,500.00
  5. Transport (oil & toll ) : RM 1,000.00
  6. Consolation Officer RM 450 x 3 person : RM 1,350.00
  7. Goods themselves such as shampoo, toothpaste, soap and many other : RM 400.00
  8. Promotions, flyers, letters, stamps, and others : RM 700.00
  9. Health Care : RM 250.00
  10. Donations for orphans and the poor outside the hostel : RM 2,000.00
  11. Others : RM 1,000.00

We welcome and receive any form of assistance to these children. Examples of essential items required are as follows:

Food: Groceries base wet and dry. Rice, oil, sugar, flour, egg, anchovies, milo, milk powder, condensed milk, tea, coffee, sweet soy sauce, vermicelli, noodles, biscuits, vegetables, bulbs, potatoes, meat, poultry, fish, fruit Fruits and so on.

Themselves and the school needs: Among stationery, uniforms, school bags, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, detergents and others, also clothes (new or used)

Office equipment(New / Used) : Computers, fax machines, desks, chairs, white board, bookcase, wardrobe, sofa.

Home Appliances: Washing machines, floor 2 bed, wardrobe, bookshelf, TV stand fan, air-conditioner, carpet, pillows, bed sheets, curtains and many others.

Vehicles, van or bus. (For transportation to school, send the goods to orphanages and the poor, taking items from the home provider, use of sick time, attending the invitation and other affairs related.(If items are donated in excess of the requirements, they will divide up this sort to those in need of assistance in the dormitories another charitable, religious schools / religious, to homes of individuals who identified need help.)