Peter Lee's Family Tree

Name List

No Surname, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, [H], I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z,





  Ada born 1877
  Emily born 1865, London Colney, Herts
  Henry born 1831, London Colney, Herts
  James born 1858, London Colney, Herts
  Mary Ann born 1861, London Colney, Herts
  Samuel born 1855, London Colney, Herts
  William born 1869, London Colney, Herts
  Frank A born 1944, Surrey Mid East
  Jean M born Apr Jun1935, Surrey Mid East
  Keith born 1940, Surrey Mid East
  David born Cir 1880, Brecon, Wales
  David (Dai) Cyril born 1912, Merthyr, Wales died 1984, Watford, Herts
  Jaqueline Frances born 1947, Watford, Herts
  Robert David born 1942, Watford, Herts
  Susanna chr. 11 Feb 1697, Guilden Morden, Cambs
  William chr. 24 Dec 1675, Toft, Cambs
  William born Abt 1642
  George born 1854, Braughing, Herts
  Emma born 1862, Sawbridgeworth, Herts
  Jane born 1800, <Cholsey, Berks>
  Alice born 1705, <Litlington, Cambs> bur. 3 May 1767, Litlington, Cambs
  John born 1671, Bassingbourn, Cambs bur. 3 Nov 1729, Bassingbourn, Cambs
  Robert born 8 Oct 1634, Bassingbourn, Cambs
  Elizabeth born 1812, Oakley, Gloucestershire
  Ada Ellen born 1883, Husbands Bosworth, Leics
  Ada Mary born 1878, Edingley, Notts
  Annie born 1880, Edingley, Notts
  Annie Maria born 1871
  Annie Maria born 1869, Husbands Bosworth, Leics
  Bertha born 1885, Edingley, Notts
  Bertha Matilda born 1880, Husbands Bosworth, Leics
  Charles William born 1885, Husbands Bosworth, Leics
  Charlotte born 1879, Barrow Upon Soar, Leics
  Elizabeth born 1838, Husbands Bosworth, Leics
  Emma chr. 4 Sep 1842, Arnesby, Leics
  Ernest Arthur born 1880, Husbands Bosworth, Leics
  Ernest Bennett born 1879, Husbands Bosworth, Leics
  Florence Mary born 1883, Husbands Bosworth, Leics
  Francis Sarah born 1874, Husbands Bosworth, Leics
  Frank born 1882, Edingley, Notts
  Frederick born 1854, Husbands Bosworth, Leics died Sep 1854, Husbands Bosworth, Leics
  George born 1840, Arnesby, Leics
  George born 1873, Husbands Bosworth, Leics
  George Henry born 1873, Husbands Bosworth, Leics
  Harriett Amelia born 26 Dec 1875, Bedford Street, Leicester died Aug 1951, Watford Peace Memorial Hospital
  Herbert Edward born 1890, Husbands Bosworth, Leics
  Jack born 1890, Edingley, Notts
  James Walter born 1877, Husbands Bosworth, Leics
  John Henry born 1891, Husbands Bosworth, Leics
  John Thomas born 1849, Husbands Bosworth, Leics
  Joseph born 1887, Edingley, Notts
  Joseph William born 1852, Husbands Bosworth, Leics
  Mabel born 1889, Edingley, Notts
  Mary born 1836, Husbands Bosworth, Leics
  Mary Elizabeth born 1886, Husbands Bosworth, Leics
  Richard born 1845, Husbands Bosworth, Leics
  Sarah born 1838, Husbands Bosworth, Leics
  Selina Emma born 1872, Husbands Bosworth, Leics
  Thomas Albert born 1882, Husbands Bosworth, Leics
  Walter born 1887, Husbands Bosworth, Leics
  William born 1848, Husbands Bosworth, Leics
  William born 1812, Arnesby, Leics
  Florence died 1945
  Anne born 1828, Cheapside, London
  Hazel Marion born 8 Aug 1949, Morebath, Devon
  John Bernard
  Arthur E born 1888, Hadley, Herts
  Herbert N born 1885, Barnet, Herts
  Kathleen Victoria born 1898, Hadley, Herts
  Leonce born 1890, Hadley, Herts
  Mabel born 1895, Hadley, Herts
  Percival born 1893, Hadley, Herts
  Richard born 1862, Hadley, Middx
  Sarah born Abt 1770, Dursley, Gloucs
  Anthony John born 22 Aug 1941
  Ben born 16 Feb 2000
  Dylan Peter born 1 Mar 2002
  Joanne Victoria born 15 Jan 1973
  Wayne born 19 Feb 1970

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