Alex's Thoughts

Tech Reviews

Since I have a passion for learning about technology and software, I have decided to dedicate this page to listing some of my reviews and thoughts on some of the current technology and software available, specifically Apple software and technology, but I can/will review other technology and software.

Apple Reviews

Let's start off with Apple's latest software, specifically iOS and iPadOS 15 and watchOS 8. When iOS and iPadOS 15 were first made public, I didn't love some of the design features, specifically with the notification design, but it has started growing on me. As for the new Safari design on iOS and iPadOS, I actually like it. The new multitasking features on iPadOS 15 also looked, and still looks, a smidge weird for me since I am used to the typical multitasking features of the OS. With the new FaceTime features, even though I don't use FaceTime that much, I love how Apple basically brought FaceTime up to the rest of the competition like Zoom and Google Meet. I also really like the Focus modes Apple brought to DND and I use them all the time.

With watchOS 8, I felt like it was more of a medicore update to watchOS compared to previous updates. I do like how Apple brought all of the main Find My features to the Apple Watch though. I also like the improvements they made with the Messages app and content sharing.

With their hardware, I currently use an iPhone 13 Pro, a couple of the basic iPads, and an Apple Watch Series 6. I really love the iPhone 13 Pro and Apple Watch Series 6 and how they integrate together. I used to have an iPhone 8 Plus and when I upgraded to the 13 Pro, it felt so much faster. Granted I used the 8 Plus for 4 years. I really like the integration Apple has with all of their software and hardware products and it feels good moving from device to device. A good part of how I use these devices really helps me with my schooling, particularly with note-taking and uploading assignments.

Other Tech Reviews

Besides using my apple devices for school and normal daily use, I use a Windows laptop to do a lot of my coding and writing for college. I like using it, especially in combination with Windows 11. I really like user interface of the OS since it feels a little reminiscent of MacOS even though I never used a Mac on a daily basis. I do want to switch over to MacOS sometime in the future as I learn more programming languages, specifically Swift and SwiftUI (Apple programming languages). For now though, I'm happy with my current laptop.