wednesday - august nine, two thousand - 1:51pm

it would appear that geocities has gone and changed some things about pagebuilder - the wisiwig editor i use to build my page. it seems to be slower now. if you're going to change something, doesn't it make more sense to make it better than it was before? we'll see if it has any improvements - my expectations are not high.

lots of excitement surrounding my life these days. friday is paul's and my 1st anniversary. we started dating one year ago. it's strange.... part of me feels like it's gone so fast, and another part of me feels like he's been in my life forever. i can't imagine my life before him. i have a surprise lined up for him, but i'm not going to spoil it here... i'll tell you about it next week.......... next tuesday i turn 30 - the big three-zero. i'm actually looking forward to it. maybe it has something to do with the fact that i feel my youthful looks and voice have often caused people to be disrespectful to me when they wouldn't normally be if they'd known my true age. i guess my looks and voice probably aren't going to transform overnight, but saying i'm 30 does hold some sort of power - to me, somehow.





one of paul's childhood friends who now lives in san francisco is in town this week. we got together with he and his wife for lunch. they're really fun people... he's an opera singer, and he was just in china for some gig. it's always interesting to me to listen to people's tales about foreign lands... it's the traveler-wanna-be in me, i suppose. china has always been further down on my list of places to visit, after europe especially - EVERYWHERE in europe. i guess it's because i've heard stories about the crowds and how they all stare at you because you're american..... but he made some things sound really fascinating. like the forbidden city, that's something i'd like to see someday.

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