monday - august seven, two thousand - 9:38am

god - somebody finally got the air conditioner fixed at work and now it's fucking freezing in here! i looked at the thermostat and it was set at 60! i have my sweater on and my emergency blazer that i keep at work is my blanket for my legs. i need to buy one of those little space heaters for under my desk. i always open my window in the summer to let the warm air in. this is ridiculous!

mary is back this week - she was gone last week to the boundry waters with her boyfriend. i haven't talked to her yet about how it went.... she was a little concerned to go for a whole week with him for a couple of reasons... 1st, they generally only get to see each other for a weekend a month because he lives in spending this much time together at one time is new for them. and 2nd, they've both done a lot of camping and they both had their ideas as to how things should be done - so she was worried there might be some friction concerning things like that. i'm sure they were fine. we're going to lunch today -  so she will fill me in.





i'm so cold!!!

we're getting a lot of things knocked off on this list of wedding plans. we made reservations at this really cool place up on lake superior for a couple of days after the wedding - it should be beautiful. it won't officially be our honeymoon - we've decided to postpone that until the dead of the winter - then we'll take a whole week. this is just a mini-vacation to get away, so we don't have to come right back to work the day after we get hitched. should be great - i can't wait!

god - i'm going to freeze to death!

i talked to dan - he was sober, so of course he didn't talk about anything. he's impossible. i don't know how to get through to him. i just told him that i was here for him if he ever needs to talk. i didn't bring up the drinking, because he gets so defensive. maybe we all need to get together and have an intervention or something.

i'm going to go out to my car and turn on the heat.

p.s. more new movie reviews to check out. go see.....

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