wednesday - october four, two thousand - 10:42am





they've been keeping me busy at work, for a change. i wonder if the fall has anything to do with it. they always have said that the summers are slower, but then again, they always say it's slow around the holidays too - so that leaves spring and fall, i guess. i've been really content lately, maybe because things are starting to settle down, and i'm getting used to my new life. i feel really good. we've still been packing our weekends with things to do, though. i'm looking forward to a lazy weekend - except that i don't know how lazy it'll be, because i want to clean, and paul wants to work on his car - but it'll be a "gettin'-things-done" weekend, and it'll feel good come monday.

i'm gradually adding new sites to my links page - i'm growing kind of tired of other people's journals, so the  new additions will mostly be different kinds of stuff, like artsy sites, or great shopping places, or things that have really kept me busy during the last few weeks of slowness at work.

last weekend paul dragged me to the brainerd international raceway to watch his buddy race his new porsche. we stayed at the cabin because it was only about a half an hour from the raceway. it was a beautiful, warm, sunny weekend - a good time to go up there... and of course the leaves are changing and it's just heavenly. it's nice that i like to hang out with paul's parents... i've always liked my folks that way, but never anyone else's. but, i don't mind if they're there at the cabin during the same time we are.

i'm really bugged by nikki again right now. i sent her a gift for her new baby about 3-4 weeks ago, and i haven't heard anything. i don't even know if she received it or not. what's wrong with people now-a-days? it's like, there's a 50/50 chance you'll get a thank you for a gift you give. my sister-in-law, rhonda is that way too. i vowed never to give her another gift, not even at christmas, because she never says thanks! that's just rude! the dilema i have, though, is my little niece, mandy, she's only 6 but she never thanks me for presents either - of course she doesn't, obviously her parents have never taught her to do that! so, should i stop getting her gifts too? i feel like that isn't her fault.... she's only 6! i wish i could come up with a tactful way to teach her it's nice to thank people for the gifts they give her... i mean, i'm sure it's too late for her mother, but mandy can still learn.

i'm the sort of person that can't let something like that go - i've allowed friendships to dwindle into non-existence because of something like that eating at me. does that make me unforgiving? maybe i'm too hard on people... but, i'll tell you one thing's for certain - my children will be taught to have manners - that's just basic to me!

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