tuesday - august one, two thousand - 10:32am

have you ever noticed that when you're dileriously happy - you want everyone you love to be dileriously happy too? and when they aren't, you almost feel guilty about being so blissful... and you certainly don't want to rub their faces in it by talking about your happiness all the time - even though it's all you really think about? well - this is one reason why i'm so thrilled to announce that my best friend, sam, is IN LOVE! he's one of the most giving and all together cool people i have ever known - and he has been alone for WAY too long. mostly because he lives in a social burial ground - not because he hasn't been looking. and i don't think i've ever known him to be in love - not even when he was married to nikki. i don't doubt that he cared for her - and may even have felt love for her at one time - but i don't think he's ever felt the uncontrollable euphoria of being head over heels IN LOVE with someone. i'm so unbelievably glad that he has found someone who returns his feelings. way to go, sam!! - you stud!

well - the trip to see the fam went great... everybody loved paul - of course. "what's not to love?" - as my mom as said. he fit right in... i love how easy going he is.

it was so good to see everybody. i wish my extended family lived closer - heck, i wish my immediate family lived closer! we've already decided to do the reunion again next july... the beach house was a real hit! my mom did good. it was a great big place that held everybody comfortably, and had a huge kitchen with state of the art appliances. it had a trash compactor - and a bidet in one of the bathrooms! i've never seen a bidet before! (i don't even know if that's how you spell it!)





my brother couldn't make it - but it was all for a very good reason. he's on the wagon, i'm happy to say.... and he wants to succeed so much this time that he skipped the reunion because he knew it would be too big a temptation for him to drink. i'm so proud of him for making that decision - even though it would've been great to see him there.

i've run into a bit of a snag with the dress i ordered for my wedding... i ordered egg assuming it meant off-white, but i got egg-plant, which is more of a purple color. apparently that dress doesn't come in off-white or ivory be/c it would be too see-through. so, my only hope is the light grey one that is shown in the picture. i hope i don't have any trouble exchanging it - and i also hope the color is as light as they show in the picture. sometimes the web can show colors a little off. if it doesn't work, i'll be stuck with it anyhow because they don't take returns, only exchanges. that part doesn't bother me too much be/c i really love the style and i'll just use it for the holidays or something. the part that bothers me is having to hunt for another dress for the wedding!

i've got a lot to do in the next few weeks... i move in with paul on the 20th of august, and we still have to paint the second bedroom and the bathroom. plus, we have to store some old hand-me-down furniture until the annual "throw anything away" day they have in town. either that or i have to call the salvation army and see if they'd be interested in picking anything up. i think they get enough stuff that they can afford to be a little picky, though. does anybody know of any other good places that will take donations such as furniture and cothing? write me, if you know of any place, because i'm kind of sick of giving everything to the goodwill and salvation army.

we have to book a photographer, and get a cake - but that's all that's left for big stuff for the wedding. everything else is little stuff like chosing our vows and readings for the ceremony. i'm sure it will all get done  i just have to get off my ass on the weekends when i'm usually pretty lazy.

p.s. new movie reviews to check out. go see.....

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