wednesday - august sixteen, two thousand - 9:39am

reasons why i'm marrying paul:

1. he likes to spend time with me
2. he's considerate of my feelings
3. he's a great lover
4. he has style
5. he's a talented artist
6. he's super smart
7. he knows everything there is to know about macintoshes
8. he keeps his kitchen clean (well - for the most part, anyway)
9. he surprises me with things from victoria's secret
10. he loves to rub my feet
11. everyone likes him
12. he drives a bmw (that's not really one of the reasons, but it doesn't hurt)
13. he's very good with money
14. but he's not a cheapskate
15. he never forgets a special occasion - even anniversaries
16. he takes care of things when he knows they are stressing me out
17. he tells me he loves me at least 5 times a day
18. he stays up late and chats with me when i'm not sleepy
19. he looks sexy when he plays basketball with his friends
20. he's a homebody like me
21. he's comfortable in any situation
22. he's incredibly patient and kind at work
23. he takes me out to dinner all the time
24. he's open-minded
25. he's very family-oriented
26. he's great with children
27. he fits right in with my family
28. he has great hair
29. he's a good kisser
30. he has perfectly straight teeth
31. he has really cute feet
32. and very sexy/muscular legs
33. he's got some grey hairs on his temples, but he doesn't care at all
34. he compliments me constantly
35. he doesn't smoke
36. he'll pick out my nail polish for me
37. he always asks if he can take my toenail polish off for me
38. he always listens to the words of a song
39. he's a patient teacher
40. he always thinks things through very carefully





i could probably come up with about a hundred more reasons, but you get the idea. this page is a tribute to paul and i wanted the world to know how lucky i feel...
i hope everyone who reads this feels as fortunate - or one day will....

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