Asimov Timelines

I have been planning for a long time to write some Asimov Timelines, but I have been hindered by some inconsistencies in the books.

So, as a first step, I wrote the page Errors in the Robot-Empire-Foundation Universe where I list some errors and the proposed correction.

I am trying to make timelines based on days instead of years - because there are lots of timelines that are based on years, and most of them agree in trivial facts.

These timelines use the Year-Month-Day system, because it seems that even in the Foundation Era this schema was used ("Leopold's birthday in February" and "Seldon appears on March 14"). The problem is that each planet will use a different local day. So, I suppose that there is a Galactic Year-Month-Day system, with a regular 365-day Year, and semi-regular 30 or 31-days Months, with 86400-seconds Days, and each planet adopts a local Year-Month-Day, whose 1st day of each Year and Month must be more or less close to the Galactic 1st day

I don't know if the March 14 for the appearance of Hari Seldon in the Time Vault is local Terminus date or Galactic date - so I keep both possibilities and play with the numbers in a probabilistic way

310 and 311 FE

  • Foundation and Empire - The Mule

    316 FE

  • Second Foundation - Search by the Mule

    376 and 377 FE

  • Second Foundation - Search by the Foundation

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