islam debate

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Two replies to the response to my statement 'ENOUGH OF ISLAM : THE MUSLIM MENACE' received from Mr Shamshad Khan of the ISLAMIC PRESENTATION CENTRE INTERNATIONAL (IPCI). Reply 1 (7 June 2007):

Dear Mr Khan,


All your points are easily answered [see below] - but logical and factual replies would not shift your thinking.  You have a totally closed mind. You are only interested in domination not dialogue.  My opposition to Islam is based on thorough research of the Qur'an and your bloody history.

Your greatest error is to appeal to our Lord Jesus Christ [in your final question], whom you blaspheme by denying His deity, then giving Him a prophetic status inferior to your Muhammad.  This is outrageous heresy.

I pray that God in Christ by His Holy Spirit will deliver you from your delusion.

Kind regards & best wishes,

The Revd Dr Alan C. Clifford
Pastor, Norwich Reformed Church

Reply 2 (8 June 2007):

Dear Mr Shamshad Khan,


Thank you for your e-mail [7 June 2007].  Here are my replies to your list of questions, which you asked me to 'consider ... with an open mind'. 
Question 1:  Who started the War of Crusaders?  Who is terrorist?

  The Crusades (11th-13th centuries) - however ill-conceived and executed - were a Western Christian response to requests for help from the Christian East for protection against Muslim attacks on pilgrims to the Holy Land.  The initial terrorists were the Muslims. 

Question 2:  Who attacked Muslim Countries?  Who is terrorist?

Reply:  When do you mean?  What about Islamic attacks on Europe in 732, 1529 and 1683?  The terrorists were Muslims.  Who slaughtered 1. 5 million Armenians in 1915?  Muslims.  Who murdered all those school children at Beslan in 2004?  Muslims.  Who - according to almost daily reports - murders Christians and others across the world?  Muslims.  And who
threatens Muslims with death who wish to convert to another religion of their choice?  Muslims.  Is therefore your religion even remotely attractive? 
Question 3: 
Who colonised almost all Muslim Countries?  Who is terrorist?

  Unlike the military subjugation of the Middle East by Muslim forces from the 7th century onwards, much European colonisation was peaceful, even if it degenerated in an unchristian manner.  Such colonisation was not religious but commercial.  European missionaries lamented the corruption of their activities by political and commercial interests.  Who were the religious colonial terrorists?  Muslims, as your history makes abundantly clear.

Question 4: 
Who dropped the 2 Atom Bombs killing millions?  Who is terrorist?

  This has nothing to do with Christian-Muslim differences.  If you imply the US were terrorists, are you going to deny the atrocities of the Japanese?  It is argued that the Atom bombs - however terrible - shortened WW2 and saved many more lives.  But all this has nothing to do with Christian-Muslim debates.  Are you further denying that Muslim forces -
inspired by Muhammad - committed atrocities as Islam spread by violent conquest?  

Question 5:  Who attacked and occupied Afghanistan to lay gas pipes there? Who is terrorist?

Reply:  Afghanistan was attacked because of Osama Bin Laden.  He trained his Al-Qa'eda 9/11 fighters there.  Osama Bin Laden - a pure disciple of Muhammad - is the terrorist. 

Question 6:
  Who attacked and occupied Iraq for its oil?  Who is terrorist?

Reply:  If you imply that Bush and Blair are terrorists for attacking Iraq, you might like to know that I did not approve of the invasion - if only because Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with 9/11 and there were no WMD. It was a tragic and costly distraction in the legitimate war against Islamic terrorism.  Since the war, Muslim terrorists are slaughtering one
another as well as attacking coalition forces.  Can you justify the Shi'a versus Sunni hatred?  Whatever you think of Christian denominational differences, you should concentrate on putting Islam's violent house in order.

Question 7:  Who destroyed the World Towers and blamed the Muslims?  Who is terrorist?

Reply:  Mohammed Atta and his Muslim terrorists carried out the 9/11 atrocity.  They were terrorists motivated by Muhammad and the Qur'an, as Atta made clear in his Diary:  'In the name of Allah, the most merciful, the most compassionate...Remember the battle of the Prophet...against the infidels, as he went on building the Islamic state...Continue to recite the
Qur'an...You have to be convinced that those few hours that are left in your life are very few.   From there you will begin to live the happy life, the infinite paradise... Be optimistic.  The Prophet [Muhammad] was always optimistic.  Always remember the verses that you would wish for death before you meet it if you only know what the reward after death will be...You will be entering paradise.  You will be entering the happiest life, everlasting life.' 

Question 8:  Who refused to carry out the 0707 inquiry?  Who is terrorist?

Reply:  PM Blair's refusal to permit an enquiry was an attempt to shield the incompetent 'PC' UK Government from criticism.  Besides, what would we learn that we don't know already?  Clearly, militant Islam is hostile to UK democratic society.  As for the guilty Muslim terrorists of 7/7 (not to forget the failed attempt of 21/7), are you trying to shield them and their jihadism, inspired by your violent and hateful religion? 
Question 9: 
What did Jesus teach?  Who is not following his teachings? Enough of the Anti-Christ-Rhetoric, Dr. Clifford!

Reply:  True, the Crusaders did not follow the loving teachings of Christ. As a Reformed Protestant Christian, I do not defend the Roman Catholic Church's track record of violence and persecution, even against Muslims. However, while the Bible condemns the use of the sword in spreading the Gospel (but not in just defence of civilised society, see Romans 13), the Qur'an clearly condones violence in the spread of its cruel and oppressive ideology.  Where is love in your religion?  Your problem is the theocratism of Islam: you fail to have an equivalent distinction to our 'church and state'.

Conclusion:  There is absolutely nothing in Islam (theological, philosophical, political, economical, technological, sociological, educational, domestic, matrimonial and cultural) that begins to compare favourably with Christianity and Christian civilisation.  The West's problem is its secular betrayal of our heritage.  Your decadent and barbaric alternative is no solution at all.  So ...

Enough of Islam. Enough of your 'taqiyya talk', Mr Khan!

I pray Almighty God in Christ by the Holy Spirit to deliver you from your delusion.  If I can help in this respect, do not hesitate to ask me. Bibles in English or Arabic are available on request.  I am

With kind regards & best wishes,
Yours faithfully,
The Revd Dr Alan C. Clifford



    The BBC ‘Panorama’ programme (7 May 2007) painted a highly-predictable picture.  Indeed, Vivian White’s coverage documented the obvious.  Blackburn’s separated communities simply confirms the reality of the growing UK crisis over Islam.  The ‘white fright’ mentality is a very understandable response to the ‘Asian invasion’ taking place.   

Speaking personally, I was reminded that a stone was thrown at me when I visited a Blackburn church to speak about Islam in April 2005.  One fears that the oft-stated ‘clash of civilisations’ will inevitably erupt with violence on British streets when expected demographic predictions reach a critical point.  Irrespective of the naive incompetence of ‘PC’ government policies, it is the amazing and long-suffering tolerance of British people that keeps a lid on such terrible possibilities.  But for how much longer? 

    As a Christian pastor, I pursue a mission which seeks the conversion of Muslims and non-Muslims alike.  Religiously and politically, I desire compassion for all and malice towards none.  Whether people follow the dictates of a false religion like Islam or they prefer the decadent life-style of much modern British secularism, all need the life-transforming message of our Lord Jesus Christ.   

    I believe there is simply no realistic hope for the peace and stability of the UK without a revival of authentic Christianity.  However problematic it is to penetrate the minds of today’s white secular materialists, the Islamic threat is an altogether ‘mega’ problem.  The relatively peaceable attitude of the Muslim majority is simply a tactic on the road to eventual fulfilment of the jihadic goal of global Islam.  The ‘militant-moderate’ distinction is ultimately meaningless.  While the Government bleats about ‘integration’, Muslims are only interested in ‘domination’.  Give them time and they will achieve it.   

From my perspective, there is only one solution.  If UK Muslims will not exchange the essentially-backward and barbaric tenets of their fanatical faith for the wonderfully soul-saving and civilising faith of Jesus Christ, they must emigrate to countries that share their outlook.  For their safety’s sake, I urge them to follow this advice.  They must cease abusing the hospitality of our tolerant culture and, where applicable, the generosity of our social benefits.  They must take their money, their mores and their mosques elsewhere.  Otherwise, the consequences of the growing crisis in the UK will prove too dire for words.  

    Question: Is there a specifically biblical basis for demanding the migration of Muslims for their own safety?  Is there any biblical authority for this line of thinking? 

    Reply: Next to an evangeIistic concern for all, I am primarily concerned for the peace and stability of UK society (see Jer. 29: 7), which is under threat from the presence of an alien religious and political ideology.  Besides the constant threat of UK-based Islamic terrorism, two fundamentally opposed cultures cannot coexist in one state without creating intolerable friction.   

    The evil intent of global Islamic jihadism with its determination to impose shari’ah law on subject nations, makes it impossible long term for us to ‘lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence’ (1 Tim. 2: 2).  While Christians under the Roman Empire were urged to submit to the Government (see Rom. 13: 1-7), Islamists intend to overthrow our UK democracy.  Since Islam is at war with the West, we dare not permit them to live in our midst any more than we would have tolerated the Nazi invaders.   

    Thus biblical and common sense (see Acts 26: 25) dictate that, to avoid civil war, it is mutually beneficial for the Muslim population to emigrate, for their safety and ours, unless the UK is prepared for a system of apartheid with entire regions being occupied by Islamic communities.  Abraham and Lot were ‘brethren’, yet since ‘strife’ demanded a ‘separation’ (see Gen. 13: 8-9), how much more should Muslims ‘separate’ themselves from a host society they have absolutely no intention of integrating with.  Otherwise, it is impossible to ‘live peaceably with all men’ (Rom. 12: 18).  


In conclusion, I refer the reader to my two publications: 

1.   CHRISTIANITY, ISLAM & BRITISH POLITICS (a lecture given at Oxford to the Campaign for UK Conservatism Conference, 2005)       

2.   ISLAM - The Current Threat to the British Isles (a lecture presented in London to The Lawyers’ Christian Fellowship, 2006) 

For further information see the websites of Norwich Reformed Church ( and Charenton Reformed Publishing (


Also available for nationwide distribution: 

    For an authoritative refutation of Islam by an ex-Muslim, see the DVD testimony of Christian evangelist Mark Gabriel, formerly Professor of Islamic History at Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt.  Copies of this are available free on request from Norwich Reformed Church.   

See also a review of Mark Gabriel’s book Jesus and Muhammad on the Norwich Reformed Church website.


See also a review of Mark Gabriel’s book Jesus and Muhammad on the Norwich Reformed Church website.


Dear friend, 
Partly in response to the appalling Islamic placard recently displayed at Instanbul ahead of the Pope's visit to Turkey (see attachment: Daily Telegraph, 27 November), the following two items are from the current issue of our church magazine.  Of course, whatever else may be said about Islam, its outrageous stance on the person of our Lord Jesus Christ is 'the big lie' from which every other evil has arisen.  In response to the outrage, a moderately non-technical statement about Christ is followed by an excellent and stimulating review of a 'must read' book which compares Jesus and
Muhammad.  I trust you find this material of personal benefit.

May God bless you and yours!

Yours faithfully in Christ,

Dr Alan C. Clifford
Pastor, Norwich Reformed Church




Ahead of the Pope's recent visit to Turkey, 20,000 Muslims made a noisy protest in Istanbul.  As they chanted 'Allah Akbar' [God is great], a placard (in English) defiantly declared: "Jesus is not son of God.  He is a Prophet of Islam."  Pope Benedict XVI was aware of the trip's danger. However, instead of trusting solely in the care of Christ, he invoked the 'celestial protection' of his dead predecessor John XXIII.  How tragic! Never was it more urgent for true Christians to be sure of their Faith.  So how may we state our view of Christ?

The Lord of heaven and earth
He was not simply a religious leader long ago.  He existed before Bethlehem.  When He was born on earth He had already existed from all eternity.  In fact, through Him everything was created.  Everything still depends on Him.  God the Father was the 'architect' of the universe. Jesus, God the Son was the 'site manager'.  God the Holy Spirit was the 'constructor'.  As creation daily proves, how amazing was this astonishing triune enterprise!  See John 1: 1-18.

The unique Son of God
He is the Son of God in a very special sense.  Christians are described as children of God.  They are children by grace and adoption.  Christ is the Son by nature.  As children reveal something of their parents, Christ reveals the nature and character of God in a unique way.  He is the 'only-begotten' Son of God.  The divine nature is truly expressed in the personality of Jesus Christ.  In Him we see God the Father.  This 'family' picture language has limits: the virgin Mary was not Christ's mother in the
non-biological sense that God was His Father.  She was the physical vehicle of Christ's human nature.  His divine nature was derived directly from the Father.  Christ actually created His mother in order that she might miraculously convey Him to mankind as 'God-made-man'.

Born to die for our sins
Christ came to save us.  He brought resources we do not possess.  Through violating God's holy law we are guilty rebel sinners.  We are helpless to repay the debt we owe to God.  Christ became man to pay in our name and nature all that we owe.  Sin deserves death and damnation.  On the cross, Christ suffered the wrath of God in our place.  As the God-man, His death as man satisfied the righteous demands of God the Father.  Those who repent and trust in Christ are justified - acquitted, pardoned and accepted as children of God.  Having conquered sin by His death, Christ conquered death by His resurrection.  Believers in Christ are saved eternally from sin and death.  See Romans 3-5.

The only Saviour of the world
As the Father's love-gift to the world, no one else can do what only Christ has done.  All other religious leaders - like Muhammad and Buddha - were only human.  They too were sinners.  They are also dead.  Christ lives to seek and save the lost.  We all need Him.  The true Church proclaims Him to the whole world.  All other religions are people reaching up to God.  In Christ, God is reaching down to us.  Christ has no substitutes.  He requires no assistance.  While the Church honours Mary, the Prophets and the Apostles, Christ alone is the Mediator through whom we pray and worship.  All others cannot help us.  Christ is all we need.  See John 14:6; Acts 4: 12; 1 Timothy 2: 5-6.

The coming judge of all
The world has not seen the last of Jesus Christ.  He will return to judge the world.  He came first in weakness to save.  He returns in power to judge.  Those who reject Him will be damned eternally in hell.  Those who acknowledge, trust, love and serve Him will be happy forever in heaven. They are God's chosen children in whom He delights.  See 1 Thessalonians 1.

I close with a simple poetic expression of these truths.  Dear reader, by turning to Christ yourself, I invite you to make my personal 'Testimony to Jesus' your own:

God on earth, Man by birth; Truth unsealed, Love revealed;
Crucified, Glorified; King divine, Saviour mine!

Yours faithfully in HIM, Alan C. Clifford


Book review of 'Jesus and Muhammad'


17 December 2004

Dear Mr Clarke,


I take this opportunity to congratulate you on your appointment as Home Secretary. Since in our church liturgy we follow the biblical directive to pray for government authorities and related agencies, I assure you of our continuing prayers. In view of the weighty responsibilities you now have, may Almighty God give you wisdom to pursue all that is honourable and just.

In view of the religious hate legislation proposed by your predecessor, I beg you to reconsider this highly contentious and problematic policy. Among other things, it will prove utterly unworkable. Apart from inhibiting freedom of speech, it is a recipe for unjust discrimination. While many of us suspect that the entire policy is intended to safeguard Muslim sensitivities, they themselves will not be exempt from accusation if the proposed legislation operates equitably. It seems that while Islamic beliefs are to be protected, Christian beliefs are to remain open to ridicule by all and sundry. However, the fact is that the Quran itself is highly hostile to both Judaism and Christianity. Indeed, it arguably qualifies as religious hate literature. A single specimen makes this clear:

'The Jews say Ezra is the son of Allah, while the Christians say the Messiah is the son of Allah. Such are their assertions, by which they imitate the infidels of old. Allah confound them! How perverse they are! It is He who has sent forth His apostle with guidance and the true faith to make it triumphant over all religions, however much the idolaters may dislike it' (Sura 9: 30-3).

Therefore, if Muslims are themselves to avoid prosecution by others, I beg that you discontinue attempts to introduce the proposed legislation. It will only occasion religious and civil strife. If the Islamic community refuses to modernise by allowing open and mature discussion of religious ideas including their own without an unrestrained sense of outrage, they must expect similar complaints from the very faith communities they constantly threaten in their literature.

I trust you might find these remarks helpful and constructive. Awaiting your response in due course with great interest and concern, I remain

With kind regards and best wishes,
Yours very sincerely,

Dr Alan C. Clifford


October provides a feast of fascinating anniversaries. Of immense national importance, the battles of Hastings (1066) and Agincourt (1415) were fought on the 14th and 25th respectively. Of more recent and greater significance in the conflict against Napoleonic tyranny, Nelson's great victory at Trafalgar (1805) occurred on the 21st. Doubtless a magnificent blockbuster movie is being filmed to celebrate the bicentenary next year! Of foundational importance to our national destiny, British Christians remember the heroic martyrdoms of bishops Nicholas Ridley and Hugh Latimer at Oxford (1555) on October 16th.
Even Shakespeare cannot compete with Latimer's words spoken to Ridley as they were tied to the stake and burned alive: "Be of good comfort, Master Ridley, and play the man. We shall this day light such a candle, by God's grace, in England, as I trust shall never be put out." Wonderful as these words are, they might never have been uttered had not Martin Luther in Germany protested against the superstitious and unscriptural piety of the Pope in 1517. Luther nailed his Ninety-five theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg on October 31st.

Of course, the ecumenical dimension to today's political correctness forbids any return to the values of Luther and his generation. But can we allow our modern 'pc' gurus to rob us of our heritage? Significantly, the great reformer and his brethren in Geneva, France, the Netherlands and Great Britain were aware of a double threat to the newly-rediscovered pure Christianity of the New Testament. Both Rome and Islam were to be opposed. The Pope was considered the greater threat of the two, if only because he was closer to the emerging free Protestant nations of northern Europe. However, the fall of Constantinople to the Turkish Muslims in 1453 was the beginning of a menace which grows alarmingly in modern Europe.
While many would admit the latter, does the Roman Catholic Church pose any kind of threat? On the political level, the Pope and Muhammad share a highly disturbing feature: their systems are fascist in character, both demanding allegiance to a foreign power. Their violent track records are too similar for comfort. Both are opposed to the kind of liberal democracy created by the Protestant Reformation.
It is certainly a declared aim of the Vatican to be a major if not the dominant player in the European Union. On the closely-related religious level, the 'Catechism of the Catholic Church' (#841) reveals an accommodation with Islam. The Pope has also expressed a desire for cooperation between the two faiths.

If Protestant clergy are not already aware, the Roman Catholic Church is as dismissive of the validity of the ministerial orders of both the Anglican and Free Churches now as it was in the days of Luther and Calvin. As was pointed out recently in the TIMES (report October 1), 'The Catholic Church believes Anglican orders to be "null and void".' This means that, in the eyes of the Pope and his followers, all other churches are not real churches and their sacraments are not real sacraments. In short, only Roman Catholics are real Christians. While this centuries-old stance has never in fact been altered despite the futile hopes of rosy-eyed ecumenists, its outrageous arrogance was reaffirmed in dramatically unambiguous terms in the document 'Dominus Iesus' (2000).
This religious exclusivity opens up the most dire possibilities. Since political ideology is often driven by religious assumptions, this means that both Islam and the Roman Catholic Church are threats to the liberal democracy we all take for granted. What is worse, secular relativism provides no insurance whatever against the twin threat I have identified.
On the fictional and fallacious theological basis of Mary's immaculate conception, Rome and Islam might even combine in some unholy alliance to dominate the world. Opposed as much to the Pope as I am to Muhammad, in the wake of my recent protest against Islam, I therefore re-issue my statement 'No place like Rome?' I do so confident that both their ideologies are fundamentally flawed. That said, unless we rediscover the significance of what happened on those October days in 1517 and 1555, the loss of our privileges is only a matter of time.
May God have mercy upon us!

Yours faithfully in Christ,

Dr Alan C. Clifford

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See also: Islam: is there any alternative?

and Gunpowder, Treason, Islam

and Book review of 'Jesus and Muhammad'




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