Network Architecture
Network Topology
Network Basics Concepts

Network Architecture

What is network architecture?


Network architecture, is the logical and structural layout of the network consisting of transmission equipment, software and communication protocols and infrastructure (wired or wireless) transmission of data and connectivity between components.


Definition - What does Peer-To-Peer Network (P2P Network)mean?

A peer-to-peer (P2P) network is group of computers, each of which acts as a node for sharing files within the group. Instead of having a central server to act as a shared drive, each computer acts as the server for the files stored upon it. When a P2P network is established over the Internet, a central server can be used to index files, or a distributed network can be established where the sharing of files is split between all the users in the network that are storing a given file.

In the most basic sense, a peer-to-peer network is a simple network where each computer doubles as a node and a server for the files it exclusively holds. These are the same as a home network or office network. However, when P2P networks are established over the internet, the size of the network and the files available allow huge amounts of data to be shared. Early P2P networks like Napster used client software and a central server, while later networks like Kazaa and BitTorrent did away with the central server and split up sharing duties between multiple nodes to free up bandwidth. Peer-to-peer networks are usually associated with Internet piracy and illegal file sharing.
What Is a Client-Server Network?

A client-server network is designed for end-users, called clients, to access resources such as files, songs, video collections, or some other service from a central computer called a server. A server's sole purpose is to do what its name implies - serve its clients! You may have been using this configuration and not even have known it. Have you ever played Xbox Live or used the PlayStation Network? Your Xbox One is the client, and when it logs into the network, it contacts the Xbox Live servers to retrieve gaming resources like updates, video, and game demos.
How Does It Work?

Imagine a customer sitting at a restaurant. He is waiting for the server to come by and take his order. The same rules apply in a client-server network; the client, which can be a laptop, desktop, a smartphone, or pretty much any computerized device, can make a request from the server.

The client uses the network as a way to connect with and speak to the server. Just as the customer speaks to his server, the client uses the network to send and receive communications about its order, or request. The server will take the request and make sure that the request is valid. If everything checks out okay, then the server will fetch the request and serve the client.

The server can make a request from the client as well. It may want to check up on the status of the client, or ask if it has received any security patches, or if it still needs resources from the server. If not, the server will close the connection in order to free up network traffic.

Can you imagine a server standing next to a customer who just stares at the menu without ordering anything? After 15 minutes, it would be a good idea for the server to leave and check on other customers. In both cases, the server moves on to other clients as needed.