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UiTM Puncak Perdana

I have join the association that have in this UiTM.I choose the Association Information Management System(AIMS).In sem 2 i was choose as leader for welfare bureau that take care of the student in this course.I was training to fill in different bureau for each the program that we have.They will not give the same position in each program.There are many program that we have organized for our student like Adobe Illustrator,Bowling and many more.It also teach us to speak confident in front of other people and how to communicate with other people.


I have been taking course accounting at the Selangor Matriculation College . So, I have the basic in this subject since i have learn it before in secondary school. Fortunately, I've got A in this subject. In this college i just need to learn just for one year.This course give the student the other subject that they need t learn that was bussiness,mathematics,economy,religion,co-curiculam and lastly dynamics.

This college have offer the student to become part of their society of Rakan Masjid. I have succeeded in their interview and become one part of them.In this unity i learn so many thing and get to travel and find more friends from the other college.There also have organised so many program that i can join.For example they have doing the Al quran recital,course slaughter and so on.We also learn on how to teach other people about something that we know.

The subject of business i and my class have join the competition and my clas was list at five top in the final.We got to create something that will be usefull to other people.It also make our class get more closer with each other.The contest was participate by each of the class that have in the colege.Luckily that our projct got to the final.We make sure that our product is different from other class and the document that are need was good to read.This project teach us on how to work together with our friend in one team.If we doing alone, the work will no get to good so thats why each of us was assigned with one work to find the information about the project and later we will share with the other.

Alhamdulillah. I have been succeeded getting band 3 in MUET (Malaysian University English Test). I have taken this test at matriculation on November 2014 . This test is -- in about three days. I have scored 140/300. Although I didn't achieved the higher ones, but I have passed the criteria needed of the following courses in universities that I wanted to apply.

There was a program that was organized by the alumni of this college.There tell us the challenge that we will faced when we get out from this college.There will no more the lecturer that angry at us but we need to independent.The lecture also will change when you move to the higher level.It also teach us that in this world that nothing was easy when you just depend on other people.You need to think a further before doing something moreover when it will included the other people.


I was selected as one of the award recipient for spm result.I get the good result for spm which are 1A 3A- 1B+ 1B 2C 1D.I was one that get the good result in my class which in account class.It teach me to work hard in the future so that i can choose the university that i want in the future.If i dont study from right now nothing good will come to me.

I was active in sport.I like to join the game or competition that was organized in school.I was in uniformed unit in police cadet.They teach us how to use riffle and how to defend ourselve from enemy.There also many marching in this uniformed that make us discipline and be punctual at all time.They also organized so many camp that make us learn from that.We also need to brave and calm when something that not good come to us. .

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