Murad Foundation Program Ibu Tunggal is to guide, assist, and develop the lower income single mother in improving their income.

Entrepreneurship Development

Murad Foundation will work closely with MPS, JKM, FAMA, or any government agencies in developing an entrepreneurship opportunities to the group. We had identified a few programs such as planting flowers or small plants for MPS, tapioka with FAMA, and so on. The single mother will has to go through certain training or briefing to educate and guide them to be ready for the program.

Ibu Tunggal

We had identified nearly 50 single mother from the lower income group and in the process of profiling them. This activities will give us an idea of their interest and are to develop them. The group will be registered with Registrar of Society under a proposed Pertubuhan Ibu-Ibu Tunggal Murad Foundation.

The People

Currently we had identified a few single mothers that will lead this team and they will be monitored and advised by our dearly friend Dr. (H) Mahani which known by the group by "Umi" and of course Dato' Murad personally.


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Last Update 15 June 2017