Sumber Ria

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Rental Audio System



Sumber Ria began from a humble beginnings in the late 1970's in Jakarta, Indonesia. Started with a set of small PA systems and our determination, we gradually built the foundation of what later became the best sound company in the country.

Through the 1980s, we went from supporting music schools concerts and simple wedding set ups to producing our first local band event. During this era, we grew our expertise as the demand for sound rental increased and became more complex.

It was not long before local concerts were part of our routine. When a couple rock groups, needed, a rental company to support their nationwide tour, we jumped at the opportunity. That was our first multiple cities touring experience, over 30 years ago.

Our success only motivates us to be better. In the last few years, we have taken our company to another level. New speaker array systems, high-end digital mixers, direct-to-disk live recording are some of the improvements to ensure we keep up with the latest technology. All to provide you with the best possible sound experience.

As of today, Sumber Ria remains to be the country's best by providing world standard sound reinforcement to local and international clients.