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Trust Current Ascension/Chakra Symptoms Sept 29

Sweetest Child of Love's Heart,

Stand firm in the knowledge that you are where you most need to be at this moment. Trust that you are an important part of a great clearing and purification process not only for yourself and your own life, but through your spiritual connection to all, you are helping give rise to the deepest layers of past pain and suffering that need to surface at this time to be released and healed by Love's Light shining evermore brightly within you as you reach upward and move through the ascension process.

This Divine wisdom and love is a part of each one as all are creations of Divine Love and Wisdom, so none can be separate from eachother...the experience of living from the consciousness of the human mind/ego creates beliefs in the separation through negative and untrue thoughts/beliefs, judgements and the resulting feelings of not being "good enough" in some way...feelings of being "less than" our heart, soul and spirit knows that we are is the cause all human pain and suffering. This effectively causes the human illusion of being separate and guilty of not being the way we "should" be, according to the truth of others. We must follow the truths and callings of our heart, soul and spirit...as we open to higher levels of Spiritual/Universal Truths, we realize our oneness and that the belief in separation is the false illusion/belief of human ego judgements and fears. In the eyes and heart of the Universe, we are all equal, beautiful in our uniquenesses, and loved beyond measure.

When we begin to remember our own divinity and live from this higher consciousness of Spirit, we bring aspects of Heaven/Spirit into our earthly/physical human experience...and can begin to cultivate peace, joy, and love on all levels of being in ourselves, and we can effectively encourage it to be expressed in all our reflections through others.

You may find yourself doubting your intuitions in thought and feelings, but we want to reassure you that you are in a very important process and that all "symptoms" will pass. You may find yourselves feeling stiffness in your muscles and joints as rigid thought patterns and behaviors are being released and replaced with more flexible and beneficial ones that serve you in more positive and beneficial ways. You may be experiencing a wide range of emotions that change from one day to the next and even from one moment to the next.

You may be experiencing headaches particularly at the crown and the third eye areas as you let go of unhealthy thought/belief patterns and open to new and higher truths and visions for yourself. You may begin to see your spirit guides, fairies, angels, ascended masters, and other spirit beings of light. You may be aware of seeing the future and knowing what is and what will be. You may also experience visual disturbances of various kinds, including flashes of light and color, and blurred vision as you adjust to higher ways of seeing.

You may also experience neck and shoulder pain as as you release the "weight" of your previous unhealthy ways of thinking and being. You may experience stiffness and pain in your arms, wrists and/or hands as you release old negative beliefs about giving and receiving. You may experience back pain and/or digestive upsets as you release all the effects of unhealthy thoughtforms that you have digested that did not agree with your personal truths, as well as releasing the effects of unhealthy patterns of eating as you feel drawn more and more to higher vibrational foods and higher vibrational thoughts and beliefs. You are clearing and purifying at the deepest core levels at this time.

You may feel various symptoms of clearing at the throat and heart chakras in the form of various congestion-like, cold-like and flu-like symptoms in the ears, nose, throat and lungs as your throat and heart chakras clear and open more fully. At the throat chakra level, you may hear various buzzings, knocking sounds, rings, singing, and positive thoughts and voices that give guidances and validations as you adjust to higher ways of listening and hearing the presence of Spirit in your life. You may feel a fluttery feeling in your throat as you open more completely to being true to yourself, speaking your true feelings about whatever you need to, and giving your truths their honest and most highest expressions through your chosen thoughts and words written and spoken, and choice of creative actions according to the truths of your heart, soul, and spirit.

You may experience clearing at the heart chakra level through the experience of conditions of dis-ease in the breast area, heart or lungs...the severity of the dis-ease and duration till healing depends on the extent and depth of your previously held negative thoughts/beliefs and judgements you have held against yourself in some way and how long it takes you to resolve and let go of them. You may be experiencing symptoms of tightness or a fluttery feeling in your chest as your heart chakra opens more fully and lets go of any past effects of unloving thoughtforms/beliefs about yourself and others. You may find yourself seeing and feeling more and more the truth of the connectedness of all which may move you to so much love that you find yourself feeling very emotional and crying a lot at times. You are understanding, feeling, and knowing from your heart-center that all has value and worth, that all is worthy of being loved, that all is beloved, including you. At the heart level there are issues of forgiveness/letting go of judgements against ourselves and others, and complete self-acceptance and self-love so that we may learn to more completely accept and love all in our lives through the awareness that when even one of us hurts, we all feel that pain on some level, and when even one of us loves and loves deeply and truly, we all are uplifted in some way...even at the most subtle of levels of spirit. Speaking and giving creative expression to our truths in our own unique ways, through the sharing of our gifts and talents, passions and interests, we give expression to higher love and open wider our heart chakras to receive deeper and higher levels of healing. We then find we can be an even greater and more effective channel of healing light and love for all as we radiate this Divine energy of healing love through our conscious choice of loving thoughts, feelings, words, and actions.

You may be clearing at the level of the solarplexus. This is where we metaphorically and literally digest all that we put into our body in thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, and food and drink. You may be feeling anxious and nervous, off balance, not centered, and will be feeling it in your abdominal area one day, and then the next day you may feel balanced and centered, confident and self-assured...you may also be experiencing various upper digestive disturbances that may include whirling, churning, chaotic feelings that feel like inner tornados, hurricanes, and volcanoes, and may be experiencing nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhea as you let go of the old patterns of feeling fears, angers, judgements and release their energetic uncomfortable and unhealthy effects from your consciousness. All of this is part of the cleansing and purification process as you let go of feelings and beliefs of being a victim of life in some way that give your personal power away to such as thoughts of "why does this always happen to me?" or "I never..." and such ways of thinking, and instead begin to choose empowering thoughts and beliefs through understanding that we create and attract to ourselves in some way what we experience through both positive and negative patterns of thoughts/beliefs. If we want to create and attract more peace, joy, and love in our lives, it is from these seeds of thoughts that give rise to the feelings that motivate our choices of further thoughts, feelings, words, and actions. Whatever we want to create or attract, from that seed of consciousness and place of feeling is where we must begin the process of creating and manifesting the desired outcome. If we want more of something in our lives, then we must focus our attention on gratitude for what we do have that we want, and not on what we don't yet have, because when we focus on what we don't yet have, we take ourselves out of the present moment where manifesting begins, and instead perceive the future and feel lack of what we don't yet have, and so lack is what we manifest. So focus on all that you have now and feel truly grateful and you will open the door to greater levels of abundance and prosperity thinking which will attract these things to you in greater measure. Everything we ever need truly is within us, and all we have to do is call it forth through the power of gratitude and love.

We don't have to learn through dis-ease, pain and suffering, but the human ego seeks to protect it's very survival and so believes that there is something to fear. We have been conditioned to fear what we do not know or understand, and to mistrust even ourselves. Fear can completely immobilize us and perpetuate the false belief that we don't have a choice in the matter or the outcome, but we do. The gift of free will is given to us through the essence of Divine Creative Will and Love within us, and there is great transformative power for healing in this gift of free will. We create and attract our experiences from the level of consciousness we accept and hold onto on any and all levels of our being. The wisdom of Spirit knows that there is nothing to fear, that all is part of our learning/remembering, and any perceived negativity is an attempt of our higher wisdom to clear out negative or "mis-taken" beliefs/thoughtforms/behavior patterns from our consciousness so that we may return to our clear vision/remembrance of who we are and give this truth it's highest expression in all we think, feel, say and do. Understanding the processes of patterns and changes in our lives leads to greater understanding and the wisdom and love in self-acceptance and trust in ourselves and in eachother to help and support eachother along our way.

You may experience various symptoms and sensations in the sacral chakra and experience such energies as a surge of various sexual thoughts and feelings that you may have held back for some reason connected with this or previous lifetimes. You may experience pain and various symptoms of clearing in the form of such conditions as yeast infections if you are a woman or other discomforts/dis-eases/conditions of the reproductive system and general digestive upsets and clearings whether male or female of any ages as you release negative beliefs and feelings about your sexuality, your ability to create in all ways that are meaningful to you, and about your ability to nurture and support as well as your openness and willingness to be nurtured and supported in all necessary ways...again lessons of trust are surfacing and being presented to be learned more completely for our benefit...for the highest good of all.

You may be feeling various symptoms of discomfort at the root chakra level...this may be felt at times as sexual sensations in your hip and pelvic area, and also in your legs, knees, ankles and feet as which are symbolic of support and movement. Symptoms may be experienced as stiffness, achiness, and random "sharp" or "shooting" pains. In the case of those resisting letting go to allow for necessary change, perhaps even sprains or breaks may be experienced. As we release the old ways of thinking and being at deeper and deeper core levels in connection with how we see ourselves as "fitting in" and "connecting" with, and being received and accepted or unaccepted by our families, friends, work places, our culture, etc, the accumulated energetic effects of negative thinking through the years up to now will be felt in these areas of our lower body as we release the "old ways" at the root level of our being. As we clear out the energy of these old patterns, we find that we are more comfortable in ourselves and do not seek or need the validations of others to support our sense of our own value and worth, because we are now consciously aware of our value and worth and place in our world and that of all.

The symptoms will pass and may take as long as three weeks or more to pass through, or may take as little as a day to be released...it depends on the extent and depth of what is being released, and so is different for each person according to the connections/attachments of each's own necessary letting go of some aspect of an untruth from one's past and accepting what is true according to the wisdom and love of each's own heart, soul and spirit. More serious conditions/dis-eases will be released, resolved and healed as the necessary issues of negative and unhealthy beliefs/thought patterns and behaviors are replaced with loving ones. Healing at the deepest levels of our being comes when the lesson of self-acceptance and self-love is more completely learned and brought into full conscious awareness of one's multidimensional beingness. We are connected in body, mind, and spirit...and when there is discomfort or dis-ease on any level, it eventually manifests on all levels if not attended to when the issue first arises. So again listen and trust in yourselves and trust in the lessons you each present to one another, and find gratitude in your hearts for all that is in your life, as all have great value and purpose in your soul's growth and search for higher awareness and deeper meaning in your life. Trust that the processes that led you to where you are at this very moment will continue to lead to where you need to be, and that all is helping you to grow in the ways of spirit. There is love in all...and as we "grow up" into the light of higher awarenesses of Divine Love, we see more clearly that there truly is Love in all.

You are clearing out so much of the old ways...dying to the old ways while in physical form as you open to higher ways of thinking, seeing, hearing, speaking, feeling, and being. You are moving closer toward the manifestation of all that is true for you by stepping more fully into your own power and giving expression to your deepest and most heart-felt truths.

Dis-comfort and dis-ease is not to be feared...discomfort and dis-ease of any kind is the wisdom of your body attempting to get your attention that a change of somekind is necessary, and that if you listen to what it is trying to tell you, the benefit will be that you will be able to move forward in your lives in the way that you truly want to that will bless you and all in your lives in many ways.

It's important and helpful to the process to keep your vibrational frequencies as high as possible to assist this process of transformation, purification and change, and keep youselves uplifted so you can continue to pass through this process and support this high level of energy for others to be uplifted by also. Ask for help from your spirit guides, God/dess, Ascended Masters, Holy Spirit, Angels, whoever you feel most connected with in the ways of Universal/Divine Wisdom's Light and Healing Love, and you will receive the highest guidance that is best for you. Trust in the guidance you receive...if it speaks of uplifting yourself and your world in some way, it is true Divine guidance. If you need validation of any guidances, ask for crystal clear validation that you will clearly recognize.

Ask and you shall always receive. Have no expectations of the way that your prayers will be answered, for expectations about the way the process unfolds creates hinderances and unclear views rather than openess and clear vision. Ask for what your heart, soul and spirit wants and know that guidances and validations will present themselves to you as needed, and that your heart's desires will be fulfilled in Divine Time and Order. There is a time and a season in all things, and perfect wisdom and love is found in all when we are open to truly seeing and receiving.

You are appreciated and loved so very much...so much more than the human mind can begin to comprehend. The capacity for love within each one of us is as limitless as the expansive nature of the Divine Universe's Love for All. Trust in the calling of your heart, soul, and spirit and follow...knowing that you are always supported and guided to be exactly where you need to be and experience exactly what you need to help you remember your own Divine nature...which is to love...deeply and truly...from the Divine heart that connects us all.

You are a beautiful, valuable part of creation, and have such great and immeasurable value and worth to eachother as you follow your individual paths back "home" to your hearts and find greater love for yourselves and all that you are, and for all that is, was and ever shall be.

You are love and we reflect that love back to you. May you feel the deepest peace, joy, and love in knowing this truth of your belovedness. Live and be in your highest truth as your heart knows it to be now and always, and you will experience the beautiful sweet magick of the Universe, and all sweet blessings and gifts of Love, because you have allowed yourself to truly see and receive.

Much Peace, Joy, and Love Always,
Lisa and the Angels

(C) Copyright 2006 Lisa Sommer and the Angels
*This message may be freely shared in it's entirety with the copyright date and authors' names attached.