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Jeshua Speaks On: The Origins & Future of Planet Earth





      Beloved and holy and only child of our heavenly Father, child of the one Source, child of Light, divine. That is who you are. Take it deeply within the consciousness and contemplate what that means. I am the one known as Jeshua ben Joseph, Jesus you have called me, and it is in great joy that I come to abide with you this evening in your timing, as you have chosen once again to call me forth.


      Great joy. Always I greet you in great joy, for that is your divine nature. The world will not tell you of joy. The world will tell you of question marks, threats, possibilities of things you have to watch out for; always decisions and choices to make. But I will greet you in great joy, for I know the heart of you, and it is love; wisdom from the ages. Greetings, oh Christed ones. It is good to see you in this way.


      What shall we speak of in this evening? (Joy) Joy. Yes, of course. That one is easy. That is your divine nature. That is the truth of your being. That is exactly what you are endeavoring to remember and to put into manifest experience and expression. And you find that from time to time with each other when you come in and you greet each other, and there is a moment or more of great joy of seeing each other; reunion.


      Even if you have traveled the many miles and made great trek to be here, there is a feeling of being at home amongst the family members, the ones you have journeyed with in other lifetimes, and this is true. You are finding each other once again as the journey ones which you are, as the Essene ones that you have been in other lifetimes.


      For the Essenes were the mystical ones. They were the ones who wanted to know answers, answers beyond what is just right in front of the nose. They were the ones who read the ancient texts, copied the ancient texts, hid them away underground, if necessary. They were the ones who traveled and met with each other, sometimes secretly if it was not safe to be too open about it, and transferred the texts from one geographical location to another in order for safekeeping.


      And some of those texts you still have, and they are coming more and more to light as you have had ones questioning, "Is this all?," as ones will refer to your Holy Scriptures. And they will say, "Well, this is good, but there must be more. I remember, at a very deep level, that there is more." Because, yes, you know there is more.


      You are the ones who wrote some of those texts. You are the ones who copied, perhaps in what you would see another lifetime to be, the ancient texts of truth, revelations that you wrote in the first place. Then you recycled, came back, and rediscovered some of the texts and thought how wonderful they were, and that they must be preserved for future generations. And so you copied them, and you kept them safe. And they are still extant, although some of them are hidden away in order to keep you from becoming confused. Ponder that for a moment or so.


      But you know, deep within your heart, the Family. You know the ones of joy; you know the ones who do remember that which you are seeking. And when you come together as a group, there is exponential energy of remembrance, for you add unto each one else’s energy. And it grows, so that you have affirmation of what you know to be true or what you have been hoping to be true.


      And it comes to a place of, "Yes, I know there is joy, even if the world will not show it to me." And it does not. It did not two thousand years ago; it did not four thousand years ago; it did not ten million years ago. And it does not in this day and time show you joy. But there is hope; there is optimism deep within you that is always knowing that it is darkest just before the dawn, that you are going to come to a place where you are going to know the light; you are going to feel the light.


      Already you feel the light; it is not even a future tense. Already you are feeling more and more of the light, which then, of course, brings, as there is the belief in duality, more of the opposing force, seemingly, to stand in opposition to the light. Remember, I said "seemingly." For darkness does not have power. Light overpowers darkness always, and always will. And as we have used many times the concept of light as you — as the essence of you, for it is expansive and it is a concept which allows you to get a glimpse of the true nature of you — light itself has many attributes, as a concept, that lead you in the right direction. But it is yet a concept, and you are even more than light.


      I would speak to you of the history of your planet where you are now. I would speak to you of the origin, how the planets came to be. In the beginning, before ever there was even the thought of time, there was thought. There was being. There was an awareness, a presence, if you will, of Isness, creative, extending itself. And there was thought to bring forth expression of the creative energy, for energy cannot be contained. It will not be ever contained, even within the sphere of time that we have talked about many times, the sphere of time.


      The energy of the Isness of you cannot and never will be contained within any sphere of any reality, with a small "r." The Reality, capital "R," of you is ever expanding. The one Mind is ever expanding, ever expressing and experiencing. And there was thought — although at that point it was not individuated — to bring forth form, to create out of energy, out of light, to coalesce light into form, just to play, the same as when you are the small ones, or sometimes even the tall ones, and you take the play dough, or you take the clay that you can mold, and you sculpt it certain ways. It was the same idea — let us see what we can make out of energy. What can we bring together.


      And from that one instant outside of time, because it was not thought to have to be in time at that point, there was form brought together as the energy, brought together into form that coalesced into what you now still can see in your heavens as various constellations, I will call them, but as you measure linear time now, looking back to that point which is yet outside of time, for there was no thought of time at that point, there was brought together the universe and various bodies of energy in which you lived, in which you knew your existence, in which you knew you were the energy of thought.


      Thoughts have energy. You recognize that even in this day to a small extent, and that extent is growing. There was thought and energy brought together to make what you would see to be the far constellations of other galaxies. And you lived within that energy, and you moved and you had your being within that energy and the form as it was coming together, coalescing as the light coming together.


      And you knew existence. Now, I speak here as it would be in linear fashion of a past time, and yet there was not thought of time yet at that point. There was only thought of creation. Time, the understanding of time, came later. So even as your scientists now will measure the light from the galaxies that are far away, it is measured in light years, and it is measured in linear time.


      But, in truth, what you brought forth is even older than what your scientists are telling you now, or can tell you now, because your scientists are yet circumscribed by the concept of the sphere of time. And they do very well with it, taking you to the very edge of the sphere of time. But to go beyond that, it is a bit like your explorers that at first thought that the earth was flat, and that if you go beyond a certain point on the horizon, you will fall off.


      Your scientists yet are working with concepts within the understanding of time, and yet they are making breakthroughs to understand that thought and energy of thought does not need to and, in truth, cannot be contained even within time. So in what you would see to be eons and eons of time ago, you lived and moved and had your being in the farthest galaxies of the universe. And you knew yourself to be creative; you knew yourself to be the flow of thought and of energy. And as you experienced various forms of stellar bodies — we will call it that, for you were and still are, because there is one consciousness, Truthfully, capital "T" — you knew yourself to be the sun. You were the activity and the energy, and still are, of the sun, each star.


      You knew yourself to be the extension of energy that went beyond that sun or that star; very expansive, no limitations. And you played with that for what you now understand to be eons of time, until there was a thought, "Let us see what else we can create." And then there were more of the galaxies created with the vast universe which is still expanding. And you brought forth other galaxies.


      Now, your scientists in this day and time tell you that you, as a solar system with your sun, your star, you are in what is called the Milky Way galaxy that is off to one side of the universe, and this is true in a way. But it does depend on one’s perception and perspective. But that is alright; it doesn’t matter if you are off to the side or if you’re in the middle; you can feel yourself to be in the middle; you are in the middle of the center of your universe all the time, anyway; your reality.


      And you played on your way to this solar system, you played in other star constellations — the Pleiades, Sirius, Arcturus, (Lyra?) and Lyra as well — many different ones where you have known the experience and expression of holy Isness, creative Isness, where you brought forth great civilizations as you would now, in a broad term, look at civilizations.


      And you brought forth technology, as you would have, again, the broad understanding of technology. It was not exactly what you have now, but it was technology. You brought forth the space ships to travel, and not the slow ones that you know now. You would go with the speed of thought, which, again, as we have talked many times about the sphere of time even, you see something within that sphere and you say it is in the future. We are going to travel with the speed of light, or even faster with the speed of thought. Where does that idea come from. It comes from what you remember as the truth of your being.


      You have already done it, where you would travel from one constellation to another with the speed of thought. So you are the explorers. You are the ones who want to know the furthest frontiers. And when you get to whatever would seem to be a frontier, well, it is as the idea of the world, the planet earth, being flat, and you fall off at the edge of the horizon. You find that when you get to the horizon, there’s another horizon beyond, etc. So the explorers that you are, you keep creating. Why? For the sheer joy of it; because you want to create. You want to experience and express the divinity of you. You want to know the power of your divinity; not the power of the world; you’ve played with that many times; but the power that is now coming into even the collective consciousness; the power of divinity, the power of thought, the power of going beyond what ones have said the box has to be.


      You have said, "No. That box is porous; I can see through it." And your forward-thinking ones, and you are some of those — all of you within this room and within the sound of my voice — you are the forward-thinking ones who are not satisfied, who are remembering even past lifetimes upon this planet where you have known more; in other words, in awareness; there was conscious awareness of knowing more of your being. And you are bringing that back even into this reality time/space continuum that says, "It is all within a limiting box."


      So now when you go out and you look into your heavens, you see the light of stars, constellations where, in truth, you did and are having expression, even now. For as your scientists will tell you about the light years that it takes for the light to come from a certain other solar system, another constellation, that it takes that long to come, know you that you were standing upon some of the energy bodies even in that time. And now you are looking at yourself standing here looking back at the self. It is a thought that allows the mind to expand a bit. Whenever the co-worker, the mate, the friend, anybody gets too much up in your face, begin to remember the constellations and the light from the constellations. Let them be in your face, yes, if they want to be, but let the mind expand to the light of the stars and know that, "I am living right now in another constellation. Yes, I am here. I do not deny my existence and experience here, but I am much more than just here."


      So as you wanted to, and as is your nature to be expansive, you kept expanding the universe itself. And in doing the work with the energy, the creative energy, there are times when you wanted to bring forth something new, and you did what is known as the involution of energy, the black holes, they are called, where you would bring in a lot of the energy into quite dense form, to then create new, because it is part of what you want to prove to yourself, the one Mind, how expansive, how creative you can be.


      So you have played with the various constellations and on the various constellations. You have played within this solar system on other planet bodies. At first you began with being the sun, the energy of the sun, being within the sun itself, knowing the consciousness of the energy of the sun. And from that there was expansion to create other bodies, form bodies, upon which you could play. So there was an expansion of the energy to make what you call now the planets, the different ones that encircle the sun and the solar energy, which is still you. You are still within your sun, your star. But you are also, vast creative being that you are, having a focus of attention of this lifetime, where you walk upon the surface of this planet.


      Now, when this planet was first formed, you lived within this planet, because you brought it forth, you were within it, it was within you, and you lived within it as consciousness. And then there was thought to see, "What else could there be?" And there was consciousness then such as you would be within something and then want to know, "What else; what else can there be?" And ones would characterize this as then coming up to the surface. It was not so much that you physically came up to the surface, as it was the consciousness expanded to take in all that you were creating. And the planet, as you have understood it, has undergone many changes.


      You have played on the other planets of this solar system as well. For you are not content, wanderer that you are, to play just on one planet. You have played on the other planets, as well. We have spoken in other times of the planet Maldek, and how you played out a most wonderful civilization and drama, technology, to the place where there was the explosion of the planet itself into what you have now in the linear time to be the asteroid belt, the pieces of drifting form of energy.


      Some of the energy from the planet Maldek went to another planet known as Jupiter, became part of the mass of Jupiter; also, some of the moons of Jupiter; also went to become some of the rings of Saturn, and also some of the mass of Saturn. You have those two planets especially, are much larger. That is because they absorbed some of the energy from Maldek. Maldek has gone into the asteroids, yes, but there is also much energy that went to the other two planets I have just named.


      The planet you call Mars that is now being in your headlines, is being investigated — was there ever life on Mars. Of course, there was. Were you there. Yes, you were there. What happened to the water. They are now finding traces that there must have been water on Mars. In the explosion of Maldek, great heat, great energy that evaporated some of the water, sent it along with the particles of the energy of what you have as the asteroids and into the other planets, even to Earth itself.


      You have in your history a cycle that repeats itself, the ice ages, where there is much of ice upon the Earth. At the time of the explosion of Maldek the rippling effect of that energy evaporated the surface water on Mars and sent it outward. There is still water within Mars, but there was water on the surface, and some of it came to Earth and formed a great ice age.


      For Earth did not always have as much water as it does now. Your oceans change. Your scientists have told you this. As the polar ice caps freeze more, the oceans become less, there is more of the land mass that is exposed, but it is also covered with a greater layer of the ice from the polar ice caps coming down farther, so that you have a smaller belt of tropic area.


      And then the ice caps melt; your oceans fill up a bit more; some of the edges of land mass then get covered over, etc. And this is cyclical; it has happened many cycles, as you have lived many lifetimes upon this planet. You love this planet. There is a great affinity. For those of you who walk the surface, and those who dwell within this planet, there is a great affinity and resonance with the light of this planet. There is love of this planet. You have called it holy Mother Earth. And it is a lightbeing. You can say "she" is, but I will say "it" is, because it does not need gender.


      You have a great resonance with it, because you have brought it forth in what you would see to be pre-history, long time ago. And you have known the cycles of the changes. And you have known how to live within it, as consciousness within it, even as certain form which is not the same as the form you have to take when you are on the surface, but you have known form within the great mountains, within this planet, as you have done with other planets in other constellations as well. There is a great love that you have when you are awake about it.


      Now, many of the brothers and sisters, and you in many other lifetimes, have walked the surface of this planet and have taken it for granted, not thought anything about it, used it for whatever it could be used in that lifetime — to grow the crops; maybe once in awhile you enjoyed the sunset, the sunrise; didn’t think too much about it. But you, in your awakened state, are beginning to know vibrational oneness, where there is not the separation between you and your creation. There is not the separation between you and the consciousness of the planet itself.


      The planet is not just a thing. The planet is light energy. And that is what you are, and that is what the body is, what you bring forth to activate the body. It is consciousness and light energy, thought energy, brought into form. Where do you go from here? The planet itself will continue to exist for what you see to be eons of time. It will undergo changes as there is change in the collective consciousness. You will take part in some of this as you have interest to do it.


      Many of you are going to return to some of the other constellations where you feel a call. You will spend what is seen now in your linear terms to be several more lifetimes, many more lifetimes, perhaps, on this planet, because you have agreed that you will bring your light here, and that you will bring the expanded understanding of how this planet came to be and what it is for, so that you may spend many more lifetimes. But in what you see to be, again, linear time in the future, many of you who sit here this evening, many of you who hear the sound of my voice, are going to feel a call to return through the stargates.


      Now, we spoke of the stargates, to return through the stargates back to other constellations where you have known and left friends and companions. We have spoken of the stargates previously, how they have been closed and how they are now opening. They were closed at the time of the destruction of Maldek, because it was felt that the collective consciousness in this solar system was too focused upon its very small self and how the divine power of creativity could be used in a way that was not beneficial or harmonious with the other constellations, so that the stargates were temporarily closed to communication until, you can say as a parallel here, until the collective consciousness grew up a bit.


      You are now coming to a place where the stargates are opening, where there can be and is communication with other constellations, with other intelligence from other constellations, other forms of life. It is an expansion that the collective consciousness you, individually and collectively, have agreed that you want to experience. So the stargates are opening. And with that is coming right now a trickle, but it will become a flood later on, of information, remembrance of where you have been, how you have been, and how it feels to live in joy, not constricted by what ths reality has decreed has to be life, how life has to be lived.


      The planet will continue to be for what you see to be a long, long time, because it has volunteered to be part of the divine energy, to serve as a place where ones can play (a schoolhouse) yes, as a schoolhouse, perhaps, or as I have likened it unto the sandbox where the ones can play in the sandbox harmoniously with each other and build the sand castles together, or you can play in the sandbox and throw the sand all around and knock over whatever sand castle another one has been making.


      There is always choice. But there will come a time when the purpose of the planet will be fulfilled, when the thought energy will be withdrawn from it. And it will be allowed to become part of the light of the whole of the cosmos, free-flowing as it was before it was formed. Now, it is not something that you have to sit here in this day and time and contemplate and wonder, "When is this going to happen; am I going to be here; do I need to dig my shelter somewhere in the ground, and if I do, have I found a sacred spot." Nothing like that at all.


      As I have said, many of you will not be here at that time, because you will have taken your individual, as you understand, individuated energy, thought process, to go to be with ones in other constellations once again where you have known joy and companionship. You have experienced many times, many lifetimes and much in this lifetime, of being away from home; not only the home of the Father, the kingdom of the Father, but being away from home where the family was, where the friends were, the companions with whom you journeyed, created, knew oneness together.


      And you have wanted to return. You have looked to your heavens, and you have wondered, "What is up there. Why do I feel drawn to a certain star, perhaps. Why does a certain book come to me." And you pick up that book and you read it and it is like it is the most wonderful movie, drama, play, whatever, about the history of that, or the one speaking now to you from the Pleiades or the Arcturians or whatever. And there is a resonance that you feel, even a homesickness, a feeling of, "I think I’ve been part of that." And then there is a knowing that, "Yes, I have been part of that."


      And then separated ego, as we have spoken many times, will question, "Well, then why am I here? Did I do something really wrong so that I’ve been outcast to the farthest galaxy in the whole universe, way out in the Milky Way, to get lost somewhere, because I did some terrible original sin? Or, did I volunteer to bring my thought energy and light to the farthest edges of what has been known and to expand the one Mind in its experience and expression as the master which I am?" Free choice; you can choose either one. And I know which is true, and so do you.


      But sometimes you feel that you’ve been outcast, and you wonder, "Why? Why am I here and how much longer do I have to serve here? And where is the contract? What did I sign? I want to see it in print." Other times you are quite happy to be here, and you live with the simple pleasures of the sunsets. You see the beauty. And you behold all of the creation you have brought forth, and you call it good.


      I wanted to speak in this evening with you about the origin, about thought energy, about the planet upon which you stand, in order to tease open some of the thought processes within you, to allow you to begin to expand the consciousness even further, to know that you were there before the beginning of time, and when the purpose of time has been fulfilled, you will yet be.


      Explorers that you are, adventurers that you are, creative ones that you are, you will be forever seeking new frontiers and bringing forth new galaxies. Even as we speak, you are bringing forth the birth of new stars. You are bringing the involution of the energy of the dark holes. You have the proof of this with some of your technology now, where you have the seeing eyes that go out; your Hubble telescope, I believe it is called, goes out and brings you back pictures of what is happening. And it is hard to understand from the pictures, and yet there is a feeling deep within you that knows something powerful is going on there. I don’t quite understand what those pictures are all about. They are beautiful works of art, even abstract art, as you would call it. But there is a feeling, a deep knowing, that there is something powerful, transformative, that is going on, and it is.


      For there are many, right now, of the so-called black holes where the energy is being drawn in upon itself in order to become dense enough to explode once again as light particles into new stars and new galaxies, new frontiers. Will you want to experience what those new frontiers feel like? Of course, you will. That is why you have the courage in this day and time to listen to messages such as this, to go to your classes that speak of the metaphysics, beyond the physical, to read your books, listen to your tapes that allow the imagination, which is not mere fantasy, and yet fantasy itself is most wonderful.


      Allow the imagination to expand on the Isness and the concept of Isness. That is why I speak to you of these ideas in this evening, so that you can expand on the idea of self-image, image of reality, again small "r," and the truth of Reality, capital "R." It is most wonderful what you bring forth. I have said that to you many times, and you have not understood. You have said, "Well, yeah, I have a body; it speaks to me; it aches; it doesn’t always want to work in the right way. I bring forth drama; it’s most wonderful what I bring forth; yeah, Jeshua."


      And you have not understood what I have meant. And even in this evening you do not understand completely. In fact, in this moment of time, within what you have agreed to as a collective consciousness, you cannot truly understand what I am saying to you in concepts. But in resonance within the being, you do understand. And there is an excitement that begins to grow, because you know that this lifetime, yes, it is good. But this not all that I am. This is wonderful, and I do not deny it. This is wonderful, creative, and — not a but, but an and — I am more, I am forever expanding, as the universe is.


      Your scientists are beginning to understand. They have wanted to know; well, the universe, it must be contained within some sort of limited box of some sort, even if it is infinite, they say, but it still has to be finite. There must be an edge. There is no edge, because you are pushing the edges all the time. The cosmos is expanding. The universe is expanding, and will continue to expand. That which you get finished with, that which fulfils its purpose, yes, will go back into thought energy and be reborn again, much as you have the seasons of your time, where you have the season of the quiet time, and then there is the spring where the newness of life comes forth, and it matures and ages and ripens as great fruit, brings forth civilizations that are in awareness of all that they are, that they can be. And then there is a time where that fruit then is harvested, made over into new form in the quiet time, and brings forth new life again, forever expanding.


      Beyond even the most wonderful concept that you have of time, there is much of awareness, expression, and experience that is outside the sphere of time. That is not to naysay the value of time; there is much value in time itself. But there is within what you see as the allness of you the concept of time, and the sphere of time is but a small percentage. Like, wow, man! That is how vast, how wonderful you are. Having said that now, I will let you contemplate on that for awhile. Then we will take some questions. We will have some more fun, perhaps with the ideas we have spoken of, perhaps other ideas that come forth.



     So be it.



       — Jeshua ben Joseph

          in expression through Judith