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Lady Guineviere on Relationships


I am Guineviere, Lady of Camelot and I come forward to greet you this evening. My energy vibrates green and turquoise light to all of you, embracing you in the presence of your essence and holding you in your divine god self. Welcome Beloved Ones.

I have come forward with a specific teaching for all of you, this teaching is to understand the dynamics of relationships. Everything that is a part of your reality is a part of your relationship. With your children, you're family, your colleagues, your pets, your garden, everything is in relationship. Understanding the differences in people is one of the first steps in embracing and unconditionally accepting and acknowledging one another. One of the greatest mistakes that humanity makes is to place expectations upon themselves and one another. When this takes place, already the process begins to break down because you have projected an expectation onto somebody and this they do not deserve. You to do not deserve to place high expectations upon yourself for this always leads to disappointment, disillusionment and a breakdown of relationships. The very first step is to acknowledge that you are a human being on a path. You are unique, you have an identity and you have full right to be your true self. You then need to allow all others around you to live the same way. This does not mean that people can treat you in whatever way they choose. By adopting this attitude you allow yourself and the others in your reality to be their true selves. Your world has been built upon false identities, fear, illusions and there are many people living in your world who have no idea what their personal truth is. The reason for this is that most people from a young age adopt qualities projected onto them by their outer environment, parents, teachers, peers and all of this begins to colour the natural personality. And because one of the greatest things that humans want is love and acceptance the person compromises their truth, sells themselves short and puts on a mask to keep everyone else happy. Now bear in mind that not ever will you be able to keep everyone happy, not even yourself. You will have days where you will be loving of yourself and other days where you will simply feel frustrated and generally unhappy with yourself. In relation to yourself you need to accept and love yourself as unconditionally as you are to others. Unconditional love does not mean that you leave yourself open to abusive and unacceptable behaviour. Many have turned their backs on unconditional love because of the misunderstanding of what it means.

Unconditional love is to acknowledge a person on their path, where they are at without judgement but also being true to your boundaries and not tolerating any form of abusive behaviour from any one else as well as from yourself. The way you treat yourself is the way you will be treated. This is one of the first lessons in coaching your environment on how to treat you. In order to relate positively to others you need to know what is out of synch, out of balance in your own heart. The people who you are in relationship are your mirrors; you show one another what is right and what is out of balance.

When a person blames another for ones feelings of sadness or of pain and not taking responsibility for their actions is because the person is afraid to look inside their heart and acknowledge that they are afraid, that they are hurting. The inner child consciousness of that person lashes out at you or you lash out at someone else, not because they are a despicable person but because your inner child wants them to hurt as much as you are, especially if the person has betrayed you in any way whatsoever. This need not be limited to intimate relationships with a lover, this happens with siblings, with friends and family.

I would like to add that as long as you hold onto resentment, bitterness and anger you are only doing yourself harm. You give your power away to those you are angry with. You give your power away to those whom you feel betrayed by for the duration of the time you chose to hold hostility in your heart. It takes time to forgive and perhaps even longer to forget. The important thing is to at least try. When you understand what limits you and what hurts you, you will better understand the relationship with those in your reality. Most times traumatic experiences that took place in ones childhood colours the theme of all future relationships. People have said to us before that they have had a wonderful childhood, no memories of their parents treating them badly and eventually after investigation something like a pet dying instilled a belief or a fear of loss and of life in that person's heart and for the rest of their lives this fear affects their relationships. So the woman or the man will hold onto their partners for dear life because of the fear inside is that perhaps they too will be taken away. Is this clear to all of you so far?

By understanding or at least acknowledging painful experiences from your past you are able to commit on a deeper level to your partner, or to your friends depending on your age and your relationship status. But Beloved Ones do not ever walk away from a relationship without resolving the issue. At least do it in your own heart and mind. The way that this is done is to imagine yourself in a beautiful and sacred space. And in this space you are joined by your angels of healing and all those divine beings who serve, guide and guard you. Remember to call upon the Archangel Michael to assist you, and then imagine the person joining you in this visualisation and begin to confront them in this sacred space. Say everything that you have wanted to say, express your hurt, your disappointment, your anger, perhaps even hatred, express it uncensored. Because you are doing it in a sacred space in no way or form can what you are saying hurt them or affect them on any level whatsoever. When you have said everything that you want to allow this person to answer you, to at least defend themselves. If you wish to reply to this continue until there is nothing left to say between the two of you. Then look down to your body and observe if there are any chords that extend from any area from your body connecting to the person who is sitting in front of you. When you have established this ask the Archangel Michael to take his sword and slice through them, then pull them out of your body and leave them to lie in a heap on the floor before you, and then ask the person to whom you are relating to do the same. Allow the Archangel Michael to use the violet and silver flame of St Germain to ignite this and allow it to be burnt up into its nothingness, leaving you free and whole. Look deep into this person's eyes and thank this one for the lessons brought and the opportunities that you were presented with to grow together, to understand more of life, as painful as it was. But those who betray you the most, who hurt you the worst are in truth your greatest teachers. And in acknowledging this you set yourself free, and you set your new friend free. By making peace it does not mean that you have to make physical contact again, this is not always necessary, and sometimes rather left alone. Then what you need to say to this person is that "I forgive you for all that you said and for all that you did, consciously and unconsciously, and I ask you to forgive me for everything that I said or did consciously and unconsciously". And then affirm "I choose that through this act of forgiveness to free my spirit, to move on with my life and experience peace." Then draw your consciousness back into your physical body, giving thanks to the divine presences that have given support to you. You can do this visualisation as often as you need to until you feel completely free.

What lives in your heart and what lives in your mind becomes your reality. This is the truth of your life. It is very easy to put on a show for others, it is very easy to even fool yourself, but your heart will always draw to you the truth of what is inside you when relating to people or being in a relationship with a person in marriage. We will now focus on intimate relationships.

One needs to understand that more often than not your life will have mundane issues, not every day is going to be sunshine and roses. Relationships are the most wonderful way of knowing about oneself, the most incredible opportunity to master yourself. Far too often people get caught up in the romance of the relationship, not seeing that once the honeymoon has worn off that there are real issues to deal with. When children come along, further responsibilities, further issues to deal with. You personally will go through your own personal cycles of change and growth, and this will affect your relationship. Every relationship goes through cycles and each cycle is the opportunity for your to acknowledge a level of growth that has taken place, and also an opportunity for you to take your relationship to the next level, and the key ingredient in all of this is communication. Not just communication, but truthful, honest and open communication. By sitting down with your spouse, acknowledging that there are certain areas of conflict you have already taken the first step in the direction of healing the particular issue. You both then need to be strong in yourselves to speak what is in your hearts and what is in your minds. Perhaps your partner has been so involved in their own cycles of change that they have not been able to acknowledge that you are in a very vulnerable or fearful space. By telling your partner that you are afraid, that you feel disconnected, that there are aspects of your relationship that you are not comfortable and happy with, you give your partner the opportunity to work with you. By not being open and honest with your partner with your feelings, is very unfair, because you are not giving your partner the opportunity to defend themselves, to share their conflict and to help you understand their perspective. You are being unfair to your relationship and to your children by bottling up your feelings, your fears, your resentment and your anger. You may be depriving your children of a mother or of a father if the relationship comes to the point of separation because you have not felt safe enough to express your truth. The only way that your partner can know what is going on is if you tell them. Is this clear thus far?

So be true to yourself and be true to your relationship. By having honest and open communication you can work together to find creative solutions. Problems manifest when something is out of balance. When cycles come to an end often conflict arises, because the next cycle needs to be initiated and old paradigms, old attitudes need to be left behind. Try imagining moving into a new home, it is best to toss out what you no longer use, what has become obsolete, rather than taking everything with you and making a lot of work for yourself to pack up all your rubbish and then to unpack all your rubbish again. It is the same with relationships, with others as well as with yourself. So the next time you are confronted with conflict in your relationships, have the courage to be true to yourself and trust that in being truthful you will find a resolution. It may initially take time but it is always better to experience the short term pain of honesty, perhaps a little knock to the ego is more the experience than deep pain that one feels with honest communication, rather this than the deeper pain of finding out that your partner has not been truthful with you.

You are all physic beings, whether you are aware of this or not, it is a fact. It is a scientific fact that your energy responds or reacts to the millions of vibrational frequencies that are magnetically projected between people all the time. Now with intimate partners this is even more sensitive. And when either one of the partners is withholding a truth, or their feelings, the other partner will sense it in one way or another. They may feel irritated or tense and anxious in your presence. Many women and men have said that they have felt that their spouse is having an affair, even when there is no physical or tangible proof of this. The reason for this is because you feel it on other levels. You know, and this feeling knows and experiences everything in relationship on all levels. Without communication Beloved Ones, truthful communication a relationship stands very little chance of remaining strong and whole. Acknowledging the cycles of relationships is the first step of overcoming any form of disillusionment or disappointment in your partner not measuring up to standards that you unfairly placed upon them. Your wife is going to wake up and look like something out of the Rocky Horror Picture Show on some mornings, and your husband will be smelly on some days. Make peace with this, it is a human fact. However what is in your hearts is what is important. What originally brought the two of you together? What sparked the flame and passion of love? What did you see in one another's eyes, the first time you looked into that person's eyes? What stirred in your heart and what stirred in your soul? This brought the two of you together. Remember these qualities, they have not disappeared, they may be sheltered under a few extra pounds, but this is not the end of the world. They may be sheltered under the stress of responsibility of having children, paying the mortgage, keeping the cars on the road, children in schools. The person whom you fell in love with is still there. It is up to both of you as a unified entity to find this again. Therefore intimate time together is of the utmost importance. Always make time to spend together, even if it is an evening out once per month. Your children will be fine. You will be giving your children the gift of security, support and stability by ensuring that your intimate relationship with your husband, your wife or your lover is being kept healthy. If you do not have children, do it anyway, because the stress of modern life can also kill relationships.

Now we would also like to speak about relationships that people become involved in, that become a habit or the person is too afraid to make it on their own. This Beloved Ones is a very destructive experience because not only are you giving your power away to the person whom you are with, but you are switching the pause button on to the game of your life and you begin to miss out on all of the valuable opportunities of experiencing your divine truth. Many people are drawn together to balance out karmic situations, to learn from one another. Not all marriages were made to last forever, not the first one anyway (laughter). And one of the reasons why relationships break up so easily in your modern world is because many relationships are lessons and partners have not taken the time to truly look at why they are choosing to be with that person. Believe it or not there are people who marry for money, there are people who marry out of fear that perhaps no one else will come along and this is the lid that fits the pot that they are, and so they commit to a relationship that is not motivated or cemented in pure, true love. If you find yourself in a situation such as this one, or you know of someone who is in such a situation, the first thing that needs to be clearly understood, is that if you stay where you are things will not get better, they most certainly will get worse. Having a child will not change it around. Most times having a child to try and save a marriage or relationship actually speeds up the process of destruction because more pressure is added through added responsibility and often resentment and bitterness manifest because one of the partners, usually the husband, now feels even more trapped. Therefore you, or the person in such a relationship must look into the very depths of your heart and discover why you have bought into victim consciousness, and poverty consciousness, by believing that you do not have the resources inside of you to make your life work in a way that you can experience peace, tranquility, harmony and true love. Some might say that this is a plot for a fairytale, perhaps it is, but did you know that all of you can experience a part of the fairytale at any time that you choose and that living happily ever after can be a part of your reality. If you put your mind to it and choose to work with your relationships.

You are responsible for your own happiness. If you are in an abusive relationship you have to get yourself out. If you are in a loveless marriage you have to make the first move to get out. If you are married to someone and you love the person deeply and there are problems, it is up to you to speak to your partner in order to resolve it. It is easy to expect your partner to know that you are upset. Many partners do but are afraid of the confrontation, you take the first step, do not wait until your partner brings the subject up. You could find yourself waiting 35 years for this, and many have. Do not wait in a relationship until the children have grown up, because you are only hurting your children. You are teaching your children that it is quite alright to sacrifice your happiness and it is quite alright to be in a relationship where no love exists. Is this the example you wish to set for your children, for their relationships? We do not think so. The more you are true to yourself, the truer you are to those around you. Some people have even remained in relationships because they have no justifiable reason to leave their partner, "he is a good man", or "she is so good to me" and "she is an excellent mother, I cannot do this to her". But what are you doing to her, or to him by making this person believe that you love them when you don't - be true to yourself and be true to those who deserve the truth.

When resolving issues in relationships it is of the utmost importance that what you agreed upon be upheld and respected. If you make a commitment to one another to continue with your relationship, and after a few weeks or a few months one of the two partners is happily back into their old habits, severe damage is being done, and very seldom can the relationship be salvaged. This does not only apply to intimate relationships, these are all relationships. When you make a promise, mean it. When you are saying you are sorry, mean it. Do not think because your partner, or your friend, or your child has accepted your apology that in a few weeks it will be OK to live as you were, to be your old self. If the relationship then breaks up you only have yourself to blame, if your children do not trust you after this, you only have yourself to blame. Relationships with children are very sacred and very sensitive. Children are precious, precious gifts given by God. Children are highly evolved beings, like all of you are. They are intelligent, they have a consciousness, and they have a will. The only difference is that their physical body happens to be smaller than yours. But their minds are not, their heart is not, therefore your children deserve the truth, as much as you do, as much as your partner does, and your friends. Children must be treated with equal respect. If you want your children to respect you, treat them respectfully. Children being seen and not heard is of the old school. Respecting elders is still necessary, if the elders are respecting the children and setting examples of high quality, leading by example. I personally have witnessed on many occasion, adults treating children abusively, and then still demanding respect from that child, this is impossible. Be honest with your children about your feelings. You obviously can not place your marriage problems on the shoulders of your two and a half year old or six year old, but be honest with them that you are having a troublesome time, and that you are feeling a little bit sad but that the love for your child is always strong. They need to know this because whether you tell them or not, they know exactly when things are out of synch. Your little baby swimming around in your womb also knows when you are upset. They deserve honesty as much as you do. When relating to your children, acknowledge their divine will, acknowledge that they do know what is good for them, Yes you have more earth wisdom, because you have been on the planet for a little longer than they have, but this does not mean that they can not feel for themselves. When your toddler wants to wear a green shirt with purple pants, in your modern days anything goes, not so? So what is the big deal? If your toddler wants noodles for breakfast instead of oats or cereal, this is what the child needs. All children know exactly what their body wants because they have not been brainwashed by society to eat cereal at breakfast time, to eat a sandwich at lunchtime and to eat a hot cooked meal at dinnertime. They eat when they are hungry and they don't when they are not. And the also know what foods contain the vitamins and nutrients required by their bodies. And you as parents need to honor this. By doing this you are supporting your children in maintaining a healthy relationship with their bodies. If you tell them "No noodles for breakfast, you can have it for supper, you must now have cereal" the child's communication system become scrambled. If the child has not eaten the whole day, do not worry yourself; children always eat when they are hungry. By forcing children to eat when they are not hungry, is forcing your will upon your child and that form of relating relates the message of "I have to swallow what is forced upon me - I have no say in the matter". And this becomes a pattern of victim consciousness. How many of you remember being forced to eat your peas, or being forced to eat your carrots or that you were not permitted to leave the dinner table until you had eaten all of your vegetables? How many of you flicked them under the table? How many of you hid them in your pockets? (laughter) And how many of you ate, then went to the bathroom and threw up? This is where bulimia begins very often. So we truly hope that you can see the value, the importance and the intricacy of relationships. When you are in a bad mood and you kick the dog, what are you relating to this animal? If your child happens to see this and kicks the dog and gets a spanking for this, this is very confusing. Lead by example at all times and set the president of do as I do. Is this clear? Now are there questions that we can assist any one with?

Question: I have found that in trying to discuss certain situations with your partner and wanting to find solutions or creative solutions to the problem, most often in the past, in my recent past it has been coloured by the emotions, which then get dragged into the conversation. The emotions take over and the whole …. (tape ends)

LG : When the conflict is building up and you feel it and it is felt by your wife, acknowledge to one another that you are feeling angry. Once this has been acknowledged both of you then have the opportunity to take a breathing space and walk away to allow yourself to move into rational mind, to acknowledge to one another that you are angry and agree that if you take it further immediately you may not meet the desired end. Then walk away. Have I made myself clear? One only moves back into rational mind approximately 30 minutes after becoming angry so trying to resolve anything within 30 minutes after becoming angry is fruitless. Acknowledge to one another your feelings and then go and put your head in the pillow and scream until you see stars, or go for a brisk walk, or go and write a letter, or go and play with the dogs. Whatever it is, but do not take it further until you have moved into rational mind. Is this clear?

Is there anyone else who whishes to speak?

Question: I would like to know how when my partner wanting to break off the relationship is saying he is not wanting a relationship but it feels to me that it is a head thing and not a heart thing , what is happening with that?

LG: Most often people who make decisions like this from the head are hurting in deeply in the heart and have isolated many of their feelings and do not understand what they are feeling. What may very well be happening is that your presence, what you emanate is bringing his heart issues to the surface and he is afraid so it is far easier to run than to stay. I would suggest that you write him a letter. Communicate your senses, what you are sensing and that you understand that there is more than likely deep hurt there and that you are willing as his partner to stand by him through his transition, through his process of healing, all he needs to do is trust. Write the letter and do the visualization that we mentioned earlier on. In the visualization what you can do is speak to him, reassuring him, asking him to explain to you what is going on in his heart. By speaking to a person on this level you are communicating directly to their soul as opposed to their earth ego. Allow him to answer you back from his soul, and once you have completed the discussion ask his angels of healing to filter the healing energy into his conscious mind so that it supports the dynamic of the relationship between the two of you. Keep on reassuring him that he can trust you, do not push him beyond what his will is but make it known that you are there. If you see however after many attempts on your part, that he is still not willing to co-operate, then Beloved Sister I suggest that you move forward. Is this clear to you? God Bless you, thank you.

Question: My son keeps getting sick, he is asthmatic but it is related to the sinuses, allergic rhynitis, which I understand that it is a related issue. Do you have any suggestions?

LG: Beloved sister, your son's health is not only related to you, it is to the relationship between you and his father. In the lifetime that you have chosen to be with your present husband, you have chosen to bring spiritual awakening to your husband. Your son acts as the bridge between you and your husband. As I tune into your husband's energy field let me tell you that he believes what he sees. He has been astounded by many aspects of your life proving themselves true through what you have done, especially with reversing your Lupus. Your husband however is not comfortable as yet to reveal this to you. His scientific mind is trying to understand the logistics of spirit and matter, and how science and spirit come together, and your son is a part of bringing this understanding. I suggest to you to make a mixture of lavender and tea tree oil, mix this with a little avocado oil and massage this over your son's sinuses as well as over his chest. When he is asleep go and sit by him, put your hand on his chest and thank him for all that he is doing to try and bring peace and balance to your relationship and tell him that he is free, that it is not his responsibility, that you and his father are adults and mature enough to work through this. Have I made myself clear? Blessings be with you.

Is there anyone else who would like to ask a question?

Question: In our relationship if there is a slightest disturbance that is felt by our son, he immediately looks at us, is he too sensitive or is he the type of person who picks it up, even expresses it? Or is he oversensitive?

LG: Is he first, second or third born?

Third born.

LG: He too is serving as a bridge between the two of you. He is highly sensitive, and this is not a negative thing. However I suggest that you speak to him and assure him as we have suggested to this other sister, that it is not his process. Very often children feel their parent's feelings and perhaps even what the parents are not feeling and or expressing. Children need to know that they are safe in their relationship with their parents, regardless of their age. Two or twenty, five or fifty, children will always be children to their parents, and children will always view their parents as a Mommy or Daddy, Is this clear to you? Open communication is important for him to understand that it is not his role, it is not his purpose. Has this answered your question?

When you mention that it is not his purpose, what do you mean by that?

LG: It is not his purpose to make things better between the two of you. It is not his purpose to process any emotions or feelings that is going on in your lives. If you are unhappy or sad he does not have to be sad, he can embrace you and acknowledge that he notices that you are sad but he does not have to be sad for you. Has this better explained it?

Question: Could you maybe, one question, my son is turning fifteen this year but in stature he looks like a ten year old, and it is bringing him a great amount of grief for him personally, at school … What can we do to help him grow, not only in stature but also in confidence?

LG: My suggestion is that you connect him with a group of like-minded and like hearted children. His delay is not a permanent thing and within the next 18 months we do foresee his energy shifting dramatically. He needs to understand that confidence is not about the way you look, it is about the way you feel in your heart. Tell him about the story of David and Goliath. Is this clear to you? By him understanding that size is not everything and the children who victimize him or tease him do this in order to feel better about themselves. Children can be very cruel, especially when they observe something that is different to them. It is not the difference that they are attacking , it is because it is different that it does bring up fear for some people. Why is this person different? Children are very often coloured by their parents programs. What they see on television, what they read in magazines, and everything that you see is bigger, is better and the way you look is of the utmost importance. The car that you drive, the music that you listen to, the clothes that you wear, this sadly is a modern day fact, your son is learning the lesson of building his power and his size from the inside out. Through these qualities he can also teach these people that looks are not everything, and that one-day they too (looks) will be gone. He will teach them the true understanding of beauty and of love. These children are rejecting aspects of themselves and this is why they reject him, they would rather make another feel less, smaller and afraid than have to admit that they too feel this on the inside. I mentioned earlier on that one of the most important things that a human being wants to experience is love and acceptance. This is one of the reasons why many children get caught up in drugs, in alcohol, smoking cigarettes, because they want to fit in, they want to be loved and they want to be accepted. Your son is different for a reason, he chose his body for a purpose and if perhaps he can understand that his uniqueness is his power, that his uniqueness can change the hearts and minds of many perhaps he will come to feel stronger in himself. But I urge you to get him involved with others who can relate to him. There are groups of children who get together for what I think is termed in your language "Team Building" however we do not chose to label it this way, it is more a sense of bonding on a spiritual level. There is a lady whom you can contact her name is Nelia. Please ask this channel when I have finished where you can contact her and ask her about her children's program that she will be developing in Mozambique with dolphins. Have I made myself clear?
God bless you.

Question: How does one know when they are truly in love with someone. I have an experience where I thought I have met my soul mate and I was convinced that this was the relationship I was meant to be in and it did not work out that way, now I am involved with someone who believes that we are soul mates and that I am just not sure.

LG: What went wrong in your first relationship?

I think it was a combination of me being very certain and him being very uncertain, he is younger and I must be very honest, I can't answer you other than that. I don't know, maybe it was just the age gap and it wasn't that big it was only two years.

LG: I can tell you that he was most certainly an important love in your life, what I must tell you though, is that when the right person is there, there is a mutual connection, a sense of comfortably, a peace, of being able to be who you are with no masks put on. It is like you have been away from each other and you come together and you carry on from where you left off. Everybody experiences a love that may not necessarily be the love that last for their entire life time, but when the love that is meant to last the lifetime comes along there is no missing it, there is not wondering whether it is or not. Your heart, your entire being just knows, and it will be mutual . It will be a connection, an electricity, a plug fitting into a socket. Is this clear to you? God bless you.

Question: I think that a person just came into my life, who has just come out of a twenty-five year marriage, I'm just not sure how to proceed with it. I am using my intuition, trying to be cautious,

LG: I always suggest that love follow its heart. Many have called me the Queen of Hearts. The Queen of Love, I wonder why? (laughter) However, through following your intuition, acknowledging what it is cautioning you about will give you a better understanding. Perhaps your caution is believing that there is certain baggage coming along with him. Perhaps even a little fear of being a rebound relationship. I suggest to you to feel all of this. To truly feel it, is it a truth or is it a fear and by determining this you will know what next to do. It is always important to feel one's feelings, not think what one's feeling. Feel whether it is a truth or whether it is a fear. I also suggest that you ask that the divine plan of your relationship come into being gracefully, harmoniously and miraculously revealing to you the direction that it is heading in, you may ask this. Affirm that it be in accordance with the highest will of your soul and his soul and let it go. Continue to following your heart. Is this clear to you? God bless you.

Question: Both my children, I have been told that sugar is not good for …, so in my household if you want something sweet with sugar in it ….. my daughter seems …. to cheese, so I'm wondering ….

LG: For your daughter specifically the cheese is supporting her, she is getting certain qualities from it. For your son, if you are finding that he is desperate for something sweet, let him have it in a natural form. Through fruit, even honey, yogurts even a little custard he can have every now and then. Not a regular feature though. It is a difficult transition that he is going through especially at his young age, even though it is truly beneficial and as a parent you are only having his highest good held in your heart, but ease him through this process, allow a little natural treat to be a part of the reward system, for adhering to his change of lifestyle, so that it does not appear to be punishment all the way. Are you comfortable with this suggestion?

I am but I am wondering with regards to my daughter, she seems to get quite mucousy at about three monthly intervals and I was wondering what that is all about and if it is not related to the cheese and the milk?

LG: Dairy does contribute to the build up of mucous and phlegm in the body, perhaps you can also slowly start to change her eating patterns, where cheese is still a part of it, but supplemented with other proteins. She is needing protein. Many children crave protein but are fed mostly on carbohydrates - sandwiches, noodles etc. and protein is what helps them to build the cellular structure of their body, therefore through dairy they are able to get at least some of the protein that they are craving. So try some meaty treats to replace her cheese cravings and see if that begins to bring her craving for protein into balance.

Question: Can you give me some food for thought with regard to any impression you have the timeline going through this transition I am going through?

LG: Beloved One, this journey that you have been through, has pulled off many off your defenses, it has taken you to the very core of your fears, where you have had to bare your soul- look at yourself naked in your truth. This initiation of fire has brought you to a very strong point, you may not feel it completely as yet, but you have journeyed to find the still point inside of yourself, which is the point of personal truth. You have also stripped from your being all past issues relating to the trail and now you come reborn to face a new day, a new way and a new world. Those light workers who have chosen to work through 7th ray have gone through very painful situations of betrayal within relationships, it does not however mean that you must remain single or deprived of love for the rest of your life. I tell you with all confidence and with all sincerity that it is safe for you to move forward in whichever way feels safest for you. Let the past be and embrace your life and step forward into you future. Breath life into your dreams, move away from everything that makes you unhappy, because you do not have to tolerate it. There is something else waiting for you but you must close the door to the past in order to open the door into your future, and the step across the passage is not as frightening as you are anticipating it to be. Have I made myself clear? God Bless you.

Question: I would like to know what work do I have to do on my relationships?

LG: Is there anyone specifically that you would like us to address? Very well, it was your birthday yesterday, Yes? You have moved into a new cycle. What age are you now? You are also having to deal with the left overs of your first Saturn return. There were certain issues that presented themselves to you in your 32nd and 33rd year, with regards to your spiritual development as well as your personal development on an emotional and intellectual level. I suggest to you to let go of all of the inner dialogue of criticism, of belittlement, of judgment. And allow yourself to flourish like a field of sunflowers, for in truth this is how we see your energy. My suggestion is to begin with acknowledging everything that you are good at, what people compliment you on. And if you cannot think of compliments, look into your heart and acknowledge what you are good at. And focus on this quality, begin to look at your physical features and focus on those that you consider to be beautiful, and slowly but most certainly you will see yourself in a different light. Give yourself the space and the freedom to be your true self. You need not be anything less. You sabotage yourself when you assume how other judge you or reject you, is this clear to you? Let this go and you will most certainly move forward. This will also impact dramatically on your spiritual development and the further unfolding of your divine plan, your purpose as a light worker. Have I made myself clear? God Bless you and happy birthday for yesterday, may it be a year filled with joy, with magic and miracles and may you romance yourself like never before. Are there any further questions that we can answer for you?

Question: Lady Guineviere, I have a problem with my mother-in-law. She intimidates me terribly and I don't know what to do. (laughter)

LG: Perhaps a ten-pound hammer would do the trick. (laughter). First of all Beloved One, I suggest that you observe her behavior and ask yourself - what does her behavior remind you of? Are there tracings of people from your earlier past that you recognize within her, or is it simply the opportunity for you to set your boundaries, to be like a lion and roar your truth. What is a typical example of her intimidating behavior?
I don't know, she is just very controlling. She is a controlling woman, she is much bigger than me, I never feel good enough. I have been happily married for 15 years and I love my husband so much. I just, she scares me and she does remind me of my dad..

LG: So begin to work with the issues related to your father and it will change with your mother-in-law. God bless you, and forget the ten-pound hammer, especially if she is bigger than you (laughter).

Is there anything further before we end this session?

Question: I have sort of a complex question regarding people passing on and how to deal with the loss and how it affects ones other relationships, because it is inevitable that people will pass, kids will pass and I know that I will see them again, its just how to deal with the gap that they leave in my life.

LG: First of all, accept that it is a natural process in the human experience to mourn someone that is no longer there physically. Their physical body has been in interaction with yours. Their presence filled up the space, when that is gone physically the human psyhce needs to go through the different levels of dealing with the separation. I suggest that you allow yourself to mourn this process or whomever it is that is having difficulty in dealing with the loss of a loved one. Acknowledge that it is going to be difficult initially to live without that presence, to adapt ones lifestyle in a different way, but what always works is by always acknowledging that the presence of that soul is never gone. When the person feels comfortable we suggest a farewell ceremony. The ceremony is saying goodbye to what was the physical presence, but reconnecting with the soul presence of the person. By saying goodbye to the physical aspect you allow their soul presence to truly ground and unite with your energy. You may find at that particular moment that something may manifest, perhaps a bee flies by or a butterfly comes to rest itself close to you, or a bird flies into the room. These are all confirmations that the person who has moved on is still there. But one must allow the human aspect the space to mourn this, to go through the levels of despair, anger, deep sorrow, sometimes even guilt and then into peace and sometimes the anger and sorrow and guilt may rise again. Do not stop it, go with it, don't stay in it, come out of it. Is this clear to you? God bless you.

I now come to the end of my relating to all of you this evening. I would like to end off with re-affirming the importance of being true to yourself, and to those who you are in relationship with. If you love your partner, or if you love your friend, or your child, or your parent then make the effort to resolve the situation. Make a commitment to one another that no matter what happens you will never give up until you have given it your all. Love is meant to be experienced in every relationship. The pleasure that you experience by smelling a flower is an experience of love. The love you feel when you watch your child achieving success or simply playing and laughing is the most wonderful interaction with the energy of love. You all have the power to manifest the highest vibrations of love in your life, simply choose it. If you come to the realization that you are beating a dead horse, then Beloved Ones have the courage to move forward so that you can find this love. You have to look inside of yourself first though. May the light of God Almighty, and the entire spirit hold, love and guide every single one of you and may you come to find the love that is in you, that relates to everyone and everything in your reality. I am Guineviere, Lady of Camelot and I bid you farewell


Through Michelle Eloff                                http://www.thelightweaver.co.za/