In October 1990, Bro. Jun Diongzon and several women had a burden and vision of reaching out to Filipinos and other internationals with the Gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ. They prayed for that vision and started their group prayer meeting and fellowship on January 21, 1991. First, they called themselves Filipino Christian Fellowship. The group was meeting once a month, at Wisconsin Avenue Baptist Church, every Sunday afternoon for fellowship, singspiration, prayer, sharing of praise, testimonies, and worship service.

When other Filipino Christians in the vicinity. heard the on-going Christian activity, they participated and joined the group. After two months of meeting, Pastor James Martinez and family came to worship at Wisconsin Avenue Baptist Church. Bro. Jun Diongzon invited them to the fellowship and that was the start with their involvement with the work.

But the Lord, who is the source of life, had other plans for their leader, Bro. Jun Diongzon went home to be with the Lord in July 1991. Although the group felt a deep sense of loss, it did not deter them to continue the Lord's work that Bro. Jun started. His 'going home' inspired them to keep on with the tasks that were ahead of them. Corporately, they continued their prayer meetings, Bible studies and fellowship with one another. Constantly, they also minister to needs of the flock. As they saw God's will fit to call for someone to lead them, they called Pastor James C. Martinez to continue the work in the ministry.

As the group faithfully met once a month, attendance grew and they felt that meeting once a month was not enough for them to grow and learn more of the Lord's goodness and grace. They prayed and decided that the meetings should be held twice a month, every other Sunday afternoon. Truly, our omniscient Lord knows the heart of His children; those who are faithful available and willing to learn and have the desire to serve Him became instruments of God to bring others to the fold.

FCF continued to grow. Many of them were added to the membership of Wisconsin Avenue Baptist Church and were involved in different church ministry. It became evident that the meeting should be held every Sunday in order to prepare the group for greater tasks with a goal to reach out to unbelievers and to become the first Filipino Christian church in Washington D.C.

In 1992, the Fellowship approved the first budget for FY 1992-1993. They formed its first council, which was composed of (a) secretary & ass. secretary; (b) treasurer; (c) funds counter; (d) outreach and visitation; (e) hospitality; (f) program & music; and (g) prayer warrior.

On Feb. 9, 1992, FCF celebrated its first anniversary with the theme, "Press on Toward the Mark," (Phil. 3:14). Dr.David Wong was the first speaker. The theme was so fitting beacuse it was just what the Fellowship was striving to do. Dr. Roy Godwin, Director of Mission and Evangelism, DCBC and Dr. Jaime Prieto of the North American Mission Board, respectively, were the speakers for the second and third anniversary.

On July 3, 1998, the FIBM was constituted as church and changed its name to Agape Baptist Church. The theme for the constituting service was. "No Greater Love," (John 15:13). Dr. Jere Allen, DCBC Executive Director was the speaker for that very special event in the life of the church.

As the Lord reveals His will to the church, His children followed His leading in ministering to women at half-way house; home visitation; ministering to nursing holmes; tract distribution so others may know Jesus through the Gospel tracts; home bible studies; getting involved by giving in Lottie Moon International offering; the Annie Armstrong Mission offering; National Capital Area Missions offering and Phillipine Mission.

Agape Baptist Church is affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention and the District of Columbia Baptist Convention. The church prays for and supports the vision and the commitment of the Convention. Our doctrinal beliefs are outlined in the Baptist Faith and Message (SBC).

Our vision and our goal are to be a part of Christ's great commission by sharing to all the good news of salvation by faith thorugh Jesus Christ. To attend this vision, is to strenghten, teach and nurture His people by His Word and not neglecting constant prayer and fellowshipping in Christian love, that His children may be worthy of His calling.

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