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What is Prayer? Prayer is talking to Jesus. It can be in your own words. We do not have to say special words, since Jesus knows what is in our hearts.

Do we thank Our Heavenly Father for all the good we already have in our lives? There is always something to be thankful for. And even if things seem so dark in our lives that we think there is nothing to be greatful for, just giving thanks is a prayer in itself. It is opening the door for good in our lives.

Every trial in our lives is to make us stronger. Our loving Father in Heaven does not send us anything we can not handle. When the going gets tough, remember that you are not alone, Jesus is walking with you every step of the way. For every bad thing that comes our way, there is three good ones coming around the corner.


One night a man had a dream.

He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the Lord.

Across the sky flashed scenes from his life.

For each scene, he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand;

one belonging to him, and the other to the Lord.

When the last scene of his life flashed before him, he looked back at the footprints in the sand.

He noticed that many times along the path of his life there was only one set of footprints.

He also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times in his life. This really bothered him and he questioned the Lord about it. "Lord, you said that once I decided to follow you, you'd walk with me all the way.

But I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life, there is only one set of footprints. I don't understand why when I needed you most you would leave me." The Lord replied, "My precious, precious child, I love you and I would never leave you. During your times of trial and suffering, when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you.

Jesus: My precious child, I am here with you. You are never alone. Continue to pray and be of a light heart. I never leave your side in all your trials. My hand is upon you and all your cares go away for I walk with you whither you go.

I am the Good Shepherd. I know Mine and Mine know Me. I walk by your side and I lift you up in your adversity. Place all your cares in Me and do not worry for a thing.

Your life here is a fleeting moment, here today, gone tomorrow. Focus on every moment and how you can spread My love. Do as you think I want you to do. Let this be your measuring stick--say at this moment, "What does Jesus want me to do?"

Come unto Me, My little ones. I never grow tired or weary. I am always by your side waiting for your time with Me. When a problem arises, carry that problem to My feet, place it there and walk away. This is the freedom of trusting in God. There is not one problem that you have on this earth that I cannot handle. Do you truly trust in Me? Then leave your troubles with Me and be off smiling and spreading My love.

Spend time with Me every day in prayer. Schedule prayer into your daily routine. If you change the time every day, it is easier to skip it. I am first in your life so I should have My time. Just as with your work, schedule time alone with Me. The more you make Me first, the more things will fall into line in your life.

You do not have time for doubt. Satan is ever around to fill your hearts full of indecision. Cast him out and proceed steadfastly on your way to Me. I hold your hand and I walk down your path with you. Do not think, "Oh, this one is too hard for Him." This one is the one you need to drop at My feet! I am ready and waiting for you to come!

Do not be troubled about anything. If you feel you have wronged your brother in any way, say you are sorry and move on. Satan wants to constantly taunt you and make you full of fear. He has no power in a heart that is wed to Me.

Little one, I am constantly by your side. Listen and be taught by Me. I know the inner workings of the soul and I know all you need at every moment. Lay your cares at My feet. Tell Me your problems as you would a trusted friend and then know that I am working on the solution. You do not have to fret about anything in your life. I am like a good mother who cares for the needs of her infant. Remember, you are My baby and I am hyper-vigilant and by your side. I pick you up and hold your little, scared body. I give you warmth in your heart and your doubts and troubles fade away. Trust and faith are the answers! Do not belabor any points in your head. If Satan can find anything to taunt you with, he will, and will keep taunting you.

This is My ship and I am at the helm. You are My servant. You do as I command you to do. You try your best and then go your way. If you see room for improvement, you learn your lesson and go on. You cannot ever re-live one moment of your life.

To fret over the past is an entirely useless action. If you can learn the lesson, the experience was not all bad. Every day you are in school learning lessons on how to be Christ-like. It is a school you never graduate from on this earth. It is a battle every day to do as I would do. Sometimes you lose your focus and your ways are not the best ways. Whatever you learn today about My life is a good lesson.

I am the tenderest and kindest of hearts. Ask yourself, "What would Jesus do? What do I think He wants me to do?" Do not busy yourself doing a useless task I would not do. My focus is on showing love. You must love the Lord your God with your whole heart and love your brother as yourself. This is My way. Pray at every moment during the day to do the acts I want you to do.

I love you, little ones. Do not spend your time looking back, but look forward to this day that you will live as I most want you to. Forget the past and how you were wronged. Forget your past deeds if you have repented. Forget the ways you could have and didn't! Just focus on the job at hand, which is to love your God and your brothers this moment of this day.

I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. I give you from My bounty. You receive life from My precious heart. Come to Me and let Me fill you with the gifts for your soul. I am eager to give to you this day. You do not want when I am with you!

I love you, little baby. Let Me care for you constantly. I am here at every moment. I am watching your little steps. As a loving mother guards her child, so I guard you. Now make yourself totally empty and place yourself in My care. Be selfless and unattached to any of the cares of this world. I will go with you on your way and you will know peace in your hearts.

The Prayer of Faith

God is my help in every need;

God does my every hunger feed;

God walks beside me, guides my way

Through every moment of the day.

I now am wise, I now am true,

Patient, kind, and loving too.

All things I am, can do, and be

Through Christ, the Truth that is in me.

God is my health, I can't be sick;

God is my strength, unfailing, quick;

God is my all, I know no fear,

Since God and love and Truth are here.

He will give His angels

charge of you.

To guard you in all your ways.

On their hands they will

bear you up,

Lest you dash your foot

against a stone.

Psalms 91: 10-11

You Are not Alone

When trouble comes, we often say,

"Why did this have to be?"

But blessings come in many ways

that sometimes we can't see.

Everything that happens

is part of God's eternal plan.

Today what seems a mystery

in time we'll understand.

Remember prayers are with you

to give you strength today.

Call on those who love you

to share with you along the way.

Poem by: Carole Joy

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