Anne Frank Diary Reference         to people    (how to print with the backgrounds)
After the Diary: Where They Were Taken
Anne's diary ends on 1 August 1944. She did not write entries every day. On the 4th of August, the secret Annex was raided. Two of the helpers were taken away as well as everyone who was hiding in the secret annex. This graph maps out the places they were taken (etc.) with the dates. Of the people who had been in hiding, only Otto Frank survived the concentration camps. (All of the helpers survived, and the two who were taken away were not sent to concentration camps.)

Victor Gustav Kugler Johannes Kleiman Otto 'Pim' Heinrich Frank Edith Frank Margot Betti Frank Anneliese 'Anne' Marie Frank Hermann Van Pels Auguste Van Pels Peter Van Pels Dr. Friedrich 'Fritz' Pfeffer see The Euterpestraat today see The Amstelveenseweg prison today
bicycle is bicycle travel (Mr. Kugler rode a bicycle after escaping from doing trench work under Nazi German guard)

train tracks is train travel (Otto took a train after Auschwitz was liberated). Also, most imprisoned travel was by train and has no train tracks by it.

ship is ship travel (Otto also took a ship)

sideways elongated smoke stack is direct murder, no exact date known (The Critical Edition said that Mr. Van Pels was gassed upon arrival at Auschwitz, on the 6th of Sept 1944, but my notes from Anne Frank Remembered say he was in the camp for two weeks before being gassed. Anne Frank: the Biography confirms this in detail, but says he was likely killed in early October.)

Here are some numbers of barracks and tatoos and some other details.

sideways 'hat' end is death by other causes (starvation, overexposure, typhus, etc), on a known date.

sideways elongated 'hat' end is also death by other causes, but stretched across the date span that the person died in because no exact date of death is known. (The Nazis were meticulous record keepers, but they weren't perfect, and weren't so meticulous as the war closed in on them at the end.)

Colored Lines
Victor Gustav Kugler
Johannes Kleiman
Otto 'Pim' Heinrich Frank
Edith Frank
Margot Betti Frank
Anneliese 'Anne' Marie Frank
Hermann Van Pels
Auguste Van Pels
Peter Van Pels
Dr. Friedrich 'Fritz' Pfeffer

  • When a line goes horizontally across the page, this is time spent at the given location named on the left side of the graph.
  • When a line goes vertical or diagonally, it is travel to a different location (diagonal covers a trip that took some time).
  • A dashed black diagonal line is a death march (Peter van Pels was in one).
  • A dark vertical or diagonal line just means that more than one person was traveling.
  • A travel (vertical/diagonal) line going completely through a location is just to get past it on the graph. The person was not in such a location: it's just an unavoidable thing in such a graph to have to cross irrelevant locations.
  • The locations are not usually placed relative to each other's geographic locations. Although the first nine locations on the graph were all in the Netherlands, so was Westerbork, which appears farther down in the graph.
  • I'm not 100% sure where Weteringschans Prison and Amstelveenseweg Prison were, but I believe both were on the Amsterdam streets of the same names. This is because sometimes they are referred to not as [name] prison but as the prison on [name] street. In The Last Seven Months of Anne Frank: page 51, "prison for convicts on the Amstelveenseweg"; page 91, "the prison on the Amstelveenseweg"; and page 174, "Huis van Bewaring (House of Detention) on the Weteringschans." Amstelveenseweg street is a few blocks west of the map, which does include the Weteringschans.

  • Places like Auschwitz had separate sections for men and women but I did not make that location distinction.

  • White background for a location bar means that it was a free area (however, this time line is during war time and immediately after, so things were not normal, either -- were all, at times, war zones).
  • Light gray background is a prison
  • Gray background is a concentration camp and turns white at liberation. (I'm not sure when three Netherlands places [Westerbork Transit Camp, S.D. headquarters, and Amersfoort Police Transit Camp] were liberated, assumed the date to be VE day [8 May] and use a fuzzy end line on their end).

  • Gray surrounding a person's line in a free area means that the person was under guard, as a prisoner, in a free area or battlefield.

  • Some trips don't have exact dates. A "?" is then placed up on the date, or, if an approximate date is available, a date in a lighter shade than the person it involves is placed up on the date. Peter's death is shown here as 2 May 1945 because his date of death (5 May) was supposed to be three days before Mauthausen CC was liberated, which most references below say was liberated on 5 May.

Locations of the camps
Amersfoort Police Transit Camp was east of Amsterdam.
    see offsite map (
Westerbork Transit Camp was in the north eastern Netherlands.
    see offsite map (
Auschwitz-Birkenau Extermination Camp was in Poland (near Krakow).
Mauthausen Concentration Camp was in Austria (near Linz).
Bergen-Belsen was in Germany (near Hamburg).
Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp was in Germany (near Berlin).
Buchenwald was in central Germany.
Neuengamme Concentration Camp was in Germany (near Hamburg).
Theresienstadt was in north western Czechoslovakia (near the German border).

 To see longer term timelines, visit the Anne Frank center's timelines pages.

an original BBC radio report from Belsen's liberation on 15 April 1945 (link does not work in Firefox)


 by Suzanne Morine

 Last Update: 12 June 2004

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