Sesion # 1: The Beginning



Meeting Ilean'dra

Every character meets Ilean'dra Irratana in special circumnstances and she invites them to join a rebel group that is interested in conquering the Kingdom of Cephiro.

Lina Inverse, the Red Iron Sorceress (as is called by many of her victims and others that know of her actions), was meet by the elven rogue in the safety of Boremium's Inn. There she was paid well for meeting again with Irratana in a some ruins in the forest to the south.

Jumex del Valle, the drow Mind Warrior, was meet by the dangerous elf, Ilean'dra, just inside his hideout when he was returning, there she convinved and paid him for meeting her and her associates 3 days later in the old ruins of Thanfei Fortress.

Gargamel Lopez was looking for any fool that dared to cross "his" forest during the night... and he found what he was looking for. A farmer was running like his life depended on it, but when Gargamel called for him the poor guy stopped just enought to hear the Dark Druid's demands and undressed himself before beginning to run again... but it was already to late... an arrow reached him in the back and the guy fell to the ground like a rock. Just seconds after that Illean'dra presented herself to Gargamel and she left just after getting him to acept to go to the ruins... after all they were near his territory.

The Ruins of Thanfei Fortress

Just an hour after darkness the Dark Druid of the Last Forest arrived to his destination... but he wasn't goint to enter into the wolfs mouth without investigating. so he became a tree and looked around without being noticed. He spoted guards in different parts of the ruins and a fire inside its walls. After some minutes Gargamel saw 2 strange individuals... a red haired and short human female was riding to the ruins by the east (apparently she also spoted the guards) and a short man covered all in all was advancing toward the ruins from the west. When he saw that both the woman and the man arrived to the ruined fortifications without being disturbed he become a hu man again and walked toward the building.

Lina Inverse arrived near the fortress riding her loyal horse Central, looking around to catch every posible tramp or fanger prepared for her... and she discovered hidden in the old ruins some archers looking for any dangers and enemies, but no one of them acted againsts her, so she got into the ruins, where she was welcomed by a fire, some buildings and a troop of armed soldiers dinning and playing. One of the soldiers told her to go to one of the new constructed buildings below the only standing tower and there she went the moment a man in dark clothes and his face covered getting into the ruins.

Jumex del Valle walked toward the old buildings, he didn't notice the archers and scouts looking at him, but he didn't care, his confidence in his abilities was inmense, so he got into the building where hi discovered a well armed camp, where one of the soldiers directed him toward a building, so he followed the redhaired beauty that was walking toward the same place.

Gargamel arrived into the place to find that there were even more soldiers in the place... which put him nervous, specially since he couldn't find the elven lass that contacted him, but one of the soldiers told him that the Captain was waiting for him with her associate in one of the buildings and he followed his instructions.

A Convention of Wolves

At the end the 3 of them arrived to the building where they had been sent. In the interior they found a big table and 6 confortable chairs around it, in front of the door was a detailed map of the forest and the region around it. Sst around the table, were 3 other persons already waiting for them.

At their right was a blond human, dressed in red and black armor, and with the simbol of one of the scattered gods. The man presented himself as Malek of Deritia, Cleric of Hextor (God of War and Tyranny).

At their left was a small and sensual woman of strange skin color and facial features, dressed in stranger clothes, marking her as a stranger to this lands. Malek presented her as Lady Shiva, Envoy from the Distant Faren.

As strange as where this 2 characters, the more unexpected was the last one. A beautiful elven lady, with long silver hair, and blue ice eyes, all dressed in black utilitarian clothes. She presented to them as Illean'dra Irratana, and she was the one who had invited them to this... "conclave" (none of them, with the exception of Gargamel, had seen her true face). Illean'dra asked them to get comfortable, while she explained why where they there in the first place.

She tell them that the people she is working for was interested in retrieving something from a carvan that will be passing near this camp in 2 more days. Most of the time they will do it by themselves but they had not many people around there, and needed someone who knew the terrain (also needed expendable mercenaries... but she refrained from telling them).

Illean'dra explained all she knew about the caravan (itineraries, route taken, strenght, number and disposition of the guards). At last she told about a pair of paladins that were going to guard the artefavt which her masters' were intereted in retrieving, and that if it was posible both of them shoulf be taken as prisioners. Her masters' were only interested in the paladins and the object they custodied, the rest that they found was for them, including 1,000 GPs in platinum for their services.

She showed in the map where their target will go, and after some discussion, the 6 of them began perfecting a plan to attack the doomed carvan.

Blood by Dawn

2 days later they were ready for the attack, Lina and Lady Shiva were placed where the first vehicle would be passing in the moment of the attack with 2 elven rangers. In the place of the second vehicle were Malek and Illean'dra ready for the attack, and to attack the last vehicle and stop any retreating were Gargamel, Jumex and 2 more elven rangers.

When all the vehicles had entered into the trap's area, Lina casted a spell that let the horses of the first vehicle to run free when one of the archers attacked them, stopping completly the caraban, almost at the same time the Dark Druid called for the power of nature to bend the wood of last vehicle, making it to fall back throwing a guard to the ground and another into the coach. Then it became a complete chaos and death fell over the defenders. Taken by surprise most of the caravan guards died in the first seconds of the battle.

In the front the Red Iron Sorceress called for the power in her blood and bended the wills of the near guards. While his archers killed the fallen guards, Lady Shiva went for the guardians of the next coach, and Lina finished the life of another guard while a old man in weird clothes and zicetan features left the coach and calling the force of the universe extended his hands and a bolt of energy hit one of the elven rangers, killing him instantly, while other hit Lina in the shoulder. Her wound was not dangerous so she attacked the zicetan wizard with her sword but she failed as much as the wizard's dagger counterattack failed to strike her. The wizard prepared to call a new spell, but Lina was faster calling the power of her blood and soul, and at the moment of extending her arms the dark power of hell's flames extended toward the wizard, that couldn't escape from the terrible spell, and fell to the ground dying... and Lina finished the job using her sword to impall the dying wizard in the neck... her own mark of fame.

At the same time in the back of the caravan, the archers finished with half of the guards in that section, but the drow ex-patriate extended his will to make his body faster and with the legacy of his blood he extended the darkness from his hearth to around the couch, where he falled over the guards killing them with easy and no compassion. Jumex jumped into the couch, where he found 2 young women and a strong warrior preparing an enormous crossbow and trying to calm the women. In the moment the warrior felt the new passanger he moved attacked the drow, but the darkness covered him and the bolt crossed the air without hitting him, but the drow sword found its mark hurting the warrior in an arm making him drop the mighty crossbow. The brave warrior tried to save the women at his care, but he failed to find Jumex, and he didn't missed the opportunity to take the head of his enemy. And looking around all in darkness and no enemy around he began looking around for valuable treasures, and advising the girls to stay in their place... or pay the price.

The second coach was protected by a beatiful blond woman armed with a powerful longsword and dressing a brestplate with the insignia of the order of Dawn, Ishar Lankaster, a noble woman and a paladin, Illean'dra mentioned her in detail, and how dangerous the woman was... and that she should be taken dead or alife for her master's, the same was for her squire another female paladin with short black hair and deep blue eyes, called Lucretia. Both women efficiently prepared the better defense both of them could muster, but seeing themslves surrounded, they came to a silent agreement after one of Illean'dra's precise arrows bite her arm with cruelty, and Ishtar returned to the interior of the couch while an enraged Lucretia taked down an imprudent Gargamel that tried to take her one on one, and almost died by her sword, and while the dark druid laid dying, Lucretia killed one more of the elven rangers and dodged the attacks of the ethereal and magical sword summoned by Malek to kill the guards around their coach.

The battle endured and Malek seeing the utility of the Dark Druid as a later tool run toward the battle, while Illean'dra shot an almost letal arrow to the brave dark haired paladin. Malek kneeled an instant at Gargamel side, calling the will of his dark god so he could save an allie of darkness, but only stopped the wound prefering to call a more powerful spell to bring down the Lucretia, who was running toward him. When the paladin's sword had almost hit the evil cleric, from the hands of this one an aura of dark and red thowed itself toward the brave warrior, surrounding and freezing her in the place he was. One could see the internal battle to free herself, but it was useless, Malek take her sword and throwed her to the ground, where he used his rope to make he prisioner.

Ishtar seeing that the battle was lost and considering that it was more important to protect the artifacts at her charge, took the small chest where they were contained, and while she jumped over a horse a cut the restrains prayed in silence for the safety of Lucretia's soul. But when she was running almost past the first coach, the Red Iron Sorceress attacked her by the side taking away her concentration while another of Illean'dra's arrows penetrated her armor wounding her just centimeters away from the hearth. The blond paladin fell to the ground, chest in hands, protecting it even at death's door, while her horse run away with her equipment.

Lina Inverse, the Red Iron Sorceress, walked toward the dying paladin, only to roll her over, and look her for one last time, before executing her... and just when she was going to die the brave Ishtar Lankaster cursed the red haired sorceress with her dying breath.

The battle was over almost as soon as it had started... quickly the rangers hided the bodies of most of their enemies, Malek carried away the poor Lucretia after attending to the wounds of the Dark Druid Gargamel Lopez, Illean'dra recovered the chest with her master's artifact and Lina put Ishtar's dead body in the wizard's coach, inside there she found a beautiful zicetan lass, depply asleep thanks to the Red Iron Sorceress' magic power, so she bonded the lass before she could awaken. And retrieving everything that could be necesary they began the journey to the main base, with coaches, treasures and all.



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