Gargamel Lopez, Male Half-Orc Druid (5) of The black Mother

Experience: 14,200 xp
Patron God:
 Lilith, the Black Mother
Nationality: South Cephiro
Attributes: Str 18, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 15, Cha 10
AL: Neutral Evil
SV: fort +4, ref +4, will +6
HD: 4d8
Hp: 29
Init: +3
Spd: 30 ft
AC 16 (touch 13, flat-footed 13)
Atk: +8 melee (1d6+5+1d6 (electticity), x2, Thunder Club)
        +6 ranged (1d6+5+1d6 (electticity) , x2 , 10ft, Thunder Club)
        +6 ranged (1d4+2, x2, 20ft, Dart)
SR: 0
Age: ??

Skills:  Concentration +5, Craft: Weapons +9, Heal +4, Survival +9, Knowledge: Nature +8, Listen +4, Ride +6, Spot +6, Swim +9

Feats: +2

Special Attacks: -

Special Qualities:  Half-Orc: Darkvision 60 ft, Orc Blood; Druid: Animal Companion, Natural Sense, Wild Empathy, Woodland Strike, Trackless Step, Resist Nature's Lure, Wild Shape (1/day)

Armor & Weapon Proficiencies: Club, Dagger, Dart, Quarterstaff, Scimitar, Sickle, Short Spear, Sling, Spear

Known Languages: Orc, Cephirian*, Druid, Goblin

Druid Spells per day:  5 / 5 / 3 / 1, DC 12 + Spell Level. Cast as Druid Level 5.

Equipment: 20 Darts, Studded Leather, Club, Dark Druid Robes; Treasure: 100 GP, 49 PP +more money

Magic Objects: Belt of Hill Gisgisnt, Thunder Club, Potions: 4 Cure Moderate Wounds, 4 Mana Recovery, 4 Poisonous Gas, 4 Neutralize Posion.

Appearance: Ugly and thing half-orc, has green-gray skin, and black-blood inyected eyes, he is too slim and week for the comon Orc or half-Orc. His face is ugly but human like, except for a pair of tusk growing from the botom of his mouth toward his eyes. Dresses with old and old robes made with his victimes clothes. 

Affiliation: Druidic Order of the Dark Mother, recently admited in the Army of the Scarlet Spider

Companions or Henchmen: Harley (Wolf Companion), Fido / Lucretia (ex-Paladin Vampiress Servant)

History: -


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