Association des �tudes et D�veloppement International
International Studies and Development Association
Some Facts:
How many are we?





Last events to block our movement:
Complaint to ban the March 7,8 & 9 Referendum

SAC Manifest of Defence

SAC's Decision
FRAN�AIS          HOME          CONTACT
Mandate: Support the creation of an independent Student Association for International Development and Globalization (IDG) and International Studies and Modern Languages (ISML) programmes
~No Taxation Without Proper Representation~
    Ever wondered why Political Studies alone and PSSA should represent you as a student? Ever wondered why PSSA never consulted ISLM & IDG students for consent in 2003 when they included our programmes under their mandate of representation and took charge of the funding from our SFUO membership fees (ByLaw 2.3)?

     Yes. In 2003, when IDG and ISL programmes were just created, PSSA (the then Political Sciences Students Association)
acquired us incorporating our programmes to their mandate along with the Public Administration programme. A referendum was held but no IDG nor ISL student was considered in it; only Political Science students were consulted.

     We therefore question the legitimacy of PSSA's representative role. Furthermore, since PSSA became the "Political Studies Students Association", a Federated Body representing four (4) programmes,
their activities remained focused on political issues, despite the facts that ISML is half an Arts programme, that IDG is half Sociology, and that both programmes are multidisciplinary. The interests of our new student population remained neglected by PSSA. Given this situation, DIMEIL was created, as an ad-hoc student committee, to voice the interests of IDG & ISML students and thereby promote activities to fill the gap. However, since then every effort by DIMEIL to get PSSA's support resulted unsatisfactory.

     Becoming an association, apart from Political Sciences and Public Administration, will not impede ISDA to welcome PoliSCi or APA students, and any university student in general, from participating in activities, socials, conferences, workshops as well as their emailing list. As a matter of fact, DIMEIL yahoogroups members are students from a wide spectrum of programmes and ISDA aims to continue this openess. This is also the case of the Ottawa Latin-American Association (OLA), Engineers Without Borders (EWB), and the Centre for Women in Politics and Public Policy (CWPPP). By the way, EWB is very active promoting ID.

     Therefore, what the creation of ISDA will bring is, at a first glance, a legitimate democratic representation and, foremost, the opportunity to provide quality ID & IR focused activities, bursaries and internships; all this is possible through a transparent management of student membership funds.
We would like your voice to be heard! Get involved in promoting the creation of your own International Studies and Development Association!


Official Document
Ottawa, 29 & 30 March, 2006

Referendum Statistics:

IDG students: 90% "YES"
ISML students: 65% "YES"

Overall "YES": 81% (111/137)
Overall "NO": 19% (26/137)


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