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How my car got the full Audi service ... with 27 joyrides included | Mail Online Skip to main navigation Skip to main content Skip to search news   Home   News   Sport   TV&Showbiz   Femail   Health   Science&Tech   You Car Finance Gmac Car Cheap Insurance mag   Live mag   Coffee Break   Money   Debate     News Home World news Headlines Pictures Most read News Board Horoscopes Travel My Stories Logout Login   Motors | Jobs | Property | Dating | Wine | Feedback | E-editions Sunday, September 07 2008 This Morning  13°C  This Afternoon 17°C 5-Day Forecast 'My car got the full Audi service (with 27 joyrides included)' By Tamara Cohen Last updated car rental promotion codes at 8:14 AM on 06th September 2008 Comments (54) Add to My Stories Internet entrepreneur Mark Reece was shocked to find his Audi R54 had been driven at twice the myspace car layouts speed limit during a routine service When Mark Reece took his car for a routine service, he expected it to receive professional care and attention. But when the businessman came to collect his beloved Audi RS4, it was not exactly in the condition in which he left it. In fact the �50,000 estate had car crash articles been driven no fewer than 27 times while in the care of the registered Audi garage. On several of these occasions it had been mysteriously racing around his home customize your own car town at more than twice the legal speed limit. The excursions were exposed by a tiny security device fixed to his car, which records used car in florida every journey it takes. 'When I got the car back and looked at the log, I couldn't believe it', car washing water quality said Mr Reece, an internet entrepreneur. 'There is no need to start a car 27 times and drive it around recklessly to do a service. 'That's not a test drive, especially when sometimes it was driven outside the garage's opening hours. 'I've caught them redhanded. Someone was best car alarm speeding on what I know is a 30mph t1000 car residential road with a school on it. It's shocking.' Mr Reece, 37, left his car with his local Sheep Skin Car Seat Cover Audi garage in Bexley, South-East London, for

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11 days while he was insanity test race car abroad on business. During the first couple of days at the garage the tracker logs would suggest the vehicle was moved, and used car review the engine turned on and off. classic car appraising cincinnati But on the third day, it was bombed around the suburban local area at 60mph. This happened twice the following day, and again a week later. Altogether it had notched up 16 miles on the road, although he says the garage's documentation claims it had only been driven four miles. The fast show: Mr Reece's Audi R54 broke the speed limit during 27 'joyrides' Penhill Road, where the car was driven at 62.1mph, has a maximum speed of free car wallpaper 30mph imposed after a series of accidents. The other roads car recall where speeding of up to 68mph occurred are also residential - with speed indiana pa car dealer limits of 30mph. When Mr Reece came to pick his car up, he scuba car claims he found oil spilt in the boot and a scratch down the rear quarter panel. But he had a bigger shock nido car when reading the log from the �1,000 Tracker Response monitoring system. 'The garage are denying they did anything untoward, but clearly that car seat ratings is not the case,' added Mr Reece, a father of two from Rochester Car Luxury New Rental York in Kent. He claims to has failed to get a satisfactory explanation from the dealership. A spokesman for Audi UK said: 'We are dallas car dealer looking into the alleged issues relating to the service on Mark Reece's Audi RS4. 'Whilst this servicing work is the direct responsibility of the nada car values Audi Centre commissioned to carry this out, Audi UK does maintain and enforce very high standards throughout our franchised network. 'Our initial inspection of the data provided by Mr Reece has been inconclusive. 'Until the data from the Tracker fitted to the customer's car Luxury Car For Rent can be more fully interrogated and verified, we cannot comment further. 'We will continue to maintain a close dialogue with the customer and the centre with a view to resolving all the issues.'   Print this article Read later Email to a friend Share this article: Digg it | | Reddit | Newsvine | Nowpublic | Facebook | MySpace | Fark Add your comments View all Comments (54) Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below? Happened to me too when I left my motorbike - Yamaha buget car rental R6 for service.Arrived to pick it up and saw it flying through co2 car ideas the carpark and no petrol left in the tank to ride it home.Also I was charged used car prices for a new oil filter and Purchase Luxury Car it was just as I left the old one.Thought it was just because I was a girl! - Caroline,, France, 06/9/2008 15:41 My BMW sports car was at my local authorised BMW franchise having mp3 recording with car xmitter work carried out under warrenty and I was taking another of their cars for a test drive when my car kit car manufactures shot out in front of me, did used car finder a hand brake turn and sped off up the road (with a boy driving it who looked no older than 18). I could not keep up with the speeds my car was travelling as it was exceeding the speed limits on every road but edmunds car when it returned i was waiting....after many phone calls and letters the young man was sacked (which I found out through a third party) as they would not tell me directly. My perservience car safety reports paid off, dont let garages ever

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fob you off! - Samantha, Leicester, 06/9/2008 15:25 Putting the customer first....customer care, don't make me laugh! This garage should be put out of business. - Mark R, Coventry UK, 06/9/2008 15:04 **yourComments** - **name**, **townAndCountry**, **creationDate** View all Add your comment Name:  Email:    Your email address will not be published Town & Country:    Your comments:    You car cranking have 1000 characters left. Make text area bigger Remember me - this will save you having to type out Top Car Hire Service your name, location car talk and email address when you next leave a comment. Terms & conditions   Advanced Search   FEMAIL TODAY 18-year-old Eugenie finds Sam-body to lean on Princess's close friend Sam Sangster is the son of 'serial divorcee' Susan Sangster     Chelsy the chav in baseball cap, tracksuit and bling Prince Harry's girlfriend sent up her image with the stereotypical uniform of the chav     'Why I'll never say never to more cosmetıc surgery' Actress Leslie Ash says she still doesn't like what she sees in car magnet arkansas the mirror     Marry Lineker! Gary is to wed his girlfriend as couple move into �2.6m lovenest It's zune car kit Match of the Day for the presenter and Danielle Bux     I still love Kate but I know it's over, admits Doherty The Babyshambles frontman is still not over Kate Moss - more than a year after they split     Why Cliff Richards hates his sticky-up hair and botox made his eyebrows collapse PENNY JUNOR has been ghosting car battery charger the star's autobiography     'I went to Luxury Car Owner Characteristic hell on the way to winning Dragon's Den' He charmed �60k out of TV's Dragons but a year ago Robin Banks blitzed on drink and drugs     Anne Hathaway: What George Clooney taught me She may be plagued with self-doubt, but she knows who to turn to for advice     Jodie Kidd: How

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