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Surfing down a big wave

Everybody knows what surfing is, just you on your surfboard, facing the waves. That's it, beautifully simple.

Who can do it?

Anyone with a bit of balance, or alternatively a desire to learn surfing.

What equipment do you need?

Nothing. Well, at least not at first; everything is hireable (e.g wetsuit, surfboard, gloves, etc). Of course you can buy your own equipment later on if you feel inclined to, but generally hire equipment is of a good standard anyway.

Is It Dangerous?

Can be, that depends on where you are, the provision of lifeguards / coastguards in the area, your knowledge of the local sea & tide details, your swimming skills and your attitude to risk.

All sea sports are subject to similar important precautions, such as:
- Know the tide strengths and timetable for high & low tides
- Be aware of shipping channels
- Know the behaviour / trends of the sea (E.g. current paths in bays)

Awareness of the above will ensure a safe day's surfing.


Once your on the board, your aim is to be surfing down the wave back towards shore. After you've mastered the basics, you can try all manner of stunts and tricks such as: Jumps, twists, kicks, turns, riding the barrel wave (a tunnel created by overhanging water on really big waves) And various other terms which will go in and out of fashion.

Fashion is an interesting concept because from surfing, a once small and distinct industry, stemmed a massive boom in surfware. Worn out of the water, the baggy style and surf related brands now account for big market shares amongst youth age groups. As fickle as fashion is, you're just as likely to see surf brands in urban inner cities as you are down on the beach!

So, surfing is more than a sport, it has a community, a style, an identity, which is why it is popular with young people.

Surfers also have competitions, at local, national and international level. The main competitions have surfers judged on a quantity and quality of tricks they can pull off.

Surfing down a not so big wave, but still, good fun

Summary of Surfing

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