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Kites? Oh yes I remember them, a distant childhood memory of standing in a field holding a piece of string attached to some flailing material in the sky. How easily pleased we were back then!

No No NO, kites today are nothing like that, in fact quite the opposite. Kites nowadays are used in the same vein as windsurfing, hauling people around with immense power harnessed from the wind.

Think BIG!

Pic 1 The kites used for these kind of adrenaline sports appear more like parachutes than anything else, with sizes in the region of 4 - 12 square meters, their job is not to just look nice, but pull (and sometimes drag) people around by utilising the wind.

I've Got a Kite, Now what do I do?

Go and have fun, or more specifically get an attachment like one of the following:

Kite Surfing

Strap your surfboard to your feet and let your kite pull you around the water. Not for the faint hearted, Kite surfing requires reasonable competence in surfing and kite flying individually before the two skills are combined.

Some kite surfing boards are multi directional, i.e. both ends can be the front. This is slightly different to conventional surfboards.

For a fairly new sport (the British Kite Surfing Association was only started in 1999), kite surfing has created great interest.

When wind and sea conditions are right, stunning tricks can be performed by jumping off waves or using the kite's power to get airborne.

Pic 2 With the huge reserve of power, the kites can carry kite-surfers in the air for up to 10 seconds and to heights of 40+ feet. Because the kite is acting against gravity, landings are softer and more controlled than you would expect.

Due to it's infancy, kite surfing lacks a solid framework of training, but slowly, centers around the country are responding to the demand of new kite-surfers in need of training.

Kite surfing focuses on individuals and the tricks and stunts they manage to pull off, often while in the air! Currently media exposure is low, mainly due to the sport's newness. It won't be long before media exposure increases and more people can enjoy this truly unique and awesome kite sport.

Kite Buggy

If you prefer your wind action on land rather than water, Then a kite powered buggy is for you. It comprises of three wheels, the front wheel being steered by your feet, leaving your hands free to control the kite.

The kite size is smaller than that of kite surfing, normally around 5 m2, because airtime would be plain scary in a buggy! The idea of less kite power is to stay on the ground and retain some control.

Riding in a buggy gives a great feeling of speed, firstly because you are low to the ground, and secondly because the wind forces from the kite go through you, letting you feel the power of acceleration. Pic 3

One (slightly disturbing!) thing you should be aware of, is that buggies generally stop by de-powering the kite, or turning in to the wind, so you don't need brakes!

The buggy has a low centre of gravity, and runs best on flat ground (E.g. beaches / fields),

Mountain Board

Like a giant skateboard, this very different vehicle let's you practice similar skills to kite surfing, when you can't get to the water.

Clearly it will loose out to the kite surfing comparison when you consider crashing, and associated risk of injury.
But still, it is an innovative contraption, and deserves its place on the kite-sports list.

Pic 4 As with all the kite sports, the wind can be unpredictable from minute to minute, sometimes with constant power, or sometimes with random gusts. This requires the rider to adjust his balance and the kite's power to suit, so provides some interesting challenges to overcome.

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Pic 5

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