Chapter One

Kathy ran around the house putting the finishing touches on the party preparations. Colorful balloons and streamers decorated the walls, presents were starting to pile up on a small corner table and, in the dining room, all the fixings for a two year old's birthday feast, cake, candles, the works. It was so hard to believe Andrew was that old. Kathy paused by the table, setting the paper plates and cups down. It seemed like yesterday that he was born. Her brother in law leaped in through the front door with a shouted hello. Kathy looked up and smiled. Aaron was 15 now, almost as tall as Nick and getting more handsome with every passing day.

"Where's Nick and Tigger, Aaron?" Aaron gave her a huge hug and kissed her cheek.

"Parking the stroller in the garage, should I go out and help him?"

"No, he's pretty good about getting back into the house, he should be fine."

Nick's sisters, Angel and Leslie appeared from the kitchen. "Hey Air! Is there anything else you need us to do, Kathy?" asked Leslie.

"No I...oh! We need ice cream! Chocolate, vanilla and AJ put in a request for mint chocolate chip!" She handed the girls some money and thanked them.

"Nick is taking a long time, are you sure you don't want me to go get him?" Aaron asked, looking towards the garage door.

"No, he sometimes takes Tig down to the beach and talks with him, he's alright."

Nick pushed the stroller into the garage until the wheels bumped the wall. "Here we are Tigger. Back home. Did you like your walk with Daddy and Uncle Aaron?" He carefully felt for the safety strap and unbuckled his son.

"I wuv Unca Aawon." Andrew clapped his hands excitedly. "Where he go?" Nick pulled Andrew out of the stroller and placed him on the floor.

"In the house, probably. Want to go to the beach?"

"Yay!" Andrew clapped his hands again. "The beach!" He tugged on Nick's sweatshirt, making Nick bend down to him. It was his way of letting Daddy know he wanted to talk to him.

"What is it, Tigger?"

"I wuv you, Daddy. You the bestest Daddy ever!" Nick felt his eyes tear up, but he brushed the tears away before they could fall. Andrew hated people crying.

"I love you too, Tig. You're the bestest ever."

Kathy watched them through the sliding patio doors. They were walking along the water's edge, Andrew holding Nick's hand and pulling him along, stopping now and then to crouch down and examine a sea shell or other treasure. He would hand it to his father to feel and then tuck it into his pocket. She laughed as Andrew handed Nick a small crab, then collapsed in giggles as Nick made comical faces and wild gestures to get the crab away from him.

"Does he know his father can't see him yet?"

Kathy jumped and turned to face the owner of the voice. "Oh Kevin! When did you get here?"

"Just now." He smiled and pecked her on the cheek. "Jane and Bob just arrived too, so they let us in." They both returned their gaze out to the beach.

"He doesn't realize. He's only just two. We tell Tig that Daddy can't see him, but he doesn't really understand why yet."

"He just seems so aware." Kevin commented. "The way he hands Nick things to feel."

"Oh, see, he's always had to do that. It must be second nature for him now. We've always told him to let Daddy feel." Kevin smiled once again at the scene outside the window and then took Kathy's elbow to escort her into the living room to greet her in-laws.

"You still call him Tigger?" Kathy looked up and grinned. Kevin had bestowed that nickname on Andrew before his first birthday, mainly because Andrew was so bouncy, he never seemed to sit still.

"Are you kidding? He thinks that is his name!"

"Hi Mom, Dad!" Kathy greeted her in-laws in the living room. "It's so nice to see you again!"

"Where's my grandson?" Jane demanded playfully.

"Here he is!" Nick came through the patio doors on Andrew's heels.

"Nana! Oopa!" He flung himself at his grandparents, squealing with laughter. "Daddy and I were at the beach!" He dug his treasures out of his pockets as Nick welcomed his parents.

"Is everyone here yet?" he asked Kathy. "No, Kevin and Kristen, that's it so far."

Leslie and Angel returned from the store. "Lots of people out there now...a whole bunch of cars just pulled up in front."

"Would you quit fussing with that ribbon, woman. Tigger's not going to notice it anyway."

Alexa glared at AJ out of the corner of her eye. "Just pay attention to where you're driving, boy and leave me be. Besides just because he's only two doesn't mean somebody won't notice the wrapping." She pulled at the ribbon, straightening it out one final time before twisting in her seat and gently setting it behind her.

"You're obsessing."

"Am not."

"You are too."

Alexa sighed and fiddled with the engagement ring on her finger. It had been there for nearly a year, and it still seemed strange sometimes. AJ was right, she was obsessing. But it had nothing to do with Nick and Kathy's son's birthday. "Do you really think we should tell them today? It's Andrew's day."

"Alexa, calm down." AJ was both exasperated and amused by Alexa's behavior. "They already know we're getting married. We're just supplying them with a date."

"I suppose."

AJ reached over, taking her hand. "Tell them today or don't tell them today. It's your call. But they have to know eventually. Just don't stress over it. You should be happy."

"I am happy." She turned to smile at him. She was happy, she was just prone to worrying, especially with their history.

AJ stopped the car, and turned toward Alexa. "Time to celebrate the second birthday of the first Backstreet baby. You done worrying?"

Alexa nodded. "Let's go."

Alexa was watching Brian, Nick and AJ play with Andrew when LeighAnne found her. "Alexa, hi," The two women hugged, "it's been a while. How have you been?"

Alexa smiled. "The clinic's busy, but I'm good." She noticed the look LeighAnne was giving her, "Oh, you mean.." She glanced at AJ and sighed. "We're good. Better than in a while actually."

LeighAnne nodded thoughtfully, something carefully guarded behind her eyes. "Good. We worry about the two of you." She motioned toward AJ with a tip of her head, "He's a tough one to deal with." There was no response from Alexa. "So, we should get together for lunch tomorrow. Y'know, girl-talk." LeighAnne's smile was so genuine Alexa couldn't help but smile back.

"Lunch would be good, I could use some good girl-talk time."

LeighAnne was clearly questioning, "Oh? You got something you want to tell me?"

Alexa smiled again, "Tomorrow... " She turned her attention back to the guys playing with the birthday boy. Brian was making every face imaginable trying to keep Andrew laughing. "You and Brian thinking about adding to the Backstreet clan yet?" Alexa turned back toward LeighAnne in time to see her eyes twinkle.

Keeping her voice low, LeighAnne leaned toward Alexa, "I was going to tell you at lunch. We decided we didn't want to overshadow the party."

"Ohmigawd, congratulations!" Alexa immediately hugged LeighAnne who seemed to relish the attention.

"It's been so hard not to tell. We're so happy." LeighAnne's face suddenly turned serious as AJ came toward them.

"Hey Leigh, you look good."

She only nodded, "AJ." She basically ignored him, turning to Alexa, "Lunch tomorrow?"

Alexa nodded, puzzled over the sudden change in LeighAnne's demeanor. "Call me in the morning for a time."

LeighAnne nodded again and rushed away to where Brian and Nick still played with Andrew.

"What was that about?" AJ wrapped his arms around Alexa, who shrugged. She was still thinking.

"I don't know, I was kind of hoping you'd have some idea."

"Nope, I got nothing. Did you tell her about the date?" It frustrated him that she wouldn't tell anyone.

"Tomorrow. We're having lunch." Alexa's full attention wasn't on AJ. She was watching Brian and LeighAnne across the room, who were deep in conversation. Every few seconds one or the other of them would look at her and AJ, then they'd continue what appeared to be a very serious discussion. Something about the way they looked at them made her nervous, and something told her she didn't want to know why.

"Baby?" AJ brushed his fingers across her cheek, bringing her back to the moment. "You ready to go?" He leaned closer to her, lowering his voice. "We can have our own celebration, even if no one else knows why we're celebrating..." He leaned back, looking into her eyes, and Alexa couldn't hide the smile forming on her face.

"I'll tell, I promise. Just not today." She glanced around the room. "There's Kathy, I'm going to go tell her we're leaving. I'll see you in a few." She leaned forward kissing him lightly, before she went off in search of the hostess. "Kathy, hey. Need a little help?" Alexa picked up a few stray pieces of wrapping paper, and stuffed them into the bag Kathy had in her hand.

"Thanks." Andrew suddenly charged through between them, convinced he was being chased by "Uncle" Brian, and both women laughed. "Terrible two's here we come."

"It can't be that bad. He's a great kid."

"Thanks again." Kathy sighed. She was clearly tired. Party preparation and then the actual party had taken all her energy lately. "I just wish ..."


"Oh, nothing. You and AJ heading out?"

Alexa nodded. "Ya, it was a great party, Kath. You did a good job." Kathy smiled as AJ joined them, followed by Nick. "Hard to believe Andrew's already two." The two couples stood silent, each of them reliving a little bit of what had happened in the past two years in their minds.

"Well, we're out." AJ broke the silence, slipping an arm around Alexa's waist, and ushering her toward the door. "Talk to you in a couple days, Nick. Great job Kathy."

Alexa stepped away from AJ, and toward Kathy, giving the other woman a hug. "You take care of yourself. You look really worn out."

"I'm fine," Kathy protested quietly as they stepped away from each other.

"Hey, did you just get a hug? How come I didn't get a hug?" Even without the use of his eyes, Nick could pout like a pro. His arm reached out, until Alexa stepped into it, giving him equal treatment. As much as she loved having AJ's arms wrapped around her, she couldn't help but feel comfortable in the bear hugs that Nick gave. He held on longer than she expected him to, until she stepped away.

"There, happy now, ya big baby?" Alexa couldn't help but smile as he grinned. She hoped Nick never lost that little bit of childishness that he still had.

"Okay Carter, keep your hands off my woman."

Nick lifted his arms in innocence, "Hey, don't blame me, man. She came to me."

"Just because you're blind, don't mean I can't kick your ass."

"Try it, skinny man. I can still squash you like a bug."

Alexa and Kathy watched the two men, rolling their eyes at each other over the behavior. "Okay, okay. You're both big strong, macho men." Alexa grabbed AJ by the hand. "We're leaving now. Call me sometime Kathy. See ya Nicky." And with that she dragged AJ out the door.

�1997 - 2002 [email protected], Intelexual productions

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