Chapter three

Alissa didn't get away from her desk in time to go home first, so she went directly to the restaurant. She'd called Carrie back after JC left, and spent a long time trying to calm her down, after telling her that she was going to dinner with all of them. Alissa was actually still trying to figure out why she'd agreed to go. She really didn't want to hang out with the guys from *NSync anyway. But she knew it was good for her job to keep Chris happy, and if thinking she liked his little group made him happy , then Alissa might humor him.

She stepped into the restaurant and looked around awkwardly. She didn't think they'd be out in the open. And if they were, they were as dense as she always proclaimed to Carrie. She didn't see any mob scenes, so she gave them the benefit of the doubt. She looked around for another minute before she felt someone tap on her shoulder.

"Excuse me, are you, um Alissa?" Alissa nodded, curious about the young girl speaking to her. "Some guy asked me to find you and tell you that there's a room in the back. Straight through that door." The girl pointed out a door to the right.

Alissa choked back a giggle at the �some guy' comment and walked in that direction, wondering which one of them the girl had talked to. She would have expected the girl to know him whoever he was. But it reinforced her opinion that *NSync was just not as popular, and therefore not as recognizable as Backstreet.

"Alissa, glad you showed up." JC caught her attention as she entered the room.

"I said I would and I'm here. I've got a question though. Which one of you is �some guy'?" She looked around the room at JC, and then Chris, and then her gaze fell on the new face, who she knew was Joey. They all looked confused. "Which one of you sent the girl to look for me?"

"That would be me." JC said, still confused.

"Well apparently, you are just �some guy'. Are you sure you guys are really popular? I mean besides my best friend I have yet to see the fans." Alissa smiled a little to ease her sarcasm, noticing that Joey looked momentarily stunned. She decided she might as well introduce herself. "Hi, I'm Alissa, the Backstreet fan who works for Chris. Nice to meet you Joey." She stuck out her hand, and he looked at her strangely as he shook it.

"Hello." He looked at Chris. "You hired a Backstreet fan? What are you thinking?" He smirked back at Alissa, and she knew that he would be the one to kick back sarcastic remarks to match hers. She noticed Chris taking an authoritative stance.

"This is going to be a NO BACKSTREET zone, from now on. No references, no comparisons and no mention of them anymore." Alissa raised her eyebrows and stuck her tongue out at him.

"Make me." He pretended to charge at her in mock-anger and Alissa squealed as she jumped out of the way, just as the door swung open.

"Maybe I should come back later." Alissa turned at the sound of the deep voice. She knew Carrie would give almost anything to be standing exactly where she was at that moment - right beside Lance.

"Lance, man, get in here." He did as he was told, and smiled at Alissa as he sat down at one end of the table. "Anybody know where Justin is? We all left rehearsal at the same time." Chris looked slightly stressed that Justin hadn't arrived, and Joey attempted to calm him down.

"Relax, he's probably making that important phone call to the princess. You know how they are." All four guys snickered and knowing looks passed between them. Alissa wanted to ask questions, but she didn't get the chance. Just then Justin came blustering into the room, with the momentum of a small tornado.

"Yo guys." He stopped dead when he realized everybody was looking at him. "What?"

"What took you so long? We've been waiting."

"Chris give it up. You're not his keeper."

"Besides, we all know what took him so long, " Joey nodded at the other three with a sly smirk.

"Shut up." Justin turned, noticing Alissa was just to his left. "Hey, Alissa right?" She nodded. "Cool. Chris convince you we're better yet?" Alissa couldn't help but laugh at the smile on Justin's face.

"There is no way that will happen. But he's free to keep trying, my best friend is loving the free stuff.

The guys settled down somewhat at the prospect of dinner, and Alissa was able to quietly observe them for a while. She also noticed the music the restaurant had playing quietly in the background, and found herself humming along to a few of the tunes. Shortly after that she looked up to find five pairs of eyes staring directly at her.

"What?" Alissa was instantly defensive.

"You were ignoring us." Alissa almost giggled at the pouty way Justin made the statement. Her guess was that he used the card of being youngest in the group well to his advantage.

"Was I? I'm sorry, I was thinking."

"That's not the worst part," Joey interrupted. "You were singing." Alissa listened to what the background music was and giggled realizing it was, �I Want It That Way'. She bit her lip, to stop herself from giggling anymore.

"Can you blame me? It's a really catchy tune." She heard Chris sigh and turned to see him shaking his head. "Well, it is." She looked at each of them "What do you want from me? They're my Boys." She placed her hand over her heart as she said �boys' indicating what they meant to her.

"So exactly what are we?" Justin stared straight at her as he asked. Alissa took a second to think, wondering how diplomatic she could be.

"You," she gestured to all of them, "are Carrie's boys." She paused before throwing in another thought, giving them long enough to feel comfortable with her answer. "And the enemy." Alissa was instantly pelted with balled up napkins. "I feel so welcome. Thanks guys."

"You beating up your employees, Chris? Haven't I warned you about that?" Danielle waved at Alissa as she walked in. There was a small chorus of "hey Dani," as she took her seat beside Chris. Then attention turned back to Alissa as JC asked her a question.

"You said your best friend is our fan right?" Alissa nodded, wondering where he was going, "So you must know our stuff. You don't like any of it? Or you're just really loyal." Alissa laughed, she hadn't realized the full impression she was giving them.

"I never said I didn't like a few of your songs. But I like, " she paused to look at Chris with a smirk, "those other five guys who shall remain nameless, better." JC looked pleased with her answer and sat back in his chair before Justin picked up the conversation.

"So, what's your favorite?" Alissa was surprised by the question, especially from Justin.


"Your favorite song. What is it?"

"I never really thought about it. I guess," she stopped to think about which songs she and Carrie had talked about the most, "That a capella one is pretty. And, um, that old one. Drive Myself Crazy, I think. "

"You don't like the new stuff?"

"To be perfectly honest, Bye Bye Bye got really annoying after a while and a couple songs were annoying to start with. And don't even get me started on Digital Get Down, that's just wrong." She noticed the crestfallen look on JC's face momentarily before she continued. "But No Strings Attached is cool. Oh, and that Bringin' Da Noise is a good party song. Oh, and This I Promise You is gorgeous." Chris looked slightly stunned by her knowledge of the album. Alissa didn't bother mentioning that Carrie had bought her a copy in her effort to help *NSync beat Backstreet's sales record.

"Wow, you actually do pay attention to us. We are truly flattered," Joey said totally deadpan, with one hand over his heart.

"Don't be too flattered, you're still second-best."

"Now why'd you have to go and ruin the moment. I could feel the love in the room." Alissa looked up surprised as Lance spoke. He'd barely said two sentences since arriving. Alissa figured he was the type to observe and size people up before getting too involved. Obviously she must have passed the test. She smiled at him and raised an eyebrow, and he smiled back, but Joey interrupted before either one said another word.

"So where are we moving this party to?" The guys all laughed, and Alissa had heard enough about Joey from Carrie to know why.

"I don't think I'll be moving with the party, guys. Sorry to disappoint anyone, but my boss is an awful slave driver." JC, Justin and Joey all looked at Chris.

"What? I'm never even there." He looked at Alissa. "You're getting me in trouble with the guys now, you gotta go out, or they're gonna think I'm working you to death." Alissa shrugged and shook her head.

"I don't think so."

"Oh come on, �Liss." She looked at Justin, surprised at how quickly he had started using her nickname. "We're only here a couple days, you gotta come out." Justin looked pleadingly at her and she sighed, knowing she couldn't win.

"Alright, alright. You win." She did a little dance in her seat as she sang, "Just got paid, it's Friday night..." Then she giggled, at the strange looks she elicited from the room.

Justin, grinning widely, looked back to Joey. "So, where we going?" Everybody started to get up. "Yo Lance, you coming out this time?" Alissa watched as Lance started to shake his head, no.

"No way, Bass. If they're forcing me to go, you have to come too. You know, misery loves company." She heard Justin whine her name, but she was too busy watching Lance for his reaction to give Justin her attention. She waited as Lance considered his options, and then looked up to realize she was watching him.

"Alright. Let's go or I'll change my mind." The group trouped out the door, Danielle and Chris lagging behind.

"Guys, have fun. Don't wear her out too much, or she won't be any use at work Monday. I'll check ya tomorrow." Everybody turned toward Chris.

"Wait, wait, wait. You're leaving me with these guys?" Chris smirked at Alissa.

"I think you can handle it. Danielle and I have some, uh, business to take care of." Danielle flushed slightly when Joey and Justin started making comments but a quick look from Chris quieted them. "See ya'll later." The couple strolled away, leaving Alissa with JC, Justin, Joey and Lance.

When they got to the club Joey had chosen, he and Justin immediately hit the dance floor and were instantly surrounded by a group of very happy young women. Lance took a seat at an empty table. Alissa moved to follow him, when JC reached for her arm.

"Come on," he motioned to the dance floor. Alissa started to protest, but JC wouldn't listen and pulled her to the edge of the Joey and Justin crowd.

At first Alissa felt really self-conscious. She was convinced that to someone who danced regularly on stage like JC did, her dancing would seem horrible. And it didn't help that she felt like everyone was watching them. But JC soon made her feel completely relaxed. Justin even came over several times to dance with her. Alissa found herself dancing closer and closer to JC as time went on, their bodies finding a perfect rhythm with each other. They danced for nearly an hour, laughing and making jokes about Joey and Justin's little harem, before Alissa decided she needed something to drink. JC offered to get it for her, and while she was waiting she noticed Lance still sitting at the same table, still alone. Feeling bad that she had convinced him to be there, and then ignored him, Alissa walked over and sat down beside him.

"Hey, what's up with hiding in the corner?" Lance's eyes scanned the room before he turned toward her.

"Who's hiding? You knew where I was. Looked like you were having fun." Alissa smiled.

"JC's really cool. I'm glad I met you guys." There was silence for a moment as Alissa scanned the crowd for JC. She could feel Lance still looking at her, when she heard a song she loved. She jumped up and grabbed Lance's hand. "C'mon. I'm not going to dance by myself." Lance gave her the most adorable half grin that clearly relayed how much he didn't want to dance, but Alissa wouldn't relent. "You are going to dance, Lance Bass," and she pulled him onto the floor.

Lance noticed the look on JC's face when he saw the two of them dancing but he wasn't about to do anything about it. He hadn't had this much fun at a club with the guys in a long time. It usually wasn't his scene.

Alissa was watching Lance to make sure he actually was having fun and not just humoring her, when she saw something pass across his eyes. She turned slightly to see what he was looking at, and noticed JC coming. She saw a slight scowl on his face until he realized she was looking at him, then he forced a smile. Alissa continued dancing until the song ended, by which time JC had joined them. Lance made a goofy face at the end of the song, that had Alissa laughing so hard, she had to lean on him as she turned to JC.

"Where've you been? I was looking for you." She saw his eyes flick up to Lance and inwardly groaned. She didn't like that look that said Lance was in JC's territory. But, oh what she wouldn't give for it to be two of her Boys. "I dragged Lance out here because they were playing my favorite song and I felt bad because I convinced him to come out and he was just sitting there by himself." Alissa wasn't sure why she felt the need to explain herself. She felt herself about to explain more when she heard the maniacal laugh that came at the beginning of "Larger Than Life" Jumping up and down she grabbed JC, then Lance and made them dance with her to the song. She knew from the looks that passed between them that they would be discussing the situation later, but they were momentarily distracted by the embarrassment of having to dance to the Backstreet Boys.

The song ended and Alissa immediately headed to the ladies room figuring she'd let the guys deal with whatever they were thinking about without her. She took her time, and then headed back to where she'd left JC and Lance. She looked around casually realizing that only JC was there.

"Where'd Lance go? I thought he was having a good time." Alissa tried to sound like she didn't know what had happened, but somehow she knew JC had asked Lance to go.

"Clubs aren't really his thing. He said he'd had enough, but he wanted me to tell you that it was nice to meet you." She could tell by the way JC was watching her that he was gaging her reaction.

"Oh. That's too bad. I was having fun with you guys." Alissa careful not too reveal too much about what she was thinking. She knew how the game worked, and that she didn't want to wreck JC and Lance's friendship by looking like she chose anybody, even if she was upset by the territorial way JC seemed to be acting. She sighed heavily and looked at her watch. "I think, actually, that it's time that I left too. Do you need a lift or are you gonna stay here and wait for Justin and Joey?" She knew both of them were still soaking up all the attention on the dance floor.

"Would you mind dropping me at our hotel? I . . . if it's not any trouble." She saw his eyes drop to the floor, and wondered if she'd hurt his feelings by deciding to go home.

"Sure, JC. No problem. Do you wanna let Hekyl and Jekyl over there know?" He looked at her strangely and laughed. "What?" She didn't think she'd said anything funny.

"Hekyl and Jekyl, huh?" Alissa rolled her eyes, and pushed him in the right direction.

"Sure, now go tell them you're leaving."

Both JC and Alissa were silent for most of the ride to his hotel. Alissa was thinking about all the things she had to tell Carrie and, she noticed, JC was staring intently at his own hand.

"Hey JC. Is your hand mutating or something? Because I don't see anything." His head snapped up at the sound of her voice.

"Huh? What? Oh, uh, no. I was, uh, thinking. About something." Alissa wondered what could possibly have the calm guy she'd met earlier so worked up. Bad enough that he was actually stuttering. She was about to ask when he spoke again.

"�Lissa, you know we're here for the awards on Monday night right? That's why we're all out here." Alissa nodded. Danielle had been agonizing over the dress she was going to wear since the guys had decided to bring dates to this one. "Well, we all agreed to do the date thing this year, and I was kind of wondering, if you'd be interested . . ." Alissa's eyes grew wide, and JC must have noticed. "Just as friends. I just don't want to be the, uh, ninth wheel, I guess." Alissa smiled at his bad cliche. And considered the invitation. She knew she had a couple of dresses that might work, and well, honestly she'd be stupid to pass up an opportunity like this.

"Well, JC. . ."

"I knew it. I shouldn't have asked. Never mind." She shook her head and touched his arm.

"I was about to say that I'd love to. It might be my only chance to feel like a celebrity." They had reached the hotel and Alissa pulled to a stop in front.

"Thank you Alissa. You will have the best time. I promise." Before she could react, he had leaned over to kiss her. Then as soon as he pulled away, he jumped out of her small car. "I'll call you tomorrow. G'night."

JC slammed the car door, and stopped. What had he just done? Had he crossed the line? He saw Lance in the lobby, and not knowing what he had seen, began walking toward him. Lance turned and quickly walked to the elevator.

Alissa put the car in drive and pulled away from the hotel before full comprehension hit her. Her hand went automatically to her lips. Ohmigawd, JC just kissed me. She felt herself blinking, trying to clear her mind. She realized slowly that she didn't really feel anything special, just surprise. And she felt bad about it because obviously JC felt something. Was she leading him on by agreeing to go with him on Monday? She just didn't know.

She did know that she was going to have one hell of an argument with her Backstreet Boys poster after this night.

�1997 - 2002 [email protected], Intelexual productions

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