
Glyph of Air

Air Temple

Tuesday 19th December 1996 (9:20pm)

Earth Temple Air Temple Water Temple Fire Temple

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Barry: The floor is a brilliant gold. A mist rises and drifts in a circular motion towards the hole in the ceiling. An insubstantial face is at each window.

Rob: Directly opposite I can see an Angel its face is serene.

Barry: It holds a scroll in its right hand.

Rob: And a long stemmed trumpet in its left. It has gold curly hair and is dressed in white silk. What is on the scroll?

Barry: The scroll contains the names of people who have passed this way before us. The angel says that I�ve yet to find my true name. I should seek it out in this element. The name will be blown on the North wind.

Rob: It rises and floats through the roof. The swirling mist draws us up. Patterns dance in the smoke.

Barry: I can see four gigantic figures who are each holding a corner of the smoke net. Each is a woman with different colouring and clothes.

Rob: I have become a swan flying up above the net. It feels glorious to have such grace. There is some significance to aspirations the aspirant connection we should look for. The sky above is dark and peppered with stars. Above me I see another swan. This was the angel, which is guiding us.

Barry: I see a vast frozen lake. I stand on the banks gazing out to an island in the middle. The lake has a low bridge leading from the shore to the island. Long icicles hang off the bridge. There is deep snow on the banks. A man in white fur tunic stands behind me. He carries a bow with a horn by his side. A vast white wolf is his guardian.

Rob: He hunts the birds that fly over and shoots them with arrows with lead tips.

Barry: At his neck is a pendant with a rune <, (Kano � Opening). I step forth onto the bridge and walk across. I see two spears in the distance driven into the bridge and blocking the way. It snows heavily here putting up a blinding screen. A crow watches us balefully at the side of the bridge. Ahead is an enclosure.

Rob: We fly low over the hunter, his arrows cannot hurt us. The angels heart is made of alchemic gold and the lead cannot penetrate. I am lent his protection and we change back into to our original forms. The hunter flees in terror from the angel.

Barry: Snow lies deep round the outside of the enclosure. There are symbols painted around the sides.

Rob: I�m reminded of a similar enclosure in the Earth temple.

Barry: The symbols look like eyes gazing out.

Rob: Inside are things that were once people but are less than people. They built it to keep out terror. The eyes are on the outside as they see nothing.

Barry: We enter and are at once surrounded by a glow. There are shadows all around us, crowding us.

Rob: Were we not protected they would destroy us.

Barry: The Morrigan sits on a mound in front of a well lined with lead. Its water is black and cold�

Rob: And poisonous.

She is young, dressed in a grey-green robe cloak of black feathers. Her hair is raven black and she wears a moon symbol on a headband. She carries a bag at her side. She has collected together those souls. Not evil herself, she scours the battlefield seeking the fallen. She offers two paths . Those who choose to live in ignorance and those who do not want to let go crouch around her.

In her bag is clay. She models an eagle with a human face. She has the ability to send the spirit on ahead on the flight. This is the path of bravery and not chosen by all. Some stay in ignorance and are dumped inside the well.

If we choose the path that is seldom trod we will release the forces of change.

Barry: It would be easy to crouch at her side fearing change.

Rob: I have previously sensed the strength of what is to come. I call forth the storm.

Barry: I conceive that each of the elements has given me a particular form of power. I need from Air a short flat sword. The storm is coming, the fight will be joined. The Morrigan offers a power of terrifying retribution. If this were called on I feel we would never leave the enclosure. I feel that she is right at the pivot of two paths of light and darkness.

She holds two spears. One of Ash and one of dark Thorn. If we are offered the choice of one of them we must recognise the one.

The golden glow grows around me and the Morrigan fades. I fly over the lake to the rising sun in the East.

Rob: We are returned to the temple.

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