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Speck's Little Blog

A brief outline of the life of a cat named Speck, who has travelled all over Canada.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

There has been some quite elaborate construction work going on during the day which I don't think Adam is aware of. He only sees the ladders after they've gone. Very strange. I didn't order this. It is harder and harder to concentrate with all that noise.

That and the heat of course. We still didn't get the air conditioning. I don't know what that is but if it means it's less hot outside I would definitely like it. I discovered that our fridge is essentially like a small little cold room. It fits me perfectly! Why doesn't he just let me stay in there? I showed him how comfy it makes me and everything. Hmm... He's such a fussy man.

Adam seems to be attending a lot of things without me. It works out okay because I'm in the midst of a lot of overseas stuff. (Thanks to the recent UK situation I have a lot of re-organization of my portfolio to do.) But it sounds like they usually involve food. He knows I like food. Is he crazy? He never even brought any back and he even had shrimp! I love shrimp! If someone sees this please remind him to bring me some.

Been feeling pretty lazy as a result of the heat. Adam has prepped a hotel weekend for me in August. I'm excited for that. They give great massages there.

And I think that's it. So busy lately. Also Adam has made modifications to my laptop that make it that much more useful. (DVD! Fantastic.)

My soup is ready. Off I go.


# posted by Speck @ 11:04 AM

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