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Speck's Little Blog

A brief outline of the life of a cat named Speck, who has travelled all over Canada.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

It has been suggested to me that I should write a book about sound investing strategies for cats. I don't know that a market for such a book exists but I'd certainly be willing to find out and give it a try. Will I need a press agent? An assistant? A stylist? I'll probably need some disk space. As it is I've eaten up a lot of space on this laptop. (Did I mention that I like the laptop? It's practically all mine. Adam's not using it so much. I like the laptop!)

So I'll have to consider some titles. (Besides, of course, "Sound Investment Strategies for Cats.") Maybe I should append that to "...For YOUR Cat". Market it to cat owners. Or roommates of cats. Hm. Possibilities!

I went to my Doctor on the weekend but I did not stay overnight like I usually do. Hm. I don't know what the problem was but I didn't have much done to me. They used that brush again though. That was cool! Adam says I'm going to be okay. Doctor didn't say much to me at all. Maybe it was Adam's Doctor? Hm! Anyway it means treats and a car ride. Yippee!

I should go again. London closed and euro markets are insane again. Adam was talking about moving to California for a while there. With the US dollar the way it is: what is he thinking?



P.S. I repeat: no Oil! Gold, baby, Gold!!

# posted by Speck @ 12:46 PM

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