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Speck's Little Blog

A brief outline of the life of a cat named Speck, who has travelled all over Canada.

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Hello at last.

You may have been redirected here after discovering that my old website had been moved. This is very frustrating news but this is the way things work with my ISP. They decided to join forces with an international superpower instead of being more local and consumer-friendly. I'm not happy about it. Neither is Adam. But we don't have an option since the other major ISP also joined forces with a different superpower. Hmph.

Since this site now no longer contains my name I may have to actually find other hosting, which is an expense I didn't think I'd have to incur. We'll see what happens.

But anyway I don't have terribly much news to tell. Both Adam and I did our taxes and we're thrilled to finally have that overwith. Now we're just figuring out how to diversify. I keep telling Adam to look into T-bills, he responds by asking if I want a treat. Maybe I need to dumb down my vocabulary or something. It's not that I mind the treats so much, but you see what I'm saying.

The weather has played havoc with everybody's health, lately. Flus and head-colds galore. And not just here, either. I can't reach any of my consultants overseas or on the west coast. It's pretty crazy. Here's hoping things clear up for everybody soon.

I have to go eat now (mmmm wet food today!)


# posted by Speck @ 9:16 AM

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