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Speck's Little Blog

A brief outline of the life of a cat named Speck, who has travelled all over Canada.

Friday, September 17, 2004

Hello again

There are times where Adam makes me enter my carrier box and I just Know it's not going to be a good day. I had an inkling today that he might be doing one of those. Treats at 6am, walking me around the apartment as if to give it the final inspection before departure, etc. But I had a sense also that this would be a much more relaxing affair. And man: yes it is. I'm staying at the Royal York. They claim it's an animal hospital but I happen to know there's also a major hotel by the same name in Toronto. Coincidence? I think not. Besides, it is the film festival after all.

So I write this while eating the finest foie gras and while reading the morning Globe and Mail. Life is pretty good!

Adam is taking a train this weekend so I hope he has at least as relaxing a time as I am so far. I haven't been around my computer as much but they have free wi-fi here. Can't go wrong with that. I just hope I don't keep the other tenants awake.

More as it happens. Tea is finally ready.


# posted by Speck @ 9:00 AM

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