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Speck's Little Blog

A brief outline of the life of a cat named Speck, who has travelled all over Canada.

Sunday, April 04, 2004

I saw the most amazing squirrel yesterday. He looked delicious! Too bad I don't get outside at all. Just as well: I had some market surveys to tend to anyway. How about those US gas prices? Crazy.

Adam has begun bringing me more soft food to eat. Yummy! Also I may be visiting a new doctor. I hope that doesn't mean I'll need glasses.

Speaking of which, Adam's laptop is finally back to normal thanks to a new power supply. Finally I can get more of my faxes more regularly. That plus it's just easier on my eyes.

Jerry, the roommate's cat, has taken to eating our Yukka tree. I didn't know that's what it was called until both Adam and the roommate started yelling that at him. I thought they were calling Jerry a yukka... Ahhhhh... Anyway I tried it and... I don't get the attraction. It hurt my stomach. In my opinion, Jerry should likely lay off that fusion food or something... Two words, Jerry: Atkins Diet.

Adam has been going for lots of what he calls "interviews" lately but they all seem to take up just as much time as his actual job used to take. Which I think is weird. I keep trying to tell him to talk to my accountant but he always assumes I just want to be fed again. He's a nice enough guy but really: is it so much effort to pay attention to what I'm actually saying?

Daylight savings today, and apparently it's officially spring. Which means only one thing: small market cap rollover! Whuhoo!

I'm off. Phone is ringing.


P.S. Speaking of phones: Adam's new one is pretty neat to look at. I have no idea what's inside it but it always stays inside. Fun!

# posted by Speck @ 3:26 PM

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