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Template by Achyar Ulul Amri
"Find Your Own Star With Study and Effectiveness" Achyar Ulul Amri
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Sang Guru

(by: Achyar Ulul Amri)


After that one of students appeared from the group, he said “  pak umar bakrie is not the culprit, pak kutikula it self is the culprit, I saw him put something just like money inside pak umar bag”, then All people were look very angry to pak kutikula. Pak kutikula tried to explain to principle that he is no the culprit. But principle response was inversely with pak kutikula hope. The principle asked more information with the student who saw the real accident. From the student explanation the principle known that pak kutikula is the real culprits, the student saw what pak kutikula did, when he would pay for LKS Book, he only saw one teacher in the office at that time, he was kutikula.


            After discussion with some teacher and student, the principle made a decision to kick pak kutikula away from the school. Meanwhile school would keep pak umar here.  Umar bakrie is look very happy heard that decision. In the following Monday after flag ceremonies event, the school principle give speech related with last incident. Good word from her is that “we are teacher, the one who teach our student without think about the money, we will create people who will better person than us”.

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