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Template by Achyar Ulul Amri
"Find Your Own Star With Study and Effectiveness" Achyar Ulul Amri
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Sang Guru

(by: Achyar Ulul Amri)

            Then umar bakrie said to pak kutikula that they could find other additional job which is not make the student suffer. When pak kutikula heard that he was look very angry, his face  was getting red and the voice was louder. “ I didn’t make the student become suffer, I just give them a way to get better score in semester report” pak kutikula said, after that the office situation was so scary, there was no any voice, both of the teacher were silent. In the few minute later, umar bakrie try to open the conversation again and he said to pak kutika that it would be unfair for some student because they would get low score because they could not buy the LKS book. There wsa no any response from pak kutikula, he just silent and continued  to count the money.

            After the incident, umar bakrie went away from pak kutikula and went to class to teach student. While umar bakri were teaching, pak kutikula tried did bad thing to him, pak kutikula put some money inside  umar bakries bag, which left in the office. After school time finish the school principle gather all school member in the field, she told that there were a teacher lost his money, the amount of money is big enough it’s for about fifty thousand rupiahs, and then she asked all school member to let pak kutikula as the one who lost his money to check each school member bag one by one.

            “I found it” pak kutikila screamed, after that all people gathered in the office. Umar bakrie was really shock because pak kutikula found the money inside His bag. The principle was so angry to umar bakrie, because actually he is reliable person for principle. After long Discussion in principle room, principle decide that school need to kick umar from the school because he gave very bad example for the student. All student which had waited outside the office were really disappointed to heard that.


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