FEATURES: hairscapades 2000 2001 2002

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Hey! It has now been 1 1/2 years since I've been relaxer free and 1 year for my friend. The Quest continues.

like the fact that people actually take the time to write you about your site. This is so cool. What is your hair doing right now?
Last night, I grabbed a bit of gel and started re-twisting some of mine because it was starting to look so straggly, I had to try something. The headband is still in gear, so it's controlling some of the spikiness. I no longer get the weird looks from people here at work....guess they're finally used to it by now!
I am a bit fearful of the fact that my umbrella is safely at home on the banister and it's looking like a real thunderstorm out, and I no longer have a garage to park in. I may find myself twisting up the entire head before the evening is over since water is guaranteed to make it come undone. We shall see how it holds up. D

I just ordered tickets to attend my brother in laws family reunion during the first weekend in August. I'm really hoping that I will have a bit of length and some real lockin' going on with my hair! What is the likelihood of this within a months time? I don't know. I havent shared with my sister that I'm locking. The last time she saw me was with me in my nappiness with the roller set. She liked it then though. I'm curious as to their reactions this time. Will be interesting.

Got a bit away from the headband and now wearing a scarf tied around as if it were a headband. So not much different. not a lot of itching yet either. Still no need for the Sea Breeze. I did spray a bit of oil on it this morning, though. Started to seem a bit on the dry side.

Since this is a big weekend, I will re-twist some of it so it looks a bit neater. Unfortunately, looks like I will also find myself in a swim suit over the weekend! How frightening!

This weekend will be a rather interesting test as to what people think of my hair. One of my buddy's mom and friend got into LGA last night and had to stay at my house because she was stuck in Toronto. Her buddy Sandy LOVED my hair! I'm going to this girls weekend in New Haven tomorrow and will get peoples reactions there. Also, have a cookout to go to upstate NY and will get another group of peoples reactions.

What I do know is that my male friends are diggin' it big time! What I've noticed is that if I'm dressed in something I don't like that I look extremely geeky! This guy named Andy that works over at the WHQ just stopped by and said it was real cool. His wife is a beautician, and he's always diggin' fresh styles. He's pretty cool.

What new thing are you doing with yours over the weekend? I KNOW you ain't just leaving it alone! Got an extra day to play around with it too?

every one on God's green earth has seen this hair cepting for me!!
you know, just this morning i was thinking about my hair. cause tomorrow's a week since these twists were in. i'm going to the fireworks tonite at seaside park and a cook out in new haven tomorrow, chillin on sunday, working on monday, cookout at my father's on tuesday. heck.....i may just put my head wrap on and go!! who am i kidding? you know i gotta play. maybe i'll come up with something new.

My hair was OK with quite a few people but got resistance. This one brother I know from Brooklyn asks me if it's a religious or political thing, or if I just like the style. I said I was sick of beating my hair into submission with relaxers and wanted a change. He said that I could pull if off because of my face but frankly, he liked the relaxer!
I have to make an appointment this week. It will be 3 weeks as of Thursday! I'm starting to die under here! I guess there's no turning back now!
Did you have a cool weekend? What new things did you do to your hair this time? DETAILS!!!!!!

my hair is still in the big twists. i just re-did a few. saw sooooo many loced sista's this weekend and actually approached them for a personal hair story. inter -resteane....................
last nite i went out and met someone who asked if i got her email. i was like, uh, uh she said i signed it, your guestbook....., i was like oh yeah right, it's wierd being recognized!!

finally did a practice t-shirt, wore it on saturday, not bad. but i got some hints and tips this morning cause it didn't come out dark enuff, the guy told me to run the transfer thru the printer 2 - 3 times.

it's time for another visit to D for a shampoo & re-twist. This is actually my sixth week into this. Because I really see no progress in terms of length or ANYTHING, I'm feeling a bit unsettled on my decision again. My scalp doesn't feel too bad, and I guess this is a good sign, but it's time for this stuff to be washed. I'm wondering if my natural hair twisted and released, or simply wet set is a nicer, softer look for me. I'm at the point where I'm forced to get wild pedicures and keep my nails hooked because I'm looking a bit suspect about the head! I even have found myself back at the gym! It's like when you don't feel too good about one aspect of yourself, you HAVE to make adjustments elsewhere, otherwise you will be thoroughly depressed! I'm currently sporting this vibrant orange on my toes, and they are slammin'!

I've noticed a lot, and I do mean a LOT of middle-aged and older women going for locs. This concerns me in the sense that this is the same group of women that willfully and freely accepted the jheri curl back in the day! I'm falling in the same crew! I even had a jheri curl for a hot minute until that 1st summer rolled around and I had oil staining the necks of my silk blouses, my face breaking out. (you know the deal if you had one!). I'm CONCERNED!!!!! I mean, I'm seeing sisters that look like the church going variety...maybe even recent grandmothers...GREY in their heads! And they are steppin' up with locked hair! Most of the younger sisters still have that hair that has been beaten into total submission, with extra pomade, heat, and most times extra hair applied...then sculpted and worked into rather interesting structures of art. Am I missing something here?

so is it pretty much locked now? are you with or without headband?
my hair SUCKS today. i had NO BUSINESS leaving the house like this. you would have thought i would at least don some funky outfit or at least throw in the contact lenses to compensate right? not andrea. i looked in the mirror, i was like #$%@ it, whatever! gotta hook it up tonite though for sure. probaly little twists.
i saw some pretty, pretty locs over the weekend. looked like little ringlets and this sister was only 6 months into the process. she said when she started, her hair was like half my length. i was like, whoa, so this could be me by xmas right?

Month Thirteen

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