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Make sure you have everything ready such as a dog bed and a dog bowl for food and water and buy some dog food and a leash before buying/adopting your dog.

Make sure you have time to walk your dog so they can get the exercise they need so your dog doesn't feel lonely.

Always give your dog a treat when it has done a step in training. Otherwise your dog won't let you train him/her.

Groom and wash your dog and after the bath give your dog a treat regularly.

When your dog is a puppy, he/she will need to go to bed early so make sure you tell it to go to bed.

Sometimes your dog will bond with a cat, but not always.

If you go on holiday make sure to leave your dog with someone you know very well or leave the dog in a kennel so it has the water and food it needs.

Give your dog enough food and water otherwise your dog won't live for a long time.

Play and stroke/pet your dog every night if possible because that is what makes dog's feel loved.

If your dog won't eat his/her food change the food before going to the vet they might just not like the food so change the dog food and if they still won't eat go to the vet.