The 200 Bones of the Human Body

THE SPINE (total = 26)
1. Atlas (1st Cervical Vertebra)
2. Axis (2nd Cervical Vertibra)
3-7. Cervical Vertibrae, III thru VII
8-19. Dorsal Vertebrae, I thru XII
20-24. Lumbar Vertebrae, I thru V
25. Sacrum
26. Coccyx

THE SKULL (total = 22)
27. Occipital
28,29. Parietal (L/R)
30. Frontal
31,32. Temporal (L/R)
33. Sphenoid
34. Ethmoid
35,36. Nasal (L/R)
37,38. Superior Maxillary (L/R)
39,40. Lachrymal (L/R)
41,42. Malar (L/R)
43,44. Palate (L/R)
45,46. Inferior Turbinated (L/R)
47. Vomer
48. Inferior Maxillary (jaw)

CHEST (total = 26)
49. Hyoid
50. Sternum (Manubrium, Gladiolus & Ensiform Appendix)
51-62. Left Ribs I thru XII
63-74. Right Ribs I thru XII

left shoulder:
75. Clavicle
76. Scapula
left arm:
77. Humerus
left forearm:
78. Ulna
79. Radius
left wrist (carpus):
80. Scaphoid
81. Semilunar
82. Cuneiform
83. Pisiform
84. Trapezium
85. Trapezoid
86. Os Magnum
87. Unciform
88-92. Metacarpus, I thru V
left fingers:
93-97. Phalanges, 1st row, I thru V
98-102. Phalanges, 2nd row, I thru V
103-106. Phalanges, 3rd row, II thru V
note: I = thumb

107-138. Repeat of 75-106 for the right side.

left hip:
139. Os Innominatum
left thigh:
140. Femur
left knee:
141. Patella
left leg:
142. Tibia
143. Fibula
left ankle (tarsus):
144. Calcaneum
145. Astragalus
146. Cuboid
147. Navicular
148. Internal Cuneiform
149. Middle Cuneiform
150. External Cuneiform
151-155. Metatarsus I thru V
left toes:
156-160. Phalanges, 1st row, I thru V
161-165. Phalanges, 2nd row, I thru V
166-169. Phalanges, 3rd row, II thru V
note: I = large toe

170-200. Repeat of 139-169 for the right side.

Mr. Henry Gray did not consider the bones of the ear (Hammer, Anvil & Stirrup) as real bones. He also considered the Sternum to be a single bone as opposed to three seperate bones (Manubrium, Gladiolus & Ensiform Appendix). Because of this there are anywhere from 200, 202, 206 or 208 bones in the body. Noone reckons the teeth as actual bones, so the count will never exceed 240. At this point spectulations are subjective.

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