Episode two: "The Scan Disk and the Shocker" 
Day TWO, IC!
IC2: Walk stroke 

Glenn Probst: "Welcome to IC2, people. This is an all-important IC for both of the tribes. Koobah, you can maintain momentum with a win, while the Pahgong can even out the game. Before we proceed, we shall head to the AGS pool, near the Lanai."

Both tribes walk to the Ateneo Grade School pool to get ready for the second immunity challenge. Host Glenn probst continues with his explanation.

Glenn: "This challenge is quite simple because our designers are a bit tired. You just walk from one end of the pool to the other as a tribe. Once everyone reaches the other end, you win immunity and will be safe from tomorrow's tribal council. Simple as that. Survivors ready? go!"

With immunity at stake, both tribes jump in the pool as quickly as possible. Slowly, but surely, the Pahgong tribe trudge the murky, urine infested pool. However, the hapless Pahgong tribe experienced a little... well... difficulties.

Erwin Fuentes: Robotic systems malfunctioning. H20 detected in system. BRRRRR )*(&#()#&*)@

AJ Regalado: "Woah! Freaky sh-t man!! What's happening?"

Erwin: SysTEm faILUre. Shut down imminent. BZZT! BZZT!

Balle: "We've no time for this nonsense. Erwin, move it!"

Erwin: Bad Command or File Name.

AJ: "Hey! I'm quite knowledgable in computers. The great Christian Ho, aka Captain Cool has taught me how fix stuff such as this." *fixes Erwin*

With Erwin still pacified, The Koobah tribe marches to a lopsided victory. That's two in a row!


Glenn Probst: "Congratulations, Koobah. That's two in a row. Pahgong, see you in Tribal council tomorrow."

Let's take a special look at the Pahgong camp after this fiasco

survivor_main : pahgong tribe, after the IC (day two, cont)
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