In the beginning...

I was born on October 12th, 1974 in Varna, Bulgaria. Actually my name is Ivaylo Roumenov Beltchev but most of the people call me just Ivo. Some of my friends call me Ivomir for fun. Maybe some people know me as Shaggy because this is my nickname on the Internet and Quake III.



I began  my education in 1981 in 'Alexander Pushkin' school in Varna. I studied common subjects and mainly Russian language there.

Five years later, in 1986, I continued my education in the Math Highschool in Varna where I studied mainly Maths and English.

After 7 years spent in high school I went to Sofia University to study Computer Science. In the University I recieved very good training in Maths and Computer Science. I  graduated from the university in the summer of 1999, specializing in Computer Graphics. You can download my Masters Degree graduation project BOOM 2.


Computer experience...

I started programming in 1984. Like most of the programmers in these days I started with BASIC.

Few years later in high school I learned Pascal and Fortran.

In 1990 I got my first computer - an Apple ][+ compatible machine. I had to learn Assembler because it is the only programming language on which one can make a decent program for this computer. Assembler is still my favorite programming language and I think that every good programmer must know it. No matter for which processor, knowing Assembler helps to understand how computers work.

During my education in the Sofia University I learned many other programming languages - C, C++, Lisp, Prolog, Forth, PostScript, SQL. I learned about Computer Graphics, Database Programming, Programming Theories and so on.


Job experience...

My first job was as a Database programmer in Software Products & Systems - one of the biggest software companies in Bulgaria. I worked there from 1995 till 1997 and developed some database and office applications for DOS and Windows.

After that I spent 4 months in Haemimont Ltd as a multimedia programmer. I was working on some multimedia game projects for Windows 95.

From 1997 to 1999 I was working for Digital Dialect - a game company situated in Santa Monica, CA. I have been working on some projects for PC and SONY Playstation. My biggest projects there were porting Abe's Exoddus from Playstation to PC and creating a video compression SDK called Masher.

Since 1999 I am working for Tremor Entertainment - a new and successful computer game company in Burbank, CA. Until now I ported the popular PC game Railroad Tycoon II to SONY Playstation and SEGA Dreamcast.


Visit my Programming page for more information about my commercial and non-commercial projects.


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