
Abandoned Shrines : "The hands of men may be guided by fate" increase dexterity +2

Creepy : "Strength is bolstered by heavenly faith" increase strength +2

Cryptic : "Arcane magic brings destruction" make nova spell strikes, firebolt spell raised a level and give Full mana?

Divine : "Drink and be refreshed" give full mana and life also drops two rejuvenation potions OR one full mana and one full life

Eerie : "Knowledge and wisdom comes at the cost of self" increase magic +2 (no other change?)

Eldritch : "Crimson and Azure become as the sun" change all healing and mana potions become rejuvenation potions

Enchanted : "Magic is not always what it seems to be" change one spell drops one level and the rest gain one level

Fascinating : "Intensity at the cost of wisdom" give max mana -lots and increase one bolt spell +2 levels

Glimmering : "Mysteries are revealed in the light of Wisdom" will identifies all unidentified items both equipped and in your inventory

Gloomy : "Those who defend seldom attack" increase all equipped armor +2 AC and equipped weapon -1 damage

Hidden : "New strength is forged through destruction" decrease one equipped item -10 Durability and increase remaining items +10 durability

Holy : "Wherever you go, there you are" will invokes the effects of the Phasing spell

Imposing : "A surge of blood interrupts your thoughts" give one quarter max mana is converted into max life points

Magical : "While the spirit is vigilant the body thrives" will invokes the effects of the Mana Guardian spell

Mysterious : "Some are weakened as one grows strong" increase one attribute +5 and the remaining attributes -1

Mystic : "Your skills increase, but at a price" give all gold piles but one are converted into XP. Demo only.

Ornate : "Salvation comes at the cost of wisdom" increase max mana -2 and one increase spell +2 levels

Quiet : "The essence of life flows from within..." increase vitality +2

Religious : "Only time can diminish the power of steel" make all items equipped and in inventory fully repaired

Sacred : "Energy comes at the cost of wisdom" change max mana decreases but increase one spell lvl +2

Secluded : "The way is made clear when viewed from above" make auto-map fully revealed and now you know where to go, hoever it will make you hard to pave now. 8 )

Spiritual : "Riches abound when you least expect it" make all empty slots in inventory are filled with small piles of gold; this can amount to 700gp if every slot is full

Spooky : "Where avarice fails, patience gains reward" will invoke full rejuvenation on all other players

Stone : "The powers of mana refocused renews" make all staves carried and in inventory fully recharged.

Supernatural : "You hear a strange cry from the instance" give ?

Tainted : "Those who are last may yet be first" will invokes a shrine effect on one of the other players; it's like someone else used the shrine.

Thaumaturgic: "You hear a series of creaks and thumps" make all chests on the level are filled with treasure and resealed

Weird : "The sword of justice is swift and sharp" increase weapon max damage +1 to all weapons in your inventory.

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