
Banishing Diablo is your ultimate goal, but destiny is such that you will have to complete several other tasks along the way. Although accomplishing these lesser missions is in most cases not required, as a rule the rewards reaped from helping your fellow citizens are great indeed. You will by no means encounter all of the following quests in your trek through the underworld, but prophecy dictates that the following is a comprehensive list of each quest you may encounter, including its challenge, its goal, and its reward.

The following is a list of the quests in the game, as well as the manner in which each quest is started the level upon which the quest can be solved, and the reward for completing the quest.

The Butcher
Poisoned Water Supply
Skeleton King Leoric
Tavern Sign
Gharbad the Weak
The Magic Rock
Chamber of Bone
Halls of the Blind
Zhar the Mad
Black Mushroom
Anvil of Fury
Warlord of Blood

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