
Traffic3D is an example Visual C++ Workspace that contains a project which uses the R3DEngine.

Download the File

The workspace is zipped into a 3.7Mb file (eek!) You must first agree to the terms and conditions.

Installing Traffic 3D

Unzip it into a directory and load it into Visual C++. You may have to change the project options to the correct locations for the Glide files, glide2x.lib and glide2x.dll. Then just run it.

Using the Program

Go to the Tools menu and select 3D Tools. A dialogue box pops up with three options. Test 3D renders some simple shapes and rotates them about 3 axes before displaying the frames/second. Cool Car creates a model and saves it to disk. Use the cursor keys to rotate it and ESC to exit. Model Viewer displays an open file dialogue box. Find the file coolcar.r3d and click open. The model can be rotated with the cursor keys. Q and W pan the camera left and right, whilst 8 and 2 on the numeric keypad walk the camera forwards and backwards.

The Source Code

To view the source, locate the class C3DToolsDlg in ClassView. The functions that actually do the 3D are:


I can be reached by email on [email protected]

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