The Pancake Race
Social Conventions of game play : taking turns, not cheating, moving around board, learning to compete, learning to be a "good loser," etc.
Counting with one-to-one correspondence
Counting on
If two dice used, simple addition

To make real pancakes you need milk, eggs and flour:
To play this game you need a copy of the board (possibly enlarged to A3), three tokens - counters or blocks - for each player, one to represent eggs (yellow), one to represent milk ( white or blue) and one to represent flour (orange or red). You also need a different colour counter for each player (to use for moving round the board) and a die or dice.

Taking it in turns, the players throw the die/dice and move around the board. If they land on eggs, flour or milk they collect the appropriate colour token; once they have a full set (eggs, milk and flour) they can start to head for the finish. If a player's counter lands on a picture of "Mum" tossing the pancakes, they can have another go; if, however, they land on a "dropped pancake" they must miss a turn! If they have reached the finish without collecting a full set of tokens, the player must reverse direction and continue to play, until a full set is collected whereupon they may resume heading for the finish.

The winner is the player who, having collected eggs, milk and flour, then throws the exact number necessary to land on the finish square.

Individual variations may be introduced, e.g. throw a six to start ( not recommended for younger children), players have to return to the start if another player�s counter lands on the square occupied by their counter, (useful for extending the game), a second throw if a six is thrown, etc.

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