By Charles and Barbara Washington

Hello, we are the Washington's, Charles and Barbara, the new Editors of the Roadrunner Newsletter.  We are new in many other ways, also: new New Mexicans, since January; new Miata owners (of a new mica green '99), since June; and new Roadrunner members, since July.  So far we have attended two brunches, the annual meeting, a day trip, and an overnight trip.  Of the fifty+ members, we have met more than half - a sign of an active membership.

In Las Vegas, NV, we published a quarterly newsletter for the Spring Mountains Association.  We know what a valuable membership tool newsletters can be.  They let the club members know they are part of the group no matter what their level of involvement, and they attract potential members by inviting them to participate in the fun things we do.  In addition to the quarterly newsletters we strongly advocate communications using postcards and e-mail.

We want all members to participate with us in this project.  In general, articles are due 15 days before the beginning of the next quarter.  (December 15th for the next newsletter.)  Ideally, articles would come ready for the word processor either as an e-mail attachment or on a 1.44Mb diskette.  We use WordPerfect 8, but can access up through Word 97.  Printed paper and fax documents must be scanned and translated via TextBridge which is more cumbersome, but your input is welcome.  Please expect that some editing will take place on your article.  If you want it printed EXACTLY as written, indicate so.  We also need graphics:  Specifically Roadrunners and  Miatas.  We have lots of southwestern graphics.  Since we are photocopying the newsletter, line drawings reproduce the best.

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